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普凤雅 谷书杰 何永宏 陈崧林 杨志清

普凤雅,谷书杰,何永宏,等. 溶磷内生菌的筛选鉴定及其对薏苡生长发育的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(7):946−953 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.007.016
引用本文: 普凤雅,谷书杰,何永宏,等. 溶磷内生菌的筛选鉴定及其对薏苡生长发育的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(7):946−953 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.007.016
PU F Y, GU S J, HE Y H, et al. Identification and Characterization of Phosphate-solubilizing Endophytes in Coix lacryma-jobi L. [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(7):946−953 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.007.016
Citation: PU F Y, GU S J, HE Y H, et al. Identification and Characterization of Phosphate-solubilizing Endophytes in Coix lacryma-jobi L. [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(7):946−953 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.007.016


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.007.016
基金项目: 云南省科技计划项目(2014RE002)



    杨志清(1968−),女,硕士,教授,研究方向:药食同源作物栽培与资源评价研究(E-mail: yzq1468@126.com

  • 中图分类号: S 182

Identification and Characterization of Phosphate-solubilizing Endophytes in Coix lacryma-jobi L.

  • 摘要:   目的  筛选具有溶磷能力的薏苡内生细菌并明确其类型,为后续研制生物菌肥提供优良菌株资源。  方法  以播种25 d的薏苡幼苗为试验材料,采用研磨稀释涂板法从薏苡的根、茎、叶中分离筛选具有溶磷能力的薏苡内生菌,探索该类菌溶解有机磷、无机磷、分泌磷酸酶的能力;通过盆栽试验探究溶磷内生菌对薏苡幼苗的促生长作用。  结果  筛选到溶解有机磷细菌8株,溶解无机磷细菌5株。其中,编号为R24的菌株溶解有机磷能力最强,摇瓶5 d后,上清液可溶性磷含量为37.20 mg·L−1;编号为L21的菌株溶解无机磷能力最强,摇瓶5 d后,上清液可溶性磷含量为62.93 mg·L−1。2株溶磷菌及等比例混合菌液能够促进盆栽薏苡的株高、茎粗、分蘖数,促生长能力从大到小为:L21>R24>混合菌液[V(R24)∶V(L21)=1∶1]。通过16S rDNA序列鉴定,R24为短小芽孢杆菌,L21为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌。  结论  溶磷菌L21和R24对薏苡生长有显著促进作用。
  • 图  1  有机磷培养基摇瓶培养5 d后可溶性磷含量

    不同小写字母表示不同材料间差异显著(P<0.05) ;下同。

    Figure  1.  Solubilized phosphorus in organophosphate-containing liquid medium after 5 d culture in shaking-flask

    Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05.The same as below.

    图  2  无机磷培养基摇瓶培养5 d后可溶性磷含量

    Figure  2.  Solubilized phosphorus in inorganic phosphate-containing liquid medium after 5 d culture in shaking-flask

    图  3  溶磷菌株在有机磷培养基中分泌磷酸酶活性动态变化


    Figure  3.  Dynamic changes on phosphatase secretion of two strains in organophosphate medium

    a: Acid phosphatase activity; b: Alkaline phosphatase activity; c: Dynamic pH changes in organophosphate culture medium.

    图  4  溶磷菌株在无机磷培养基中分泌磷酸酶活性动态变化


    Figure  4.  Dynamic changes on phosphatase secretion of two strains in inorganic phosphate medium

    a: Acid phosphatase activity; b: Alkaline phosphatase activity; c: Dynamic pH changes in inorganic phosphate culture medium.

    图  5  不同处理下薏苡的生长情况

    Figure  5.  Growth phenotype of coix seedlings after treatments

    图  6  菌株R24、L21的菌落形态

    Figure  6.  Colony morphology of R24 and L21

    图  7  溶磷菌株16S rDNA序列系统发育树

    Figure  7.  Phylogenetic trees generated by neighbor-joining method based on 16S rDNA sequences of selected strains

