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郑梅霞 肖荣凤 陈梅春 陈燕萍 朱育菁

郑梅霞,肖荣凤,陈梅春,等. 不同干燥方式对细菌纤维素复水性能的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(12):1499−1505 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.015
引用本文: 郑梅霞,肖荣凤,陈梅春,等. 不同干燥方式对细菌纤维素复水性能的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(12):1499−1505 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.015
ZHENG M X, XIAO R F, CHEN M C, et al. Effect of Drying Methods on Rehydration of Bacterial Cellulose [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(12):1499−1505 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.015
Citation: ZHENG M X, XIAO R F, CHEN M C, et al. Effect of Drying Methods on Rehydration of Bacterial Cellulose [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(12):1499−1505 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.015


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.015
基金项目: 福建省科技计划公益类专项(2019R1034-7)




  • 中图分类号: TS 201.1

Effect of Drying Methods on Rehydration of Bacterial Cellulose

  • 摘要:   目的  探究干燥方式对细菌纤维素(Bacterial cellulose,BC)复水性能的影响。  方法  采用热风干燥、微波真空干燥和真空冷冻干燥3种干燥方式干燥BC,比较不同干燥方式对BC的溶胀率和复水量的影响,并对BC微观结构进行表征。  结果  不同干燥方式会影响BC结构,引起复水性能变化。与未干燥的BC相比,冷冻干燥的BC复水率达44.79%,复水性能较其他干燥方式好;热风干燥的BC的复水性能次之;微波真空干燥的BC的复水性能最差。电子扫描电镜结果分析表明,冷冻干燥的BC纤维丝排列疏松,较好地保持了BC的表面结构,热风干燥和微波真空干燥的BC纤维排列致密。从复水性能来看,冷冻干燥方法优于2种干燥方法,且在−80 ℃冷冻后进行冷冻干燥的细菌纤维素的复水性能最好。动力学分析表明,细菌纤维素复水过程遵循Fickian扩散定律,BC的网络结构保持的越完整,材料的扩散系数越高,对应的复水性能也越好。  结论  冷冻干燥的复水性能最好。
  • 图  1  不同烘干方式烘干后的细菌纤维素的外观形态

    注:a:70 ℃热风干燥;b:50 ℃热风干燥;c:微波真空干燥;d:−20 ℃预冷真空冷冻干燥;e:−80 ℃预冷真空冷冻干燥。图2同。

    Figure  1.  Appearances of dried BC samples

    Note: a: BC-DD70: BC dehydrated by 70 ℃ hot air drying; b: BC-DD50: BC dehydrated by 50 ℃ hot air drying; c: BC-MVD: BC dehydrated by microwave-vacuum drying; d: BC-FD20: BC dehydrated by −20 ℃ freeze-drying; e: BC-FD80: BC dehydrated by −80 ℃ freeze-drying. The same as Fig.2.

    图  2  扫描电子显微镜下的细菌纤维素

    Figure  2.  SEM micrographs of dried BC samples by various dehydration methods

    图  3  细菌纤维素的溶胀率

    Figure  3.  Swelling rate of dried BC samples

    图  4  细菌纤维素吸水后表观效果

    注:a:70 ℃热风干燥;b:50 ℃热风干燥;c:微波真空干燥;d:−20 ℃预冷真空冷冻干燥;e:−80 ℃预冷真空冷冻干燥;f:未干燥(对照)。

    Figure  4.  Morphology of rehydrated BC samples

    Note: a: BC-DD70: BC dehydrated by 70 ℃ hot air drying; b: BC-DD50: BC dehydrated by 50 ℃ hot air drying; c: BC-MVD: BC dehydrated by microwave-vacuum drying; d: BC-FD20: BC dehydrated by −20 ℃ freeze-drying; e: BC-FD80: BC dehydrated by −80 ℃ freeze-drying; f: untreated (CK).

    图  5  拟合的斜率

    Figure  5.  Water absorption rate after fitting

    表  1  不同干燥方法的细菌纤维素的吸水性能

    Table  1.   Water absorption of dried BC samples

    Rehydration mass of
    per gram of dry bacterial
    Swelling ratio/%
    对照 Contrast 75.11±0.11 a 7411.54±11.00 a
    70 ℃热风干燥
    18.12±0.18 e 1711.93±18.07 e
    50 ℃热风干燥
    33.74±0.24 d 3274.10±24.10 d
    8.05±0.15 f 704.49±15.23 f
    −20 ℃预冷真空冷冻干燥
    42.63±0.13 c 4162.74±12.74 c
    −80 ℃预冷真空冷冻干燥
    43.79±0.19 b 4279.34±19.34 b
    注:表中同列数据后不同小写字母表示差异达显著水平(P<0.05)。Note: The same column of date in the table followed by lowercase letters are significantly different (P<0.05).
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    表  2  不同干燥方式细菌纤维素的吸水溶胀过程的溶胀特征指数

    Table  2.   Rehydration indices of BC samples dried by different methods

    Different drying species
    70 ℃ 热风干燥
    50 ℃ 热风干燥
    −20 ℃ 预冷真空冷冻干燥
    −80 ℃ 预冷真空冷冻干燥
    溶胀特征指数 n0.44000.49420.31730.36100.1245
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    表  3  不同干燥方式细菌纤维素的吸水溶胀过程的扩散系数

    Table  3.   Diffusion coefficients of dried BC samples upon rehydration

    Different drying species
    70 ℃ 热风干燥
    50 ℃ 热风干燥
    −20 ℃ 预冷真空冷冻干燥
    −80 ℃ 预冷真空冷冻干燥
    扩散系数 D(m2.h10.05120.29770.00131.54900.5749
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