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钟珍梅 陆蒸 林忠宁 应朝阳

钟珍梅,陆蒸,林忠宁,等. 菌剂作用下牛床垫料发酵过程可溶性碳氮变化 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(11):1373−1379 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.11.016
引用本文: 钟珍梅,陆蒸,林忠宁,等. 菌剂作用下牛床垫料发酵过程可溶性碳氮变化 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(11):1373−1379 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.11.016
ZHONG Z M, LU Z, LIN Z N, et al. Change on Soluble Carbon and Nitrogen in Cow Bed Material during Composting [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(11):1373−1379 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.11.016
Citation: ZHONG Z M, LU Z, LIN Z N, et al. Change on Soluble Carbon and Nitrogen in Cow Bed Material during Composting [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(11):1373−1379 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.11.016


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.11.016
基金项目: 福建省农业科学院科技创新团队项目(CXTD2021015-2);福建省农业高质量发展超越“5511”协同创新工程项目(XTCXGC2021010)

    钟珍梅(1975−),女,博士,副研究员,主要从事农业资源与环境研究(E-mail: mume19@126.com)

  • 中图分类号: S 141.4

Change on Soluble Carbon and Nitrogen in Cow Bed Material during Composting

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨在外源菌剂作用下使用了3年的牛床垫料堆肥发酵过程可溶性氮和碳变化的规律。  方法  测定不同菌剂作用后牛床垫料发酵过程不同发酵时间可溶性氮(铵态氮、硝态氮、可溶性有机氮)和可溶性碳(可溶性总碳和可溶性有机碳)的含量。  结果  添加菌剂促进了牛床垫料发酵过程铵态氮(NH4+-N)、可溶性有机氮(SON)和可溶性总碳(STC)含量的增加,降低了硝态氮(NO3-N)含量,其中国龙生物床菌剂作用最明显,百丰畜禽宝和丰力净次之;可溶性有机碳(SOC)在不同的菌剂之间作用无规律性。随着发酵时间延长,NH4+-N和STC含量呈先增后降的变化趋势,发酵20 d含量最高;NO3-N和SON呈增加趋势,发酵50 d含量最高;SOC呈降低趋势,发酵10 d含量最高。  结论  添加菌剂能增加发酵过程铵态氮、SON和STC含量,但可能存在氨挥发的风险。综合考虑堆肥降解效果和减少氨气的挥发,牛粪垫料发酵宜选专用畜禽粪便发酵的菌剂。
  • 图  1  不同处理样品可溶性氮的含量


    Figure  1.  Soluble nitrogen in treatment samples

    Note: A: NH4+-N; B: NO3-N; C: SON.

    图  2  不同处理样品STC和SOC的含量


    Figure  2.  Soluble carbon in treatment samples

    Note: A: STC; B: SOC.

    表  1  堆肥原料的基本组分

    Table  1.   Major physiochemical properties of compost materials

    原料 Raw materialN/%P2O5/%K2O/%C/%C/N含水量 Water content%质量分数 Mass faction%
    牛床垫料 Cow bed material 1.68 0.78 0.92 38.17 22.68 60 70
    猪粪 Pig manure 2.04 2.05 0.90 40.02 19.62 70 20
    甘蔗渣 Sugar cane residue 0.39 0.09 0.25 41.00 105.00 42 10
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    表  2  双因素方差分析结果

    Table  2.   Results of two-way analysis variance

    因素 FactorNH4+-N NO3-N SON STC SOC
    FSig. FSig. FSig. FSig. FSig.
    校正模型 Correction model 52.504 0.000 30.92 0.000 12.301 0.000 9.526 0.000 70.97 0.000
    菌剂 Inoculants 33.61 0.000 9.432 0.000 12.28 0.000 8.275 0.000 234.3 0.000
    取样时间 Sampling time 219.86 0.000 96.237 0.000 42.869 0.000 31.8 0.000 59.42 0.000
    菌剂×取样时间 Inoculants×Sampling time 14.414 0.000 20.002 0.000 4.667 0.000 4.256 0.000 32.42 0.000
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    表  3  不同处理样品NH4+-N、NO3-N、SON、STC和SOC含量

    Table  3.   Contents of NH4+-N, NO3-N,SON, STC, and SOC in treatment samples

    CK 0.810±0.132 d 0.837±0.123 a 1.309±0.165 d 11.301±0.440 bc 11.104±0.484 b
    EM 1.101±0.155 cd 0.601±0.088 b 1.879±0.203 c 10.606±0.794 c 8.968±0.433 c
    BF 1.592±0.200 b 0.491±0.044 b 2.124±0.164 bc 12.259±0.502 b 12.692±0.405 a
    FLJ 1.379±0.179 bc 0.589±0.063 b 2.257±0.227 b 12.534±0.642 b 13.743±0.772 a
    GR 2.094±0.322 a 0.591±0.083 b 2.825±0.319 a 14.135±0.736 a 8.394±0.440 c
    Note: Data with different lowercase letters on same column mean significant difference at p<0.05. Contents of soluble nitrogen and carbon are average of 5 replicates.
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    表  4  不同取样时间NH4+-N、NO3--N、SON、STC和SOC含量

    Table  4.   Contents of NH4+-N, NO3-N,SON, STC, and SOC in samples at different sampling times

    取样时间 Sampling time/dNH4+-NNO3-NSONSTCSOC
    10 0.841±0.120 c0.295±0.042 c0.891±0.156 d10.647±0.472 b12.748±0.427 a
    20 3.387±0.121 a0.352±0.042 c1.651±0.154 c15.494±0.466 a11.100±0.427 b
    30 1.844±0.120 b0.393±0.042 c2.022±0.158 b14.235±0.466 a11.173±0.427 b
    40 0.818±0.120 c0.810±0.042 b2.176±0.165 b9.098±0.466 c9.754±0.444 c
    50 0.087±0.120 d1.258±0.042 a3.654±0.154 a11.36±0.466 b9.86±0.427 c
    Note: Contents of soluble nitrogen and carbon at different sampling times are average of all treatments.
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    表  5  不同形态氮和碳随发酵时间变化的回归方程

    Table  5.   Regression equation for dynamic changes of different forms of nitrogen and carbon at various fermentation times

    碳/氮形态 Carbon/nitrogen form回归方程/Regression equationR2FSig.
    Note: x: sampling time; y: different forms of nitrogen and carbon.
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