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王伟英 邹晖 戴艺民 林江波

王伟英,邹晖,戴艺民,等. 瘤菌根菌对铁皮石斛生长和营养成分的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(2):188−194 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.02.008
引用本文: 王伟英,邹晖,戴艺民,等. 瘤菌根菌对铁皮石斛生长和营养成分的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(2):188−194 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.02.008
WANG W Y, ZOU H, DAI YM, et al. Growth and Nutrient Content of Dendrobium officinale as Affected by Epulorhiza Symbiosis [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(2):188−194 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.02.008
Citation: WANG W Y, ZOU H, DAI YM, et al. Growth and Nutrient Content of Dendrobium officinale as Affected by Epulorhiza Symbiosis [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(2):188−194 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.02.008


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.02.008
基金项目: 福建省农业科学院科技创新项目(PC2018-13);福建省自然科学基金项目(2020J011368)




  • 中图分类号: S 667.9

Growth and Nutrient Content of Dendrobium officinale as Affected by Epulorhiza Symbiosis

  • 摘要:   目的  了解瘤菌根菌与铁皮石斛建立共生关系后对植株地上部生长和营养物质积累的影响。  方法  通过液体培养瘤菌根菌属菌株,浇灌无菌盆栽铁皮石斛苗的根部共培养,观察铁皮石斛植株的农艺性状的变化,并比较不同年限铁皮石斛鲜条的营养物质含量的变化。  结果  接菌处理的铁皮石斛盆栽苗比未接菌的对照生长旺盛,叶色浓绿,植株健壮,1年条和2年条的有效茎杆数分别增加了65.67%和74.25%,单茎重分别增加了55.29%和51.45%,差异显著(P<0.05),提高了铁皮石斛的产量。接菌后还提高了粗多糖、石斛碱、粗蛋白和氨基酸的含量,其中接菌后1年条的粗多糖和粗蛋白含量较未接菌的对照分别提高了30.39%和18.7%,差异显著(P<0.05);接菌后1年条和2年条的氨基酸总量显著增加,分别增加了27%和30.25%;粗纤维和灰分的含量在接菌后减少,分别减少了17.76%和36.36%,差异显著(P<0.05)。  结论  接入瘤菌根菌能够显著提高铁皮石斛的产量和营养成分的含量,说明增加产量与提高营养物质含量并不矛盾,这对铁皮石斛的有机菌肥的开发应用、人工栽培有机种植以及鲜条采收时间具有重要的指导意义。
  • 图  1  瘤菌根菌对不同生长年限铁皮石斛的农艺性状的影响

    注:A.种植1 年后的封顶条和长出新芽苗,箭头标记为封顶条;B.2年条;C.1年条

    Figure  1.  Effect of Epulorhiza symbiosis on agronomic characteristics of one- and 2-year-old D. officinale plantlets

    Note: A-capping strip (indicated by arrow) and sprouting seedlings a year after planting; B-stem from 2-year-old plantlet; C-stem from one-year-old plantlet.

    表  1  瘤菌根菌对不同年限铁皮石斛的茎长、有效茎数、茎径、茎重的影响

    Table  1.   Effect of Epulorhiza symbiosis on length, viable stem count, diameter, and weight of one- and 2-year-old D. officinale stems

    Measurement index
    2年条(Stem of two years) 1年条(Stem of one year)
    茎长 Stem length/cm 10.48±0.41 c 15.04±0.99 b 13.02±0.47 bc 19.25±0.62 a
    有效茎数 Productive stem/stick 5.33±0.46 d 8.83±0.63 c 10.33±0.53 b 18.00±0.97 a
    茎径 Stem diameter/cm 0.38±0.09 c 0.51±0.07 a 0.28±0.08 d 0.45±0.03 b
    平均单茎重 Stem weight/g 2.08±0.54 b 3.23±0.43 a 2.06±0.42 b 3.12±0.45 a
    Note:Data in the table represent average value±standard error,Date followed different letters within row indicate significant difference at 0.05 level. The same as table 23 .
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    表  2  瘤菌根菌对不同年限铁皮石斛的主要营养成分的影响

    Table  2.   Effect of Epulorhiza symbiosis on major nutritional constituents in one- and 2-year-old D. officinale (单位:%)

