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张慧 苏光秋 林陈强 陈龙军 陈济琛

张慧,苏光秋,林陈强,等. 酸性土壤玉米根际土壤细菌群落对秸秆还田和调理剂的响应 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(4):473−479 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.04.014
引用本文: 张慧,苏光秋,林陈强,等. 酸性土壤玉米根际土壤细菌群落对秸秆还田和调理剂的响应 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(4):473−479 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.04.014
ZHANG H, , LIN C Q, et al. Responses of Rhizosphere Bacterial Community to Straw-mulching and Conditioner-addition in Acid Soil of Maize Field [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(4):473−479 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.04.014
Citation: ZHANG H, , LIN C Q, et al. Responses of Rhizosphere Bacterial Community to Straw-mulching and Conditioner-addition in Acid Soil of Maize Field [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(4):473−479 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.04.014


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.04.014
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0200706);福建省科技计划公益类专项(2019R1025-4);福建省区域发展项目(2019Y3005)




  • 中图分类号: S 154

Responses of Rhizosphere Bacterial Community to Straw-mulching and Conditioner-addition in Acid Soil of Maize Field

  • 摘要:   目的  以福建省黄泥田土壤为研究对象,探讨不施化肥(CK)、单一施化肥(T1)、化肥配施秸秆还田(T2)、化肥配施土壤调理剂(T3)等4组处理玉米根际土壤细菌群落组成、多样性和结构的变化。  方法  利用 Illumina Miseq测序平台对4组处理土壤样品进行测序,基于第二代高通量技术分析4种处理(CK、T1、T2、T3)的玉米根际土壤细菌的16S rRNA基因在V3~V4区域的多样性指数、丰富度以及群落组成和结构。  结果  4个处理的玉米根际土壤细菌优势门(相对丰度>10%)为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)。T1处理细菌的丰富度指数(ACE指数和Chao1指数)较CK均有所降低,分别降低17.65%和17.88%;T3处理的细菌丰富度指数(ACE指数和Chao1指数)高于CK处理,分别提高14.52%和14.00%。分层聚类图显示细菌属水平上,CK、T1和T2处理的土壤样品细菌群落结构相似性较高,T3与其他3个处理细菌群落结构差异较大。  结论  化肥配施土壤调理剂对土壤细菌群落结构影响大于单一施化肥和化肥配施秸秆还田处理,单一施化肥降低了根际土壤细菌的丰富度,化肥配施土壤调理剂可以显著提高玉米根际土壤细菌群落的丰富度,施用土壤调理剂提高酸性土壤pH对玉米根际细菌群落影响最大。
  • 图  1  4种施肥措施土壤细菌门水平下类群比较

    Figure  1.  Bacteria at phyla level in rhizosphere soil under treatments

    图  2  4种施肥措施土壤样品细菌纲水平下类群比较

    Figure  2.  Bacteria at class level in rhizosphere soil under treatments

    图  3  4种施肥措施土壤样品属水平细菌OTUs热图

    Figure  3.  OTUs heatmap of bacterial OTUs at genus level in rhizosphere soil under treatments

    图  4  基于门和属水平下土壤细菌种群分布和环境因子的冗余分析

    Figure  4.  Redundancy analysis on bacterial community at phylum and genus levels in rhizosphere soil and on associated environmental factors

    表  1  4种施肥措施下根际土壤细菌的序列读数及OTUs数

    Table  1.   Sequences and OTUs of rhizosphere bacterial community under treatments

    处理 Treatment序列读数 ReadsOTUs数 OTUs
    CK50675±1401 b1789±34 ab
    T146145±2253 b1476±57 b
    T247686±1571 b1779±145 ab
    T356660±2119 a2057±220 a
    注:① CK:不施化肥秸秆不还田;T1:常规施肥秸秆不还田;T2:常规施肥秸秆还田;T3:常规施肥加土壤调理剂。② 同列数据后不同小写字母表示差异达显著水平(P<0.05),下同。
    Note: ① CK: Basic soil; T1: Conventional fertilization; T2: Humic acid organic-inorganic mixed fertilizer ; T3: Humic acid biological organic fertilizer;-N 20% Humic acid biological organic fertilizer. ② Data with different lowercase letters on same row denote significant difference between treatments (P<0.05), same for the following.
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    表  2  4种施肥措施下根际土壤细菌的多样性指数

    Table  2.   Bacterial diversity of rhizosphere soil under treatments

    ACE index
    Chao1 指数
    Chao1 index
    Simpson index
    Shannon index
    Good’s coverage
    CK2170±28 ab2164±28 ab0.0072±0.0014 a5.96±0.02 a0.9889±0.0003 a
    T11787±73 b1777±69 b0.0124±0.0004 a5.53±0.07 a0.9909±0.0004 ab
    T22175±150 ab2181±144 ab0.0063±0.0006 a5.94±0.13 a0.9888±0.0005 ab
    T32485±257 a2467±260 a0.0115±0.006 a6.04±0.29 a0.9875±0.0013 b
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