Detection and Analysis of Serum Antibody Against Three Kinds of Common Viral Immunosuppressive Diseases in Chicken Flocks in the Region of Southeast Guangxi
目的 了解3种常见病毒性免疫抑制病在桂东南地区鸡群中的发病情况和流行趋势。 方法 采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)方法,对2018年3月至2019年4月来自玉林、北流、兴业、博白、容县、陆川、贵港、桂平、平南等9个县市农村散养户送检的637份病鸡血清样品进行病毒抗体的检测并分析地区、季节、品种和年龄段等因素对鸡群感染病毒性免疫抑制病的影响。 结果 以上地区的农户散养鸡群中存在3种常见病毒性免疫抑制病的抗体,且不同病毒的抗体情况受地区、季节、品种和年龄段等因素的影响。鸡传染性贫血病毒(CIAV)、禽网状内皮组织增生症病毒(REV)和禽呼肠孤病毒(ARV)的抗体总阳性率分别为23.86%、13.97%、7.06%,提示CIAV在以上地区鸡群中的感染率相对较高,应该作为今后该地区鸡群疫病防控的重点。此外,在所有阳性样品中混合感染率为24.65%,说明目前以上地区农户散养鸡群中的病毒性免疫抑制病存在混合感染,尤其以CIAV与其他病原组成的混合感染类型为主,占98.11%。 结论 针对桂东南地区农户散养鸡群进行血清学调查,为防控该地区鸡群中的3种常见病毒性免疫抑制病提供了重要参考。 Abstract:Objective In order to explore the current morbidity and epidemic trend of three kinds of common viral immunosuppressive diseases in chicken flocks in southeast Guangxi. Method From March 2018 to April 2019, a total of 637 sick chicken sera were collected from scattering chicken raising households in nine counties and cities including Yulin, Beiliu, Xingye, Bobai, Rongxian, Luchuan, Guigang, Guiping and Pingnan, to detect the serum antibodies against three viruses by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and analyzed the impact of different factors including region, season, breed and age on the infection statuses of these three viral immunosuppressive diseases. Result The results showed that the antibodies against three common immunosuppressive viruses were ubiquitous in the above areas and the positive rates of antibodies against different viruses were affected by regions, seasons, breeds and age groups of the chicken flocks. The positive rates of antibodies against Chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV), Reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) and Avian reovirus (ARV) were 23.86%, 13.97% and 7.06% respectively, indicating that the positive rate of CIAV were higher than other two viral immunosuppressive diseases in chicken flocks of the farmers in the above-mentioned regions and it should be regarded as the focus of the prevention and control of epidemic diseases in chicken flocks. In addition, multi-infection was the common infection type, as the mixed infection rate reached up to 24.65%, and CIAV co-infection with other pathogens were the most common diversified infection type, accounting for 98.11%. Conclusion This study provided the serological surveillance of chicken viral immunosuppressive diseases in the chicken flocks of the scattering raising households in the region of southeast Guangxi and provided a reliable reference for making control measures of these three kinds of common viral immunosuppressive diseases. -
Key words:
- chicken /
- viral immunosuppressive diseases /
- detection of antibody /
表 1 3种常见鸡病毒性免疫抑制病的血清抗体检测结果
Table 1. Investigation results of serum antibodies against three common chicken viral immunosuppressive diseases
Virus types阳性数量/份
Numbers of positive samples占总样品的
The rate of
total samples/%单一感染
Numbers of
single infection占阳性样品
The rate of
total positive samples/%混合感染阳性
Numbers of
The rate of total
positive samples/%占混合感染样品
The rate of total
mix-infection samples/%CIAV 152 23.86 100 46.51 52 24.19 98.11 REV 89 13.97 39 18.14 50 23.26 94.34 ARV 45 7.06 23 10.70 22 10.23 41.51 注:表中215是指所有阳性鸡的个数,53是指215只阳性鸡中同时感染两种及以上病原的鸡的个数。
Note: The 215 in Table 2 meaned the number of antigen positive chickens, and 53 meaned the number of chickens infected with two or more pathogens.表 2 不同日龄鸡群三种常见病毒性免疫抑制病的血清抗体检测结果
Table 2. Investigation results of serum antibodies against three common chicken viral immunosuppressive diseases at different day ages
Virus types40日龄以下
Under 40 day age40~140日龄
40-140 day age141~240日龄
141-240 day age240日龄以上
Over 240 day age样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%CIAV 149 23.49 432 24.07 44 22.73 12 25.00 REV 149 12.75 432 13.19 44 25.00 12 16.67 ARV 149 2.01 432 9.26 44 4.55 12 0.00 表 3 不同季节鸡群3种常见病毒性免疫抑制病的血清抗体检测结果
Table 3. Investigation results of serum antibodies against three common chicken viral immunosuppressive diseases in different seasons
Virus types春季(3~5月)
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate /%样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate /%样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%CIAV 194 28.35 149 14.77 138 28.99 156 22.44 REV 194 20.62 149 9.40 138 10.87 156 12.82 ARV 194 5.15 149 8.05 138 8.70 156 7.05 表 4 不同生长区域鸡群3种病毒性免疫抑制病的血清抗体检测阳性率
Table 4. Positive rates of serum antibodies against three common chicken viral immunosuppressive diseases from different areas
(单位:%) 病毒种类
Virus types玉林
PingnanCIAV 40.17 21.93 20.37 0.00 20.31 37.50 20.83 0.00 7.14 REV 25.64 14.50 5.56 0.00 10.16 0.00 12.50 0.00 7.14 ARV 11.11 5.95 9.26 0.00 4.69 12.50 16.67 0.00 0.00 表 5 不同品种鸡群3种病毒性免疫抑制病的血清抗体检测结果
Table 5. Investigation results of serum antibodies against three common chicken viral immunosuppressive diseases in different chicken breeds
Virus types三黄鸡
Three-yellow chicken凉亭鸡
Liangting chicken霞烟鸡
Xiayan chicken样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%样品数
Sample number阳性率
Positive rate/%CIAV 317 26.50 207 22.71 113 18.58 REV 317 11.99 207 18.36 113 11.50 ARV 317 8.20 207 6.28 113 5.31 表 6 三种常见鸡病毒性免疫抑制病混合感染的检测结果
Table 6. Investigation results of mixed infection of three common chicken viral immunosuppressive diseases
Types of mix-infection阳性数量
Number of positive samples占总样品的比率
Rate of total samples/%占阳性样品的比率
Rate of total positive samples/%占混合感染样品的比率
Rate of total mix-infection samples/%CIAV+REV 31 4.87 14.42 58.49 CIAV+ARV 3 0.47 1.40 5.66 REV+ARV 1 0.16 0.47 1.89 CIAV+REV+ARV 18 2.83 8.37 33.96 总计 53 8.32 24.65 100.00 -
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