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陈翠红 周蕴薇 李家绮 杨丰瑞 白云 陈丽飞

陈翠红,周蕴薇,李家绮,等. 干旱胁迫对侧金盏花生理特性的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(5):532−541 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.05.006
引用本文: 陈翠红,周蕴薇,李家绮,等. 干旱胁迫对侧金盏花生理特性的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(5):532−541 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.05.006
CHEN C H, ZHOU Y W, LI J Q, et al. Physiology of Adonis amurensis as Affected by Drought [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(5):532−541 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.05.006
Citation: CHEN C H, ZHOU Y W, LI J Q, et al. Physiology of Adonis amurensis as Affected by Drought [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(5):532−541 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.05.006


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.05.006
基金项目: 吉林省自然科学基金(JJKH20180668KJ);吉林农业大学科研启动项目(0214-202023298)




  • 中图分类号: S 681

Physiology of Adonis amurensis as Affected by Drought

  • 摘要:   目的   研究侧金盏花植株在干旱及复水条件下的生理特性,为其引种栽培及应用提供理论依据。   方法   采用盆栽控水方式,研究不同程度干旱胁迫对其生理特性的影响。   结果   随胁迫程度加重,侧金盏花生物量、株高、叶片相对含水量、叶绿素(Chl)总量、可溶性蛋白含量降低,可溶性糖、丙二醛(MDA)含量和叶片相对电导率增加,脯氨酸(Pro)含量、过氧化物酶(POD)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性先上升后下降;净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)均下降,最大荧光(Fm)、光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)潜在活性、PSⅡ最大光化学量子产量、光化学猝灭系数(qp)、表观光合电子传递速率和PSⅡ实际光化学量子产量降低,初始荧光和非光化学猝灭逐渐增大;干旱前期(0~8 d)进行复水,土壤相对含水量不低于29.9%,各生理指标基本恢复至对照,干旱中期(8~12 d)复水后,各指标恢复速度较慢,干旱后期(12~16 d)复水后,各生理指标与对照相比差异显著。   结论   侧金盏花维持正常生长所能承受的持续干旱最长时间是8 d,其土壤相对含水量下限为29.9%;持续干旱8 d后,对侧金盏花造成不可逆伤害,因此对侧金盏花进行补水最晚不超过干旱发生的8 d。
  • 图  1  侧金盏花不同水分状况光合参数的变化

    Figure  1.  Changes in photosynthetic parameters of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    图  2  侧金盏花不同水分状况叶绿素荧光参数的变化

    Figure  2.  Changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    图  3  侧金盏花不同水分状况叶绿素荧光参数的变化

    Figure  3.  Changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    表  1  侧金盏花不同水分状况土壤相对含水量的变化

    Table  1.   Variation on relative moisture content of A. amurensis-growing soil under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    Soil relative water content/%
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 71.60±2.34 a 71.85±1.16 a    −
    472.40±3.84 a41.55±0.43 b70.20±3.65 ab
    871.57±1.43 a29.90±1.35 c72.67±2.52 a
    1269.93±1.37 a23.88±2.14 d67.37±1.26 b
    1668.83±5.08 a20.40±2.58 e72.10±0.85 a
    Note: The data in the table are mean ± standard deviation, different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences in the same index at different stress times (P<0.05). Same for Table 2-3 and Table 5-13.
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    表  2  干旱胁迫下侧金盏花生物量的变化

    Table  2.   Variation on biomass of A. amurensis grown under drought stress

    鲜质量 Fresh mass/g 干质量 Dry mass/g
    Above ground
    Above ground
    0 2.3633±0.1025 a 9.3620±0.2114 a 0.4527±0.0029 a 3.4303±0.2112 a
    4 1.8313±0.1517 b 7.5250±0.4040 b 0.4110±0.0035 a 2.5650±0.1758 b
    8 1.5823±0.0609 c 7.3213±0.1550 b 0.2647±0.0040 b 2.3567±0.1503 b
    12 1.4813±0.1183 c 5.4713±0.3208 c 0.2380±0.0030 b 1.4683±0.0336 c
    16 1.2550±0.0960 d 5.2263±0.0970 c 0.2157±0.0095 b 1.3473±0.0481 c
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    表  3  侧金盏花不同水分状况株高的变化

    Table  3.   Variation on plant height of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    株高 plant height/cm
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 9.17±0.76 e 9.37±0.65 a    −
    410.40±0.40 d7.93±0.12 b8.27±0.21 a
    812.33±0.31 c7.10±0.10 c7.40±0.26 b
    1213.60±0.10 b6.57±0.12 c6.80±0.20 c
    1614.57±0.35 a5.57±0.49 d5.90±0.10 d
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    表  4  侧金盏花不同干旱胁迫时间复水后存活率

    Table  4.   Survival rate of Adonis amurensis after rehydration under different drought stress times

