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郭晓菲 郭琪琪 何志刚 梁璋成 林晓姿

郭晓菲,郭琪琪,何志刚,等. 大豆复水协同隔氧磨浆对脱除豆腥味及提高豆浆综合品质的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(12):1385−1390 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.012
引用本文: 郭晓菲,郭琪琪,何志刚,等. 大豆复水协同隔氧磨浆对脱除豆腥味及提高豆浆综合品质的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(12):1385−1390 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.012
GUO X F, GUO Q Q, HE Z G, et al. Beany Note Reduction and Overall Quality Improvement on Soymilk by Optimized Processing [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(12):1385−1390 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.012
Citation: GUO X F, GUO Q Q, HE Z G, et al. Beany Note Reduction and Overall Quality Improvement on Soymilk by Optimized Processing [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(12):1385−1390 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.012


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.12.012
基金项目: 福建省科技计划区域发展项目(2019N3008)




  • 中图分类号: TS 205.1

Beany Note Reduction and Overall Quality Improvement on Soymilk by Optimized Processing

  • 摘要:   目的  研究协同控制复水参数及隔氧磨浆对脂肪氧化酶活力及豆浆风味等品质的影响,为开发高品质大豆饮品提供理论与技术支持。  方法  比较大豆复水条件、磨浆温度、隔氧磨浆等因子对豆浆脂肪氧化酶活力的抑制效果,获得较优的工艺参数。以此工艺参数为基础,研究协同控制隔氧磨浆对去除豆腥味以及提高豆浆色泽、风味等综合品质的影响。  结果  (1)大豆复水温度是影响脂肪氧化酶活力的主要因素,热碱(80 ℃、pH 9)复水协同隔氧磨浆处理工艺对脂肪氧化酶活力的抑制效果最佳,脂肪氧化酶活力仅为100±2.5 U·mL−1;(2)在上述所得的最优复水条件下,不同隔氧磨浆温度对大豆脂肪氧化酶活力的影响并不显著,因此磨浆温度并非抑制脂肪氧化酶活力的关键因子;(3)与室温复水非隔氧磨浆比较,隔氧磨浆制得的豆浆脂肪氧化酶活力降低了99.67%,总黄酮含量提高了24.77%,豆腥味明显去除,豆浆亮度、风味等综合品质明显提升,最优处理参数协同隔氧磨浆的方式去除豆腥味效果最好,豆浆综合品质最佳。  结论  大豆以浸泡液温度80 ℃、pH 9、浸泡时间60 min的复水工艺协同隔氧磨浆工艺制得的豆浆腥味最低,综合品质最好,本研究对高品质大豆饮品的开发具有重要的意义。
  • 表  1  大豆复水工艺和隔氧磨浆对脂肪氧化酶活力的影响

    Table  1.   Effect of soybean rehydration conditions on lipoxygenase activity in soymilk prepared by optimized process

    Refining conditions
    Soaking and rehydration conditions
    Lipoxygenase activity/(U·mL−1
    水温 Water temperature/℃pH
    1 隔氧磨浆 Oxygen-isolating refining 80 6.7 240±7.1 Cc
    2 隔氧磨浆 Oxygen-isolating refining 25 6.7 18 180±91.9 Bb
    3 隔氧磨浆 Oxygen-isolating refining 80 9.0 100±2.5 Dd
    CK 非隔氧磨浆 Oxygen refining 25 6.7 30 060±0.0 Aa
    Note: Data are mean±standard deviation; those with different capitalized letters indicate significant differences at P<0.01; and, those with different lowercase letters significant differences at P<0.05. "—" means no germination. Same for Tables 2–4.
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    表  2  隔氧磨浆温度对脂肪氧化酶活力的影响

    Table  2.   Effect of grinding temperature on lipoxygenase activity in soymilk

    Refining temperature/℃
    Lipoxygenase activity/(U·mL−1
    4095.0±5.0 Aa
    5097.1±3.0 Aa
    60103.2±3.1 Aa
    70100.0±0.2 Aa
    80105.3±5.4 Aa
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    表  3  隔氧与非隔氧磨浆对脂肪氧化酶活力与品质的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of vacuum-grinding on lipoxygenase activity and quality of soymilk

    Refining conditions
    Soaking and rehydration conditions
    Lipoxygenase activity/
    Protein extraction yield/
    Total flavonoid content/
    Water temperature/℃
    Oxygen refining
    256.730 060±0.0 Aa92.3±1.0 Aa468.7±10.0 Cc
    Oxygen refining
    809.0150±3.0 Bb90.8±1.0 Aa646.2±5.1 Aa
    Oxygen-isolating refining
    809.0100±2.5 Cc90.3±1.5 Aa584.8±7.9 Bb
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    表  4  隔氧磨浆对豆浆Lab色度指标的测定

    Table  4.   Determination of Lab Color Index of Soy Milk with Oxygen-isolated Refining

    Refining conditions
    Lab色度 Lab Chroma
    CK非隔氧磨浆 Oxygen refining58.69±0.08 Cc−2.68±0.00 Aa3.20±0.08 Bb25.56±0.06 Cc−1.90±0.01 Aa2.60±0.11 Bb
    A非隔氧磨浆 Oxygen refining59.47±0.16 Bb−2.75±0.04 Bb3.84±0.08 Aa26.34±0.16 Bb−1.97±0.04 Aa3.24±0.07 Aa
    B隔氧磨浆 Oxygen-isolating refining61.00±0.03 Aa−2.87±0.02 Cc3.81±0.04 Aa27.88±0.03 Aa−2.09±0.02 Bb3.21±0.04 Aab
    Note: (1) The refining method of each treatment in the table corresponds to Table 3, and Tables 5 to 6 are the same. (2) Chromaticity of control group: L*=33.13, a*=−0.78, b*=0.60.
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    表  5  豆浆隔氧与非隔氧磨浆感官评价结果

    Table  5.   Sensory evaluation on soymilk

    处理 Group豆腥味 Beany 色泽 Color 滋味 Taste 综合评价 Comprehensive evaluation
    上 Top中 Middle下 Bottom 上 Top中 Middle下 Bottom 上 Top中 Middle下 Bottom 上 Top中 Middle下 Bottom
    CK 1 3 6 6 2 2 4 5 1 3 2 5
    A 9 0 1 7 3 0 8 2 0 6 4 0
    B 9 1 0 5 4 1 8 2 0 8 2 0
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    表  6  豆浆隔氧与非隔氧磨浆感官评价模糊变换结果

    Table  6.   Fuzzy transformation on sensory evaluation of soymilk

    编号 Number磨浆方式 Refining conditions上 Top中 Middle下 Bottom
    CK非隔氧磨浆 Oxygen refining0.290 0 0.290 0 0.420 0
    A非隔氧磨浆 Oxygen refining0.740 00.230 00.030 0
    B隔氧磨浆 Oxygen-isolating refining0.800 00.190 00.010 0
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