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潘鹤立 张鑫鑫 潘腾飞 潘东明 于远

潘鹤立,张鑫鑫,潘腾飞,等. 琯溪蜜柚及其芽变品种红肉蜜柚、三红蜜柚果汁香气组分研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(3):279−289 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.005
引用本文: 潘鹤立,张鑫鑫,潘腾飞,等. 琯溪蜜柚及其芽变品种红肉蜜柚、三红蜜柚果汁香气组分研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(3):279−289 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.005
PAN H L, ZHANG X X, PAN T F, et al. Study on the aroma components of the juice of Guanximiyou and its bud-mutation varieties of Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(3):279−289 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.005
Citation: PAN H L, ZHANG X X, PAN T F, et al. Study on the aroma components of the juice of Guanximiyou and its bud-mutation varieties of Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(3):279−289 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.005


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.03.005
基金项目: 福建农林大学园艺学院引进人才启动费项目(712018011);福建省科技计划项目(2017N3005、2016S0022)




  • 中图分类号: S 666.3

Study on the aroma components of the juice of Guanximiyou and its bud-mutation varieties of Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

  • 摘要:   目的  研究探明琯溪蜜柚及其芽变新品种果汁的香气组分种类、相对含量与差异,以及引起香气组分变化的可能分子机理。  方法  以琯溪蜜柚及其芽变品种红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果实为试材,采用气相色谱质谱法(GC-MS)测定果汁香气组分;通过转录组分析,筛选差异表达显著的基因,并采用FPKM值的趋势分析这些基因的表达模式。  结果  供试3个果汁样品中共检出150种香气组分,占组分数量较多的香气化合物为芳香烃类、倍半萜烯类、醛类、醇类、酮类等;各品种的香气组分数量与含量相差较大,琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚分别检出59种、129种和67种香气化合物,其总相对含量分别为4.56、8.02和9.90,说明芽变显著引起了香气组分和总相对含量的变化。香气组分中醛类相对含量最高,己醛为3个品种的共同主要香气组分;醇类、酮类相对含量次之,呋喃类、芳香烃类、倍半萜烯类、酯类、单萜类化合物相对含量较少;此外还检出相对含量很低或微量的其他类的香气组分32种,且均为未见报道的未知化合物。利用转录组分析筛选获得新基因(Citrus_maxima_newGene_12651)1个,表达差异显著的脂肪氧化酶(Lipoxidase)LOX2.1基因7个(cg2g001970cg2g001980cg2g002000cg2g002010cg2g002030cg2g002040cg2g002080)、LOX3.1基因1个(cg1g010660)和乙醇脱氢酶(Alcohol dehydrogenase)ADH1基因2个(cg3g017900cg3g017890),采用FPKM值的趋势分析,初步推测3个品种的果汁香气组分差异与脂肪酸途径、异戊二烯途径中的基因差异表达有关。  结论  醛类、醇类、酮类是琯溪蜜柚及其芽变品种红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚的主要香气组分,己醛为3个品种的共同主要香气化合物;供试3个品种果汁香气组分差异显著,初步推测与脂肪酸途径、异戊二烯途径等途径中的基因差异表达有关。
  • 图  1  红肉蜜柚、三红蜜柚和琯溪蜜柚果汁样品的挥发性组分


    Figure  1.  Volatile profile in juice samples from Hongroumiyou, Sanhongmiyou and Guanximiyou

    Note: HR: Hongroumiyou, SH: Sanhongmiyou, GX: Guanximiyou.

    图  2  红肉蜜柚、三红蜜柚和琯溪蜜柚果汁样品的挥发性组分主成分分析


    Figure  2.  PCA of volatile profile in juice samples from Hongroumiyou,Sanhongmiyou and Guanximiyou.

    Note:(A)PCA scores;(B)Loading plot of volatile profile for(A), with each number corresponding to a volatile compound.

