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李娟 张立成 张华 张世昌 潘住财 张民生 林明贤 章明清

李娟,张立成,张华,等. 福建甘薯氮磷钾推荐施肥与有机肥替代化肥技术模式 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(8):968−976 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.002
引用本文: 李娟,张立成,张华,等. 福建甘薯氮磷钾推荐施肥与有机肥替代化肥技术模式 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(8):968−976 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.002
LI J, ZHANG L C, ZHANG H, et al. Recommended NPK Fertilization and Partial Replacement with Organic Manure for Sweet Potato Cultivation in Fujian [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(8):968−976 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.002
Citation: LI J, ZHANG L C, ZHANG H, et al. Recommended NPK Fertilization and Partial Replacement with Organic Manure for Sweet Potato Cultivation in Fujian [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(8):968−976 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.002


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.008.002
基金项目: 福建省科技计划公益类专项(2021R1025005);福建省农业高质量发展超越“5511” 协同创新工程项目(XTCXGC2021009)




  • 中图分类号: S 147.2

Recommended NPK Fertilization and Partial Replacement with Organic Manure for Sweet Potato Cultivation in Fujian

  • 摘要:   目的  提高甘薯施肥效益,实现化肥减施增效目标,探讨推荐施肥和有机肥替代化肥的技术模式。  方法  根据甘薯氮磷钾田间肥效试验结果,定量确定福建甘薯最佳施肥类别;然后分别建立各施肥类别的三元非结构肥效模型和推荐施肥量,在此基础上开展有机肥替代化肥潜力的试验研究,并进行田间示范。  结果  甘薯施肥可划分为高产田、中产田、中低产田和低产田等4个施肥类别,高产田的氮肥增产效应明显高于其他施肥类别,但磷钾肥的增产效应则反之。基于不同施肥类别的三元非结构肥效模型,甘薯平均经济施肥量为N 160 kg∙hm−2、P2O5 62 kg∙hm−2、K2O 212 kg∙hm−2,三要素适宜比例为1 0.4 1.3,但不同施肥类别的推荐施肥量有明显差异。在推荐施肥基础上有机肥替代25%化肥具有最佳增产增收效果,平均比推荐施肥增产13.0%,净增收1802元∙hm−2。在N、P2O5投入比习惯施肥下降16.7%和47.4%以及K2O投入提高94.0%的条件下,79个化肥推荐施肥田间示范比习惯施肥平均增产7.9%,净增收3 394元∙hm−2;基于推荐施肥量的16个有机肥替代25%化肥的田间示范则平均增产11.3%,净增收4 192元∙hm−2  结论  化肥推荐施肥和在此基础上有机肥替代25%化肥是可供推广应用的甘薯化肥减施增效技术模式,后者效果更佳。
  • 表  1  供试土壤主要理化性状

    Table  1.   Major physiochemical properties of soils at test fields

    Experiment or demonstration
    No. of trials
    Organic Matter/
    Alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen/
    Available K/
    Fertilizer effect experiment using “3414”design
    Replacement fertilizer with organic manure
    Recommended fertilization demonstration
    Organic manure replacement fertilizer demonstration
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    表  2  甘薯有机肥替代化肥田间试验设计

    Table  2.   Field experiment design on sweet potato grown under NPK fertilization with organic manure

    施肥量 Application rate/(kg∙hm−2
    NP2O5K2O有机肥 Organic manure
    1空白 CK0000
    2习惯施肥 FP2161141160
    3推荐施肥 RF180602250
    425%有机肥替代化肥 OR25%135451703 000
    550%有机肥替代化肥 OR50%90301136 000
    Commercial organic manure contained N+P2O5+K2O≥5%, total nutrients of 5%, and moisture content of 25%; same application rates of N, P2O5, and K2O for Treatments 3, 4, and 5. FP: farmer practice; RF: recommend fertilization; OR25% and OR50%: 25% and 50% of chemical fertilizer replaced with organic manure, respectively. Same for below.
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    表  3  甘薯氮磷钾施肥类别及各类别的施肥效应

    Table  3.   Sweet potato field classes for NPK fertilization study and resulting tuber yields

    Fertilization category
    No. of trials
    Application rate of treatment 6/(kg∙hm−2
    Peanut yield/(kg∙hm−2
    High yield field
    5180±1660±17288±2435 445±7 10273 650±7 88145 510±8 09166 000±8 09163 915±8 164
    Middle yield field
    26176±370±19237±3126 024±5 77644 571±5 68129 492±5 84636 922±6 94433 994±5 637
    Middle-low yield field
    28182±560±10248±1814 321±3 60327 106±4 55017 842±4 24622 478±4 14721 159±3 951
    Low yield field
    51181±366±20248±2211 587±3 30619 339±3 50414 000±4 01915 579±4 30213 833±3 285
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    表  4  甘薯不同施肥类别的氮磷钾三元非结构肥效模型

    Table  4.   Ternary non-structural fertilization response models for sweet potato cultivated on fields of different classes

