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罗泉达. 三种肥料对巨菌草修复镉污染土壤的效果研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(3):398−404 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.016
引用本文: 罗泉达. 三种肥料对巨菌草修复镉污染土壤的效果研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2022,37(3):398−404 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.016
LUO Q D. Fertilizer-enhanced Phytoextraction of Pennisetum sinese Roxb on Cadmium in Soil [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(3):398−404 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.016
Citation: LUO Q D. Fertilizer-enhanced Phytoextraction of Pennisetum sinese Roxb on Cadmium in Soil [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2022,37(3):398−404 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.016


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2022.003.016
基金项目: 福建省蔬菜产业重大农技推广服务试点项目(KNJ152025)


  • 中图分类号: X 53

Fertilizer-enhanced Phytoextraction of Pennisetum sinese Roxb on Cadmium in Soil

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨施用不同肥料条件下,巨菌草对镉(Cd)污染农田土壤的野外实际修复效果。  方法  以矿区周边Cd污染农田土壤为对象进行田间试验,设置对照(CK)、氯化铵(NH4Cl)、氯化钾(KCl)、尿素[CO(NH2)2]等4个处理,肥料用量为0.6 kg·m−2,分析不同处理下巨菌草对土壤Cd吸收富集的影响。  结果  NH4Cl和KCl处理均能显著增加巨菌草叶片Cd含量(P<0.05),而CO(NH2)2处理对巨菌草Cd含量的影响不显著。巨菌草生长150 d时,NH4Cl、CO(NH2)2和KCl处理均显著提高巨菌草地上部的生物量(P<0.05);对照处理下,巨菌草地上部Cd提取量为6.52 mg·株−1,NH4Cl、CO(NH2)2和KCl处理使地上部Cd提取量分别增加了70.19%、43.58%和59.05%,NH4Cl处理显著提高巨菌草对Cd的迁移系数和生物富集系数。NH4Cl、CO(NH2)2和KCl处理均提高了巨菌草对Cd提取速率,缩短对Cd污染土壤的修复年限。以150 d作为收获周期(一年收获2茬),NH4Cl处理使土壤Cd含量降低至国家农用地土壤污染风险筛选值(pH≤5.5,Cd≤0.3 mg·kg−1)所需的理论修复时间最短,为9.07年。此外,巨菌草在90~150 d期间对Cd的平均提取速率是1~90 d生长期间的1.13~2.58倍。  结论  建议以150 d作为收获周期(一年收获2茬),NH4Cl可作为巨菌草提取土壤Cd的强化剂。
  • 图  1  不同处理土壤pH和有效态镉含量变化


    Figure  1.  pH (A) and DTPA-extractable Cd (B) in soil under fertilizer treatments after king grass harvest

    Note: Data with different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments (P<0.05). Same for the following figures.

    图  2  不同处理下巨菌草各部位的干重

    Figure  2.  Dry weights of tissues from king grass grown on soil treated by different fertilizers

    图  3  不同处理下巨菌草各部位Cd含量

    Figure  3.  Cd concentration in tissues of king grass grown on soil treated by different fertilizers

    图  4  不同处理对巨菌草镉提取量的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of treatments on Cd-extraction of king grass based on Cd contents in leaves and roots of plants grown on soil treated by different fertilizers

    表  1  不同处理对Cd在土壤-巨菌草体系中的转移系数和富集系数的影响

    Table  1.   Coefficients of transfer and bioconcentration between soil and king grass under different fertilizer treatments

    90 d 150 d
    CK 0.73±0.01 b 4.10±0.22 c 2.17±0.11 b 0.46±0.02 b 5.08±0.44 b 2.25±0.07 b
    NH4Cl 1.09±0.02 a 7.29±1.44 a 2.35±0.10 ab 0.57±0.02 a 8.94±0.38 a 4.13±0.17 a
    CO(NH2)2 0.71±0.02 b 6.09±0.33 b 2.38±0.09 a 0.44±0.02 b 7.77±0.66 a 2.17±0.08 b
    KCl 0.57±0.03 c 3.93±1.35 c 1.96±0.08 c 0.37±0.02 c 5.86±0.44 b 3.96±0.11 a
    Note: Different letters in the same column indicate significant difference at P<0.05.
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    表  2  不同处理巨菌草对Cd污染土壤的修复年限和提取速率

    Table  2.   Time and extraction rate of Cd-removal from soil by king grass under different fertilizer treatments

    修复年限 The time for remediation/a 株提取速率 The rate of extraction/(mg·a−1
    Based on soil total Cd content
    Based on DTPA-Cd
    1~90 d1~150 d90~150 d
    90 d150 d 90 d150 d
    CK 15.21 15.49 9.08 9.15 13.32 15.60 19.08
    NH4Cl 10.25 9.07 7.33 6.42 19.92 26.64 36.72
    CO(NH2)2 12.61 10.78 7.57 6.26 16.08 22.44 32.16
    KCl 13.32 9.73 7.4 5.37 15.24 24.96 39.36
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