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李捷 张峰 黄菁菁 丁立平 杨方 姚清华

李捷,张峰,黄菁菁,等. 纳米四氧化三铁在茶叶农药残留检测中的应用及方法优化 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(1):65−70 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.01.009
引用本文: 李捷,张峰,黄菁菁,等. 纳米四氧化三铁在茶叶农药残留检测中的应用及方法优化 [J]. 福建农业学报,2021,36(1):65−70 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.01.009
LI J, ZHANG F, HUANG J J, et al. Optimized Application of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Pesticide Detection in Tea [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(1):65−70 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.01.009
Citation: LI J, ZHANG F, HUANG J J, et al. Optimized Application of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Pesticide Detection in Tea [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2021,36(1):65−70 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.01.009


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2021.01.009
基金项目: 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2017J01040);国家质量基础的共性技术研究与应用专项(2017YFF0211304)





  • 中图分类号: O 652.63

Optimized Application of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Pesticide Detection in Tea

  • 摘要:   目的  建立高效液相色谱-串联质谱测定茶叶中7种农药的分析方法,提高检测效率、降低检测成本。  方法  以多菌灵、嘧霉胺、三环唑、吡虫啉、啶虫脒、灭多威、噻虫嗪等7种农药为目标物,纳米Fe3O4作为净化材料,考察其对茶叶中色素的去除效果,并进行方法评价。  结果  茶叶基质中纳米Fe3O4组的7种农药回收率明显高于石墨化碳黑(GCB)组,最佳用量为300 mg。通过Phenomenex Luna C8 (150 mm × 2.0 mm × 3.0 µm)色谱柱梯度洗脱,流动相A为含0.1 %甲酸和5 mmol·L−1乙酸铵的水,B为乙腈,多反应监测模式(MRM)监测。在0 ~ 50 µg·L−1方法线性良好,相关系数(R2)大于0.995;在5、10、50 ng·g−1添加水平下回收率为71.6%~107.7 %,相对标准偏差(RSD)为3.95%~13.62 %,检出限为0.15~0.60 µg·kg−1,定量限为0.5~2.0 µg·kg−1  结论  基于纳米Fe3O4建立了高效液相色谱-串联质谱测定茶叶中农药残留的分析方法,该方法稳定、可靠,有效提高了茶叶中农药残留检测的回收率,降低了检测成本。
  • 图  1  提取液经不同材料净化后的色素变化

    Figure  1.  Variation on pigments in tea extracts after treatment of different pigment-removing materials

    图  2  不同净化材料对7种农药的回收率影响


    Figure  2.  Recovery rate on 7 pesticides of newly developed method with pretreatment using different pigment-removing materials

    Note: A: imidacloprid; B: acetamiprid; C: carbendazim; D: methomyl; E: pyrimethanil; F: thiamethoxam; G: tricyclazole. Same for Figs. 3 and 4.

    图  3  纳米Fe3O4用量的优化


    Figure  3.  Optimization on Fe3O4 nanoparticle usage

    Note: A, imidacloprid; B, acetamiprid; C, carbendazim; D, methomyl; E, pyrimethanil; F, thiamethoxam; G, tricyclazole.

    图  4  净化材料对茶叶中农药检测基质效应的影响


    Figure  4.  Effect of pigment-removing materials on determination of 7 pesticides in tea

    Note: A, imidacloprid; B, acetamiprid; C, carbendazim; D, methomyl; E, pyrimethanil; F, thiamethoxam; G, tricyclazole.

    图  5  50 µg·L−1 的7种农药的标准溶液的总离子流图


    Figure  5.  Total ion chromatograms on 50 μg·L−1 solutions of 7 pesticides

    Note: Left to right: Peak 1: carbendazim; Peak 2: thiamethoxam; Peak 3: methomyl; Peak 4: tricyclazole; Peak 5: acetamiprid; Peak 6: imidacloprid; Peak 7: pyrimethanil.

    表  1  7种农药的液相色谱质谱分析参数

    Table  1.   LC-MS/MS testing parameters for 7 pesticides

    Retention time/min
    Information of ion fragments/(m·z−1
    Collision energy/eV
    A吡虫啉 Imidacloprid3.19256>209*, 256>1751209, 12
    B啶虫脒 Acetamiprid2.49223.1>125.8*, 223.1>908717, 36
    C多菌灵 Carbendazim1.24192>160*, 192>13210016, 33
    D灭多威 Methomyl2.01163>88*, 163>106582, 5
    E嘧霉胺 Pyrimethanil4.61200>107*, 200>16812723, 30
    F噻虫嗪 Thiamethoxam1.57291.9>210.9*, 291.9>180.9805, 18
    G三环唑 Tricyclazole2.38190>162.9*, 190>13613020, 30
    注:* 为定量离子对。
    Note: *is quantitative ion pairs.
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    表  2  方法的线性回归方程、相关系数、检出限和定量限

    Table  2.   Linear equations, R2, LODs, and LOQs on detections of 7 pesticides by newly developed detection method

    目标物 Component回归方程 Regression equation线性范围 Linear range/(µg·L−1相关系数 R2LOD /(µg·kg−1LOQ /(µg·kg−1
    多菌灵 Carbendazimy=20760x+8436.70~500.99860.150.5
    噻虫嗪 Thiamethoxamy=2473.4x+1116.10~500.99890.31
    灭多威 Methomyly=1918.8x+1382.80~500.99920.62
    三环唑 Tricyclazoley=14481x+6394.90~500.99920.150.5
    啶虫脒 Acetamipridy=11083x-2560.60~500.99970.150.5
    吡虫啉 Imidaclopridy=1517.2x+571.30~500.99790.62
    嘧霉胺 Pyrimethanily=3576.5x+3143.30~500.99870.31
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    表  3  7种农药的加标回收率及精密度(n=6)

    Table  3.   Recovery rates and RSDs on spiked pesticides of newly developed detection method (n=6)

    目标物 Component添加水平 Spiked levels/(ng·g−1回收率 Recovery/%相对标准偏差 RSD/%
    多菌灵 Carbendazim5, 10, 5075.4, 71.6, 72.59.71, 6.69, 6.43
    噻虫嗪 Thiamethoxam5, 10, 5094.5, 99.7, 104.010.75, 4.13, 5.79
    灭多威 Methomyl5, 10, 50100.2, 102.8,107.78.65, 8.18, 6.10
    三环唑 Tricyclazole5, 10, 5078.9, 74.1, 77.55.35, 8.13, 4.62
    啶虫脒 Acetamiprid5, 10, 50104.6, 105.6, 102.36.17, 4.46, 3.95
    吡虫啉 Imidacloprid5, 10, 5092.9, 94.8, 101.213.62, 8.58, 6.22
    嘧霉胺 Pyrimethanil5, 10, 50100.8, 95.4, 98.67.97, 5.14, 5.03
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