    Measurement index
    2年条 Stem of two years 1年条 Stem of one year
    含水量 Water content 81.35±1.02 ab 83.12±1.85 a 73.93±1.63 c 80.05±1.84 b
    粗蛋白质 Crude protein 1.26±0.06 b 1.19±0.03 b 1.23±0.01 b 1.46±0.08 a
    粗纤维 Crude fiber 2.32±0.12 ab 2.18±0.15 b 2.59±0.13 a 2.13±0.14 b
    灰分 Ash 0.38±0.02 a 0.23±0.05 b 0.44±0.06 a 0.28±0.04 b
    粗多糖 Crude polysaccharides 12.33±0.26 a 12.17±0.14 a 8.528±0.42 c 11.12±0.36 b
    石斛碱 Dendrobine 0.0321±0.001 a 0.0332±0.001 a 0.0327±0.001 a 0.0335±0.001 a
    Note: The results were calculated by fresh weight.
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    表  3  瘤菌根菌对不同年限铁皮石斛的氨基酸组成的影响

    Table  3.   Effect of Epulorhiza symbiosis on amino acid composition of one- and 2-year-old D. officinale

    Amino acid
    2年条 Stem of two years 1年条 Stem of one year
    必需氨基酸 Essential amino acid
    苏氨酸 Threonine 0.2584±0.023 b 0.3383±0.028 a 0.1988±0.018 c 0.2578±0.021 b
    苯丙氨酸 Phenylalanine 0.2511±0.015 c 0.3478±0.014 a 0.2007±0.017 d 0.2715±0.018 b
    赖氨酸 Lysine 0.3654±0.0233 b 0.4643±0.0188 a 0.2801±0.0245 c 0.3684±0.0164 b
    缬草氨酸 Valine 0.2513±0.0151 b 0.3453±0.0135 a 0.2029±0.0166 c 0.2713±0.0173 b
    蛋氨酸 Methionine 0.0348±0.0054 b 0.0294±0.0035 c 0.0419±0.0078 a 0.0357±0.0054 b
    异亮氨酸 Isoleucine 0.2439±0.0233 b 0.3264±0.0114 a 0.1928±0.0164 c 0.2550±0.0135 b
    亮氨酸 Isoleucine 0.5260±0.0236 b 0.6730±0.0295 a 0.4095±0.0216 c 0.5298±0.0303 b
    非必需氨基酸 Nonessential amino acid
    天门冬氨基酸 Aspartic acid 1.0619±0.1236 b 1.2087±0.0853 a 0.7014±0.0735 d 0.9148±0.0892 c
    络氨酸 Tyrosine 0.1958±0.0191 b 0.3135±0.0253 a 0.1638±0.0128 c 0.1544±0.0142 c
    丝氨酸 Serine 0.2054±0.0172 c 0.2923±0.0153 a 0.1697±0.0178 d 0.2340±0.0116 b
    谷氨酸 Glutamic acid 0.7847±0.0895 b 1.0095±0.0617 a 0.5406±0.0591 c 0.7381±0.0453 b
    甘氨酸 Glutamic acid 0.2707±0.0120 b 0.3641±0.0046 a 0.2102±0.0131 c 0.2786±0.087 b
    丙氨酸 Alanine 0.2381±0.0106 c 0.3198±0.0107 a 0.1856±0.0238 d 0.2608±0.062 b
    胱氨酸 Cystine 0.0386±0.0046 b 0.0500±0.0040 a 0.0215±0.0013 d 0.0262±0.0018 c
    组氨酸 Histidine 0.0970±0.0054 c 0.1428±0.0036 a 0.0.813±0.0068 d 0.1099±0.0051 b
    精氨酸 Arginine 0.4230±0.0082 b 0.4529±0.0112 a 0.2461±0.0043 d 0.2842±0.0103 c
    脯氨酸 Proline 0.2157±0.0059 b 0.3186±0.0062 a 0.1630±0.0040 c 0.2195±0.0093 b
    氨基酸总量 Total amino acid,EAA,TAA 5.4618±0.2426 b 6.9401±0.5769 a 4.0038±0.3163 c 5.2100±0.4216 b
    必需氨基酸总量 Essential amino acid,EAA 1.9334±0.1581 b 2.5678±0.1834 a 1.5214±0.1735 c 1.9798±0.1088 b
    非必需氨基酸总量 Nonessential amino acid,NEAA 3.5284±0.2193 b 4.3723±0.1532 a 2.4797±0.2353 c 3.2302±0.2014 b
    Essential amino acid/ Total amino acid(EAA/TAA)
    0.35±0.01 b 0.37±0.01 a 0.38±0.01 a 0.38±0.01 a
    Essential amino acid/ Nonessential amino acid(EAA/NEAA)
    0.55±0.04 a 0.59±0.06 a 0.61±0.07 a 0.61±0.08 a
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-07-25
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  • 刊出日期:  2021-02-28


