Growth and Reproduction of Newly Bred Fast-growing Fuqing Goats in Two Generations
目的 评估福清山羊快长品系的选育效果。 方法 对福清山羊连续选育的2个世代后代生长性能及繁殖性能指标进行统计分析。 结果 结果表明,经过连续2个世代的严格系统选育,福清山羊快长品系各世代核心群的生长性状和繁殖性状均有所提高,其中生长性状的遗传进展和群体整齐度均高于繁殖性状。福清山羊快长品系所产后代的2月龄、9月龄和12月龄的体重指标随着选育世代的增加而逐渐提高,各阶段体重在3个世代间均达到差异显著水平(P<0.05),且各世代相同测定阶段的体重变异系数也呈现逐步减小的趋势(9月龄体重除外)。对比于零世代,二世代2月龄体重、9月龄体重和12月龄体重分别提高了7.45%、11.74%和10.70%。各世代核心群后代的初生体重差异不显著(P>0.05),断奶活羔率和断奶羔羊重均随着选育世代的增加而逐渐提高,3个世代间的断奶羔羊重差异显著(P<0.05),分别为9.42、9.95、10.15 kg。 结论 经过连续2个世代的系统选育,福清山羊快长品系的生长性状得到了有效改良,实现了快长品系选育的生长性状既定目标。 Abstract:Objective Breeding results on growth and reproduction performances of two generations of a line of fast-growing Fuqing goats were studied. Method Traits on growth and reproduction of the newly bred Fuqing goats in two generations were analyzed. Result After two successive generations of strict and systematic breeding, the growth and reproductive traits of the goats in the core groups were improved. The genetic progress and population uniformity on growth characteristics in two generations tended to be more significant than those on reproduction traits. The body weight indicators on the 2-, 9- and 12-month-old progeny increased with significant differences by the generation (P<0.05). Other than the 9-month-old goats, those of different ages showed a decreasing coefficient of variance on body weight from 0 to the 2nd generation. Compared to the 0 generation, the goats after two generations of breeding had their body weight increased in 2 month by 7.45%, in 9 months by 11.74%, and in 12 months by 10.70%. There was no significant difference on the body weight at birth among the progenies in the core groups (P>0.05). Both surviving rate and body weight of the weaning kids increased with the breeding generation, but the average weights of weaning kids differed significantly among the three generations (P<0.05), as they were 9.42kg for the 0 generation, 9.95kg for the 1st generation, and 10.15kg for the 2nd generation. Conclusion After two successive generations of systematic breeding, the growth of Fuqing goats was effectively upgraded to ensure a reliable breeding program. -
Key words:
- Fuqing goat /
- continuous breeding /
- body weight /
- body size /
- reproductive performance
表 1 日粮组成及营养水平(干物质基础)
Table 1. Composition and nutrient levels of diets for goats in experiment (DM basis)
(单位:%) 项目
4-6 months old7~9月龄
7-9 months old10~12月龄
10-12 months old原料 Ingredients 青贮玉米 Corn silage straw 30 30 30 杂交狼尾草 hybrid penisetum 30 30 30 玉米 Corn 18 25 23 大豆粕 Soybean meal 10.3 4 2.5 麸皮 Wheat bran 8.2 7.4 11 磷酸氢钙 CaHCO3 1.1 1.2 1.15 食盐 NaCl 0.5 0.5 0.5 小苏打 NaHCO3 0.5 0.55 0.5 石粉 CaCO3 0.9 0.85 0.85 预混料 Premix1) 0.5 0.5 0.5 合计 Total 100 100 100 营养水平 Nutrient levels 消化能 DM 2)/(MJ·kg−1) 6.39 6.39 6.33 粗蛋白 CP 13.21 10.67 10.44 钙 Ca 0.86 0.79 0.74 磷 P 0.57 0.49 0.50 中性洗涤纤维 NDF 47.28 52.77 56.71 酸性洗涤纤维 ADF 27.67 29.61 31.31 注:1:每千克预混料中含有:VA 200 000 IU,VD 50 000 IU,VE 500 IU,Fe 2 g,Cu 0.75 g,Zn 3 g,Mn 4 g,I 50 mg,Se 20 mg,Co 50 mg。2:计算值。
Note: 1: Each kg of premix forage contains 200 000 IU of VA, 50 000 IU of VD, 500 IU of VE, 2 g of Fe, 0.75 g of Cu, 3 g of Zn,4 g of Mn, 50 mg of I, 20 mg of Se, and 50mg of Co. 2: Calculated values.表 2 福清山羊种羊等级评定标准
Table 2. Grading standards for breeding evaluation on Fuqing goats
Body weight/kg体高
Body height/cm体斜长
Body length/cm胸围
