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陈亮 栾倩倩 蔺毅 李彦荣 王赟 杨世梅 严宗山 王翠丽 张自强

陈亮,栾倩倩,蔺毅,等. 中药渣复合基质对设施西瓜生长及果实产量品质的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(12):1422−1430 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.005
引用本文: 陈亮,栾倩倩,蔺毅,等. 中药渣复合基质对设施西瓜生长及果实产量品质的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(12):1422−1430 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.005
CHEN L, LUAN Q Q, LIN Y, et al. Applying Chinese Herbal Medicine Spent for Greenhouse Watermelon Cultivation [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(12):1422−1430 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.005
Citation: CHEN L, LUAN Q Q, LIN Y, et al. Applying Chinese Herbal Medicine Spent for Greenhouse Watermelon Cultivation [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(12):1422−1430 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.005


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.12.005
基金项目: 甘肃省陇原青年创新创业人才(个人)项目(甘肃省委组织部—甘组通字〔2021〕17号);甘肃省青年科技基金计划项目(20JR5RA067);甘肃省科技计划项目(18JR2TA008)


  • 中图分类号: S 651

Applying Chinese Herbal Medicine Spent for Greenhouse Watermelon Cultivation

  • 摘要:   目的  减少中药渣废弃物资源浪费,有效缓解农业面源污染问题,探讨其资源化利用的可行性。  方法  以充分发酵腐熟的中药渣为主要原料,按照不同体积比复配牛粪、菇渣等,研究不同中药渣复合基质配方的理化性质变化及其对设施西瓜生长及果实产量品质的影响。  结果  随着中药渣复配量的增加,基质总孔隙度、通气孔隙、大小孔隙比、pH及EC值(电导率)增大,容重和持水孔隙下降;随生育期推进,各配方处理下的西瓜叶片SPAD值和净光合速率Pn均呈现先升后降的趋势,在开花坐果期达到峰值,胞间CO2浓度Ci逐渐升高,在成熟期达到峰值;V(中药渣)∶V(牛粪)∶V(菇渣)=3∶4∶3配方的植株地上部干重、地上部鲜重、地下部干重、地下部鲜重和主根长分别较对照显著增加了33.15%、34.29%、35.36%、30.26%和37.33%;在开花坐果期,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶4∶3配方的叶片SPAD值、Pn、气孔导度Gs和蒸腾速率Tr较对照显著增加了12.24%、8.47%、93.94%和9.85%,Ci较对照显著减少了8.65%,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶3∶4配方的叶片水分利用效率WUE较对照显著增加了70.25%;V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶4∶3配方的果实产量达最大值,较对照显著增产21.23%,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶3∶4配方、V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶1∶1配方产量较对照显著减产12.49%、36.47%,其他配方产量与对照无显著差异(P<0.05);V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=4∶3∶3配方、V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣) =3∶4∶3配方的果实可溶性固性物含量较对照显著增加了9.32%、12.08%,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶3∶4配方、V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶1∶1配方较对照显著降低了8.63%、12.66%,其他各配方间无显著差异。  结论  利用中药渣复合基质进行设施西瓜栽培是可行的,适宜设施西瓜基质栽培中药渣的复配量为30%,V (中药渣)∶ V (牛粪)∶ V (菇渣)=3∶4∶3为设施西瓜栽培的最佳复合基质配方。
  • 图  1  不同基质配方对西瓜叶片光合特性的影响


    Figure  1.  Effect of substrates on photosynthetic characteristics of watermelon leaves

    Note: The lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at P<0.05 (Duncan new multiple range method) probability level in the figure.

    表  1  中药渣复合基质配方设计

    Table  1.   Formulation of watermelon cultivation substrates with Chinese herbal medicine spent

    Rate of substrate
    The ratio of
    Chinese medicine
    Chinese medicine
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    表  2  不同基质配方的主要理化性状