    Fertilization category
    Model parameter
    Statistical test
    Model typicality
    High yield field
    8.302 591.573120.420387.3403.483 74.889 21.444 218.93**0.942 0典型式
    Middle yield field
    10.455 0115.4186.937226.1603.567 16.952 22.274 718.81**0.941 6典型式
    Middle-low yield field
    5.301 3119.2189.095237.5903.158 76.419 42.093 062.49**0.981 7典型式
    Low yield field
    3.178 6150.140100.520219.1203.169 85.951 42.149 014.87**0.927 2典型式
    “**” represents P<0.01.
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    表  5  基于农学效应的甘薯氮磷钾推荐施肥量

    Table  5.   Limit standards of NPK fertilization based on agronomic effects for sweet potato cultivation

    Fertilization categories
    Blank yield/
    Target yield/
    Maxium fertilizer rate and yield/(kg∙hm−2
    Economic fertilizer rate and yield/(kg∙hm−2
    NP2O5K2O产量YieldNP2O5K2O产量 Yield
    High yield field
    35 000±7 10073 000±7 9001958430572 8801918228472 833
    Middle yield field
    26 000±5 80045 000±5 7001655721342 6361585519942 595
    Middle-low yield field
    14 000±3 60027 000±4 6001976724026 4001836421326 322
    Low yield field
    11 000±3 30019000±350016568246183001456221018192
    Control and target yields of each sweet potato field class were rounded values from fertilization response models.
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    表  6  不同有机肥替代化肥比例对甘薯产量和施肥效益的影响

    Table  6.   Sweet potato yield and economic benefits under varied percentages of organic manure replacement on NPK application

    Fertilization categories
    项目 Items施肥处理 Treatments方差分析
    Variance analysis
    High yield field(n=5)
    产量 Yield/(kg∙hm−2 35 586 d 40 055 c 41 710 b 43 397 a 41 357 b F=57.2**
    增产 Yield increase/% −14.5 −4.0 4.0 −0.8
    净增收 Net income/(元∙hm−2 −668 1 −236 3 751 −408 0
    Middle yield field(n=5)
    产量 Yield/(kg∙hm−2 23 072 c 33 477 b 34 816 b 36 969 a 34 510 b F=146.4**
    增产 Yield increase/% −33.7 −3.8 6.2 −0.9
    净增收 Net income/(元∙hm−2 −15 111 −1 889 1 450 −4 009
    Middle-low yield field(n=3)
    产量 Yield/(kg∙hm−2 19 051 c 28 165 b 30 492 ab 33 656 a 29 212 b F=28.2**
    增产 Yield increase/% −37.5 −7.6 10.4 −4.2
    净增收 Net income/(元∙hm−2 −14 656 −3 371 2 966 −5 470
    Low yield field( n =1)
    产量 Yield/(kg∙hm−2 13 150 c 18 167 b 19 433 b 24 167 a 22 083 a F=6.4*
    增产 Yield increase/% −32.3 −6.5 24.4 13.6
    净增收 Net income/(元∙hm−2 −6920 −1780 5321 425
    ① “*”表示P<0.05, “**”表示P<0.01, 同列数据后不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。②CK、FP、RF、OR25%、OR50%处理的肥料成本分别为0、2386、2505、4285和6055元∙hm−2
    ① “*”: P<0.05, “**”: P<0.01. Different lowcase letters of the same row in the table showed significant difference(P<0.05). ② Fertilizer costs of CK, FP, RF, OR25 % and OR50% were 0, 2 386, 2 505, 4 285, and 6 055 yuan·hm−2, respectively.
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    表  7  化肥减施增效示范田的甘薯产量和施肥效益

    Table  7.   Sweet potato yield and economic benefit on demonstration field with fertilizer reduction and efficiency improvement

    Fertilization categories
    项目 Items化肥推荐施肥
    Recommended fertilization
    organic manure replacement of chemical fertilizer
    High yield field
    产量 Yield/(kg∙hm−2 37 513±7 186 47 455±1 735 51 026±3 412 32 625±1 199 45 381±1 637 48 871±1 412
    增产 Yield increase/% 7.0 7.1
    Net income/(元∙hm−2
    5 008 3 333
    Middle yield field
    产量 Yield/(kg∙hm−2 26 704±5 406 34 119±3 209 36 091±5 442 26 862±6 261 34 786±3 496 39 210±1 412
    增产 Yield increase/% 5.5 11.3
    Net income/(元∙hm−2
    2457 4737
    Middle-low yield field
    产量 Yield/(kg∙hm−2 17 819±5 432 26 175±3 249 29 190±3 227 22 061±2 610 28 410±3 057 32 217±2 839
    增产 Yield increase/% 10.3 11.8
    Net income/(元∙hm−2
    4 094 3 812
    低产田 Low yield field 产量Yield/(kg∙hm−2 13 537±2 256 17 611±1 663 21 291±1 400 13 158 18 141 24 192
    增产 Yield increase/% 17.3 25.0
    Net income/(元∙hm−2
    5 271 7 177
    There were 7 demonstration fields for high yield, 40 for medium yield, 24 for middle-low yield, and 5 for low-yield class in RF treatment; and 4 demonstration fields for high yield, 5 for medium yield, 6 for middle-low yield, and one for low-yield class in 25% organic manure replacement treatment.
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