    表  1  菌株降解有机磷能力的比较

    Table  1.   Organic phosphate degrading ability of strains

    Strain diameter/
    Diameter of transparent
    R5 0.35±0.05 b 0.55±0.05 cd 1.58±0.09 b
    R24 0.29±0.06 b 0.63±0.09 bc 2.15±0.13 a
    R29 0.33±0.05 b 0.53±0.05 d 1.62±0.11 b
    R401 0.50±0.01 a 0.77±0.05 a 1.53±0.12 b
    S1 0.29±0.05 b 0.49±0.05 d 1.71±0.16 b
    S4 0.37±0.03 b 0.54±0.03 cd 1.46±0.19 b
    S22 0.39±0.03 b 0.66±0.06 b 1.69±0.09 b
    L21 0.49±0.11 a 0.79±0.02 a 1.66±0.32 b
    Different small letters indicate significant 0.05 among different materials.The same as below.
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    表  2  菌株降解无机磷的能力比较

    Table  2.   Inorganic phosphate degrading ability of strains

    Diameter transparent
    R50.70±0.10 a1.32±0.18 a1.89±0.15 bc
    R240.35±0.06 b0.65±0.12 b1.88±0.39 bc
    R290.29±0.04 b0.52±0.09 b1.82±0.16 bc
    R4010.79±0.07 a1.19±0.06 a1.52±0.06 c
    L210.33±0.02 b0.67±0.04 b2.01±0.25 a
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    表  3  不同处理下盆栽薏苡农艺性状

    Table  3.   Agronomic traits of potted plants after treatments

    Plant height/cm
    Stem diameter/mm
    Tillers number/个
    Blades number/片
    Leaf area/m2
    15T138.80±3.49 a5.34±0.09 a0.00±0.004.40±0.55 a0.29±0.03 a19.45±0.85 ab
    T237.00±2.12 a4.72±0.23 bc0.00±0.004.00±0.00 a0.28±0.05 a21.14±1.37 a
    T339.40±2.07 a5.05±0.20 ab0.00±0.004.40±0.55 a0.25±0.04 a20.17±1.64 ab
    CK36.80±3.96 a4.66±0.45 c0.00±0.004.20±0.45 a0.25±0.06 a18.12±1.83 b
    30T152.00±7.18 a6.94±0.27 a1.60±0.89 a5.20±0.45 a0.56±0.06 a23.11±1.72 a
    T242.00±3.54 b7.07±0.36 a1.40±0.89 a5.40±0.55 a0.47±0.09 ab21.78±1.69 ab
    T346.60±6.31 ab6.82±0.54 a1.40±0.55 a5.40±0.55 a0.54±0.09 a20.84±1.62 bc
    CK40.80±7.05 b5.87±0.19 b0.60±0.55 a5.20±0.45 a0.40±0.06 b19.30±0.49 c
    45T155.80±4.21 a8.91±0.42 a2.20±0.45 a6.00±0.00 a0.79±0.06 a22.79±0.78 a
    T251.00±4.30 a8.56±0.3 a2.20±0.45 a5.60±0.55 a0.70±0.09 b20.38±0.91 b
    T352.80±9.73 a7.21±0.36 b1.80±1.10 ab5.60±0.55 a0.74±0.04 ab18.90±0.48 c
    CK54.40±2.88 a6.76±0.35 b1.00±0.71 b5.40±0.55 a0.61±0.02 c16.90±1.16 d
    60T170.80±4.32 a9.04±0.34 a2.20±0.45 ab6.20±0.45 a0.92±0.04 a18.42±0.92 a
    T267.20±4.44 a8.68±0.19 a2.40±0.55 a6.00±0.00 a0.77±0.06 b18.70±1.01 a
    T366.00±4.30 a7.70±0.12 b1.80±1.10 ab5.80±0.45 a0.89±0.07 a15.67±1.21 b
    CK58.00±2.55 b7.24±0.62 b1.20±0.84 b6.00±0.00 a0.60±0.08 c16.28±2.45 b
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    表  4  菌株的生理生化特性

    Table  4.   Physiological and biochemical characteristics of strains

    试验指标 Test index   菌株 Strains  
    革兰氏染色 Gram stain + +
    V-P试验 V-P test + +
    甲基红试验 Methyl red test +
    淀粉水解试验 Starch hydrolysis test +
    吲哚试验 Indole test + +
    柠檬酸试验 Citrate test +
    明胶液化 Gelatin liquefaction + +
    硝酸盐试验 Nitrate reduction test +
    +: Positive; −: Negative.
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