Chest measurement/cm一级 First class 公羊 Male ≥27.0 ≥52.0 ≥56.0 ≥75.0 母羊 Female ≥25.0 ≥45.0 ≥52.0 ≥65.0 二级 Second class 公羊 Male ≥26.0 ≥50.0 ≥52.0 ≥70.0 母羊 Female ≥24.0 ≥43.0 ≥50.0 ≥60.0 表 3 福清山羊快长品系种公羊的选择程序
Table 3. Selection of fast-growing Fuqing male goats for breeding
Selection time选种标准及饲养管理
Breeding standard and feeding management初生 Birth 来自双羔或多羔羔羊,体型外貌符合福清山羊品种特征,出生活力好,活泼好动,无疾病及遗传缺陷,体重1.5 kg以上(胎产多羔公羊降低至1.1 kg),不符合要求的公羔于15日龄统一去势 2月龄 2 months old 剔除体型外貌不符合福清山羊品种特征及有疾病的公羔,选择肢蹄粗壮体重大于9.0 kg,体长大于42.0 cm,体高大于40.0 cm的公羔,预留种用的公羔转入育肥舍集中饲养,不符合种用的及时去势 9月龄 9 months old 定期按照选留个体的大小进行分群饲喂,对于有疾病的及时治疗,久病不愈及长期生长缓慢的及时去势淘汰,8月龄左右开始单圈饲养,选择月龄体重大于22.0 kg,体长大于52.0 cm,体高大于50.0 cm的公羊作为后备种公羊,不符合标准的公羊淘汰出群,选留的后备种公羊于10月龄左右定期戴上试情布放入母羊群中调教配种能力 12月龄12 months old 重点评定后备种公羊的生殖器官,要求双睾大且对称,雄性特征明显,选留体重大于28.0 kg,体长大于65.0 cm,体高大于55.0 cm的公羊,并结合系谱档案信息确定种公羊等级,再根据种公羊的血缘关系确定下一世代配种种公羊 表 4 福清山羊快长品系种母羊的选择程序
Table 4. Selection of fast-growing Fuqing female goats for breeding
Breeding standard and feeding management2月龄 2 months old 来自双羔或多羔羔羊,体型外貌符合福清山羊品种特征,出生活力好,活泼好动,无疾病及遗传缺陷,体重1.2 kg以上(胎产多羔母羊降低至0.9 kg) 9月龄 9 months old 剔除体型外貌不符合福清山羊品种特征及有疾病的母羊,选择体重大于19.0 kg,体长大于48.0 cm,体高大于42.0 cm的母羊作为后备母羊群体,按照15~20只为单位进行分群饲养,分群后放入1只种公羊进行本交配种 12月龄 12 months old 利用B超对后备母羊进行妊娠诊断,剔除未妊娠母羊 15~18月龄 15-18 months old 对产后的后备母羊进行季节性同期发情处理[10],集中发情的后备母羊按照10∶1的比例引入种公羊本交配种,配种后1个月进行B超妊娠诊断,剔除未妊娠以及妊娠诊断为单羔的母羊;根据后备母羊头胎和第二胎的产羔数、断奶活羔数、后代羔羊初生重和断奶羔羊重等信息对后备种母羊进行等级评定和下一世代的选种选配标准 表 5 福清山羊快长系核心群各世代后代体重、体尺比较
Table 5. Body weight and size of progeny fast-growing Fuqing goats in core groups
Body weight体斜长
Body length体高
Body height胸围
Chest measurement平均数
Mean/kgCV/% 平均数
Mean/cmCV/% 平均数
Mean/cmCV/% 平均数
Mean/cmCV/% 2月龄
2 months old零世代
Zero Generation326 9.42±1.06 c 11.19 43.22±3.44 c 7.95 37.99±2.96 c 7.80 38.36±1.82 c 4.75 一世代
One Generation999 9.95±1.00 b 10.08 45.16±2.95 b 6.53 40.38±2.71 b 6.69 40.34±1.61 b 3.99 二世代
Two Generation1275 10.15±1.01 a 9.92 45.80±3.00 a 6.55 41.67±2.69 a 6.47 41.64±1.82 a 4.38 9月龄
9 months old零世代
Zero Generation291 20.26±1.70 c 8.39 49.71±2.85 c 5.73 48.53±2.47 c 5.09 60.19±3.84 c 6.38 一世代
One Generation927 21.69±1.41 b 6.53 52.51±2.68 b 5.12 51.25±2.24 b 4.37 64.07±3.59 b 5.61 二世代
Two Generation1086 22.64±1.69 a 7.47 53.65±2.71 a 5.05 51.92±2.56 a 4.94 65.33±4.22 a 6.46 12月龄
12 months old零世代
Zero Generation284 25.89±1.68 c 6.52 53.60±2.58 c 4.82 50.30±2.01 c 4.00 65.71±3.46 c 5.27 一世代
One Generation919 27.56±1.67 b 6.08 56.24±2.52 b 4.49 53.36±2.00 b 3.76 69.77±2.95 b 4.22 二世代
Two Generation1043 28.66±1.66 a 5.80 57.90±2.44 a 4.22 54.50±2.11 a 3.88 71.07±2.85 a 4.01 注:相同月龄中同列数据后字母不同者为差异显著(P<0.05),相同或未标注者为差异不显著(P>0.05);下表同。
Note:Data with different letters on same column of same age indicate significant difference (P<0.05), and those with same or no letter indicate no significant difference (P>0.05). Same for below.表 6 福清山羊快长系核心群各世代能繁母羊的繁殖性能比较
Table 6. Reproduction of does in different generations of fast-growing Fuqing goats in core groups
Lambing rate初生羔羊重
Weight of newborn lamb断奶活羔率
Weaning live lambing rate断奶羔羊重
Weaned lamb weight平均数
Mean/%CV/% 平均数
Mean/kgCV/% 平均数
Mean/%CV/% 平均数
Mean/kgCV/% 零世代
Zero Generation261 190.4±68.1 ab 35.77 1.34±0.36 26.87 146.0±86.1 b 58.97 9.42±1.06 c 11.25 一世代
One Generation726 182.9±52.1 b 28.49 1.37±0.36 26.28 155.8±73.4 b 47.11 9.95±1.00 b 10.05 二世代
Two Generation842 192.8±64.0 a 33.20 1.34±0.36 26.87 172.1±76.8 a 44.63 10.15±1.01 a 9.95 -
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