    Table  2.   Major physiochemical properties of formulated substrates

    Bulk density/(g·cm−3
    Total porosity/%
    Aeration porosity/%
    Water holding porosity/%
    The void ratio
    EC value/(ms·cm−1
    F1 0.25±0.05 a 71.25±0.72 bc 17.60±0.38 b 53.64±1.09 b 0.33±0.02 b 2.01±0.08 bc 6.97±0.11 b
    F2 0.30±0.08 a 68.20±0.20 e 9.90±0.12 e 58.29±0.13 a 0.17±0.00 c 1.70±0.16 d 6.40±0.15 ef
    F3 0.26±0.02 a 71.00±0.11 bcd 17.48±0.44 bc 53.52±0.54 b 0.33±0.02 b 1.96±0.09 bc 6.85±0.10 bc
    F4 0.28±0.07 a 70.30±0.88 cd 16.60±0.35 d 53.71±0.82 b 0.31±0.01 b 1.82±0.08 cd 6.72±0.05 cd
    F5 0.28±0.05 a 70.10±0.50 d 16.55±0.36 d 53.56±0.64 b 0.31±0.01 b 1.75±0.09 d 6.55±0.11 de
    F6 0.24±0.06 a 71.35±0.46 b 17.75±0.41 b 53.60±0.54 b 0.33±0.01 b 2.10±0.18 ab 6.91±0.10 bc
    F7 0.22±0.08 a 72.31±0.35 a 18.96±0.57 a 53.34±0.91 b 0.36±0.02 a 2.23±0.10 a 7.30±0.16 a
    CK 0.26±0.06 a 70.20±0.50 d 16.82±0.34 cd 53.38±0.49 b 0.32±0.01 b 0.48±0.09 e 6.25±0.05 f
    Note: The lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at P<0.05(Duncan new multiple range method) probability level in the table, the following table is the same.
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    表  3  不同基质配方对西瓜植株生物量累积的影响

    Table  3.   Effect of substrates on biomass accumulation of watermelon plants

    鲜质量 Fresh weight/g干质量 Dry weight/g主根长
    Root length/cm
    Above ground
    Under ground
    Above ground
    Under ground
    F1 380.00±26.46 d 10.73±0.40 e 60.73±1.54 e 1.61±0.13 de 29.2±1.40 e
    F2 533.33±30.55 b 14.17±0.32 b 82.77±1.10 b 2.15±0.08 b 44.0±1.85 b
    F3 506.67±25.17 bc 13.20±0.20 c 77.73±1.57 c 1.95±0.07 bc 40.7±2.08 c
    F4 626.67±25.17 a 15.67±0.31 a 95.87±1.42 a 2.45±0.19 a 49.3±2.52 a
    F5 476.67±25.17 c 12.30±0.46 d 72.60±1.28 d 1.85±0.07 cd 36.3±1.53 d
    F6 470.00±20.00 c 12.13±0.21 d 72.33±1.32 d 1.83±0.15 cd 36.1±1.66 d
    F7 360.00±34.64 d 9.90±0.40 f 58.07±0.70 f 1.49±0.11 e 25.7±1.18 f
    CK 466.67±32.15 c 12.03±0.15 d 72.00±1.10 d 1.81±0.19 cd 35.9±1.95 d
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    表  4  不同基质配方对西瓜果实产量的影响

    Table  4.   Effect of substrates on watermelon yield

    Fruit longitudinal diameter/cm
    Fruit transect diameter/cm
    Single fruit weight/kg
    Single plant yield/kg
    Yield per 667m2/kg
    F113.33±0.08 bc13.36±0.09 bc1.29±0.01 c1.29±0.01 c3306.52±32.58 c
    F213.68±0.43 ab13.67±0.76 abc1.42±0.12 b1.42±0.12 b3654.25±303.34 b
    F313.62±0.40 ab13.72±0.42 ab1.33±0.07 bc1.33±0.07 bc3414.81±175.74 bc
    F414.22±0.25 a14.33±0.29 a1.62±0.03 a1.62±0.03 a4150.22±69.12 a
    F512.91±0.31 c12.86±0.20 c1.17±0.07 d1.17±0.07 d2995.80±169.81 d
    F613.62±0.51 ab13.61±0.24 abc1.36±0.04 bc1.36±0.04 bc3480.37±106.80 bc
    F711.91±0.14 d11.90±0.15 d0.85±0.04 e0.85±0.04 e2174.88±96.12 e
    CK13.56±0.39 b13.61±0.79 abc1.33±0.06 bc1.33±0.06 bc3423.36±153.05 bc
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    表  5  不同基质配方对西瓜果实品质的影响

    Table  5.   Effect of substrates on quality of watermelons

    Pericarp thickness/cm
    Fruit soluble sugar content/%
    F11.61±0.06 a8.40±0.69 cd
    F21.41±0.00 c9.18±0.30 ab
    F31.46±0.06 bc9.50±0.52 a
    F41.47±0.06 bc9.74±0.15 a
    F51.51±0.00 b7.94±0.06 de
    F61.53±0.06 b8.54±0.49 bcd
    F71.50±0.00 b7.59±0.10 e
    CK1.53±0.06 b8.69±0.10 bc
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