    Stress time/d
    Survival rate/%
    Stress time/d
    Survival rate/%
    0 100 12 50.67
    4 100 16 6.35
    8 100
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    表  5  侧金盏花不同水分状况叶片相对含水量的变化

    Table  5.   Variation on leaf relative moisture content of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    叶片相对含水量 Leaf relative water content/%
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 89.39±5.07a 86.28±3.61a    −
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    表  6  侧金盏花不同水分状况叶绿素总量的变化

    Table  6.   Variation on chlorophyll in leaves of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    叶绿素总含量 Chl content/(mg·g−1
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 2.8348±0.0881 ab 2.7621±0.2360 a    −
    42.9203±0.1850 a2.6263±0.1286 a2.6423±0.0763 a
    8 2.7347±0.1171 ab2.3444±0.0331 b2.5483±0.1659 a
    122.6529±0.0455 b1.9670±0.0992 c2.0616±0.1215 b
    162.6182±0.1058 b1.7103±0.0827 d1.7838±0.1070 c
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    表  7  侧金盏花不同水分状况脯氨酸含量的变化

    Table  7.   Variation of proline content in A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    脯氨酸含量 Proline content/(μg·g−1
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 5.34±0.15 ab 4.34±0.13 e    −
    45.06±0.15 b5.91±0.15 d5.47±0.20 d
    8 5.23±0.03 ab16.93±0.99 c14.21±0.34 b
    125.79±0.26 a19.72±0.11 a15.93±0.95 a
    16 5.64±0.70 ab18.46±0.98 b12.71±1.00 c
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    表  8  侧金盏花不同水分状况可溶性糖含量的变化

    Table  8.   Variation on soluble sugar content in A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    可溶性糖含量 Soluble sugar content/%
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 3.69±0.15 b 3.81±0.12 d    −
    44.02±0.13 ab5.44±0.16 c4.65±0.14 c
    83.87±0.17 ab7.26±0.19 b5.53±0.27 b
    124.13±0.33 a8.28±0.22 a7.61±0.30 a
    164.21±0.24 a8.55±0.14 a7.85±0.43 a
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    表  9  侧金盏花不同水分状况可溶性蛋白含量的变化

    Table  9.   Variation on soluble protein content in A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    可溶性蛋白含量 Soluble protein content/(mg·g−1
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 33.38±2.14 a 34.04±1.90 a    −
    426.49±1.31 c24.30±1.28 b28.33±1.94 a
    8 27.76±0.56 bc14.65±1.22 c19.37±2.06 b
    1229.55±2.18 b13.42±0.49 c17.78±1.70 b
    1630.53±0.35 b6.67±0.82 d11.56±0.97 c
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    表  10  侧金盏花不同水分状况丙二醛含量的变化

    Table  10.   Variation on malondialdehyde content in A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    丙二醛含量 Malondialdehyde content/(μmol·g−1
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 1.44±0.11 ab 1.60±0.10 e    −
    4 1.28±0.17 bc2.27±0.12 d1.68±0.14 c
    81.23±0.10 c3.33±0.25 c2.92±0.27 b
    121.22±0.07 c4.53±0.18 b3.11±0.07 b
    161.55±0.06 a5.57±0.31 a3.53±0.18 a
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    表  11  侧金盏花不同水分状况相对电导率的变化

    Table  11.   Variation on relative electric conductivity of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    相对电导率 Relative conductivity/%
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    017.47±1.27 b17.30±0.76 e
    418.17±1.26 b22.33±0.59 d21.30±0.61 d
    819.40±0.78 ab29.30±1.11 c28.27±1.42 c
    1220.13±1.21 a40.67±1.53 b35.17±0.76 b
    1619.67±1.56 b55.23±1.20 a41.10±1.02 a
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    表  12  侧金盏花不同水分状况过氧化物酶活性的变化

    Table  12.   Variation on peroxidase activity of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    过氧化物酶活性 POD activity/(U·g−1min−1
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 226.74±11.68 a 214.72±16.15 e   −
    4236.08±10.49 a258.73±16.68 d253.45±6.08 d
    8234.72±9.14 a773.43±30.40 a590.88±26.36 a
    12246.77±6.15 a546.76±22.93 b405.45±28.57 b
    16238.74±18.82 a373.43±23.33 c322.74±18.05 c
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    表  13  侧金盏花不同水分状况超氧化物歧化酶活性的变化

    Table  13.   Variation on superoxide dismutase activity of A. amurensis grown under varied watering conditions

    Stress time/d
    超氧化物歧化酶活性 SOD activity/(U·g−1
    对照 CK干旱 Drought复水 Rewatering
    0 315.98±10.21 c 322.23±19.77 d    −
    4310.21±9.54 b360.50±10.00 c358.78±7.57 b
    8314.66±9.72 b410.12±8.22 a370.87±8.37 b
    12322.73±10.35 a510.92±6.14 b389.59±5.80 a
    16329.50±5.00 a435.35±4.45 c369.56±7.71 b
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