    图  3  果实香气形成的α-亚麻酸代谢途径KEGG差异表达分析(部分)

    Figure  3.  A Part of the alpha-linolenic acid metabolic pathway of differential expression analysis

    图  4  果汁香气物质相关基因差异表达FPKM值趋势分析


    Figure  4.  Trend analysis of FPKM value in differential expression of related genes related to the fruit juice aroma substances


    表  1  琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果汁样品中的醛类香气组分

    Table  1.   Aroma volatiles(Aldehydes)in juice samples of Guanximiyou, Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

    保留指数 RI
    Relative content
    735.43(748)* 0.02 0.10 0.02
    764.01(793) 0.31 0.26 0.08
    己醛 Hexanal 766.26(787) 3.65 5.77 2.24
    2-己烯醛 2-Hexenal 807.38(854) 0.04 0.03 0.01
    814.59(844) 0.38 0.23 0.13
    840.57(889) tr 0.01 0.71
    庚醛 Heptanal 867.56(899) 0.07 0.35 nd
    932.46(946) 0.01 0.12 nd
    辛醛 Octanal 989.86(998) 0.01 0.10 tr
    1055.85(1059) tr 0.15 nd
    壬醛 Nonanal 1112.22(1109) 0.01 0.05 nd
    1175.83(1160) nd 0.02 tr
    正葵醛 Decanal 1228.75(1228) nd tr nd
    注:数据均为内标峰面积的相对定量值,且为3个生物学重复的平均值。RI:保留指数Retention index,*:括号内数字为已发表的保留指数RI;tr :表示此处有被识别的峰,但值小于0.0095;nd:表示未检测到峰;GX:琯溪蜜柚,HR:红肉蜜柚,SH:三红蜜柚。下同。
    Note: The data are all relative quantitative values of internal standard peak areas and are the average of three biological replicates. RI: Retention index, *: the number in parentheses is the published retention index(RI). tr: there is an identified peak here, but the value is less than 0.009 5. nd: no peak was detected. GX: Guanximiyou, HR: Hongroumiyou, SH: Sanhongmiyou. Same as below.
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    表  2  琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果汁样品中的醇类香气组分

    Table  2.   Aroma volatiles (Alcohols) in juice samples of Guanximiyou, Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

    Relative content
    正戊醇 1-Pentanol 743.08(761 d) 0.04 0.07 0.04
    744.78(767 c) 0.03 0.03 0.02
    819.22(851 b) 0.95 0.74 tr
    829.79(858 g) 0.05 0.02 tr
    正己醇 1-Hexanol 835.19(865 b) 1.17 0.66 0.03
    RI 949 948.98 tr tr tr
    949.04(958 g) 0.01 0.03 0.02
    正庚醇 1-Heptanol 952.49(967 g) 0.02 0.04 nd
    963.78(974 a) 0.02 0.04 0.02
    RI 1032 1032.38 nd tr tr
    芳樟醇 Linalool 1106.80(1 104 d) tr tr tr
    正辛醇 1-Octanol 1075.06(1 068 e) nd 0.01 nd
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    表  3  琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果汁样品中的酮类香气组分

    Table  3.   Aroma volatiles (Ketone) in juice samples of Guanximiyou, Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

    Relative content
    RI 733 732.77 tr tr tr
    RI 854 854.02 tr 0.03 tr
    甲基己基甲酮 2-Octanone 909.18(984) tr nd tr
    RI 919 919.31 nd 0.01 tr
    1-辛烯-3-酮 1-Octen-3-one 957.95(972) tr 0.03 0.01
    967.70(981) 0.17 0.49 0.01
    2-庚酮 2-Heptanone 973.40(889) nd 0.04 0.01
    RI 1096 1095.97 nd tr 0.17
    RI 1138 1138.24 nd 0.02 tr
    RI 1154 1153.82 nd tr 0.01
    4-庚烯-2-酮 (E)-4-Hepten-2-one 1478.28 nd tr nd
    1755.93 0.01 nd nd
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    表  4  琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果汁样品中的芳香烃类香气组分

    Table  4.   Aroma volatiles(Aromatic hydrocarbons)in juice samples of Guanximiyou, Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

    Relative content
    RI 731 730.67 tr tr nd
    甲苯 Toluene 741.71(773) 0.04 0.04 0.03
    RI 820 820.07 tr nd 0.68
    853.57(862) tr tr tr
    RI 999 999.25 nd 0.01 0.01
    RI 1020 1020.01 0.01 0.01 nd
    RI 1029 1028.87 nd tr 0.07
    RI 1054 1053.85 tr tr tr
    RI 1272 1272.38 tr tr nd
    RI 1296 1295.64 nd tr tr
    RI 1355 1355.35 tr nd nd
    1404.24 tr nd nd
    RI 1446 1445.87 0.04 tr nd
    RI 1470 1470.38 tr nd nd
    1480.44 tr nd nd
    RI 1573 1573.43 0.01 nd nd
    2,5-dimethyl-3-methylene-1,5-Heptadiene 1576.62 tr nd nd
    RI 1578 1578.15 0.01 nd nd
    Tridecane, 4-methyl-
    1583.55 0.01 nd nd
    正十三烷烃 Tridecane 1628.07 0.02 nd nd
    RI 1631 1631.10 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1634 1634.29 0.01 nd nd
    1640.04 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1645 1645.49 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1652 1651.53 tr nd nd
    1661.20 0.02 nd nd
    RI 1663 1663.38 0.02 nd nd
    1666.62 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1672 1671.95 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1677 1677.41 0.01 nd nd
    1683.40 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1709 1708.83 tr nd nd
    RI 1718 1717.58 tr nd nd
    RI 1722 1722.38 tr nd nd
    1725.56 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1732 1731.85 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1745 1744.63 0.01 nd nd
    (1 -甲基乙基)-环己烷
    1756.23 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1791 1791.04 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1824 1823.79 0.01 nd nd
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    表  5  琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果汁样品中的呋喃类香气组分

    Table  5.   Aroma volatiles(Furan)in juice samples of Guanximiyou, Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

    Relative content
    2-propyl-Furan 756.60(793) tr tr tr
    2-正丁基呋喃 2-n-Butyl furan 854.77(892) nd 0.01 0.01
    cis-Linalool oxide
    1069.21(1070) 0.22 0.16 tr
    trans-Linalool oxide(furanoid)
    1088.26(1088) 0.07 0.05 0.02
    1100.32 nd tr 0.05
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    表  6  琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果汁样品中的酯类香气组分

    Table  6.   Aroma volatiles(Ester)in juice samples of Guanximiyou, Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

    Relative content
    RI 896 895.70 tr tr 0.08
    RI 988 987.64 tr nd tr
    RI 1048 1047.57 tr tr nd
    RI 1687 1687.01 tr nd nd
    RI 1761 1761.19 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1767 1767.03 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1794 1794.40 tr nd nd
    Oxalic acid, cyclobutyl nonyl ester
    1801.61 tr nd nd
    Oxalic acid, allyl nonyl ester
    1812.18 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1847 1846.74 tr nd nd
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    表  7  琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果汁样品中的倍半萜烯类香气组分

    Table  7.   Aroma volatiles(Sesquiterpene)in juice samples of Guanximiyou, Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

    Relative content
    RI 1360 1360.07 tr nd nd
    RI 1364 1363.78 0.01 tr nd
    荜澄茄烯 β-Cubebene 1375.92(1387) tr nd nd
    RI 1397 1397.35 tr nd tr
    RI 1404 1403.94 tr nd nd
    β-波旁烯(-)-β-Bourbonene 1411.29(1417) 0.03 nd nd
    RI 1419 1418.70 tr nd nd
    RI 1457 1456.54 tr nd nd
    RI 1472 1472.33 tr nd nd
    RI 1475 1475.20 tr nd nd
    RI 1486 1485.94 tr nd nd
    RI 1487 1487.46 tr nd nd
    RI 1498 1497.97 tr nd nd
    大牛儿烯 D Germacrene D 1501.39(1487) 0.02 nd nd
    RI 1506 1505.71 0.08 tr nd
    RI 1513 1512.73 tr nd nd
    RI 1518 1517.58 0.01 nd tr
    RI 1522 1522.08 tr nd nd
    1524.06(1523) 0.01 nd nd
    RI 1528 1527.99 tr nd nd
    RI 1537 1536.66 0.03 tr nd
    δ杜松烯 δ-Cadinene 1542.61(1540) 0.06 tr nd
    4-diene Cadina-1(2) 1554.56(1533) tr nd tr
    RI 1559 1558.55 0.01 nd tr
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    表  8  琯溪蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚果汁样品中的单萜类香气组分

    Table  8.   Aroma volatiles(Monoterpene)in juice samples of Guanximiyou, Hongroumiyou and Sanhongmiyou

    Relative content
    β-月桂烯 β-Myrcene973.26(988)0.010.06tr
    柠檬烯 Limonene1018.06(1024)0.010.02tr
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