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李晓科 武玉珍 张谨华 张义贤

李晓科,武玉珍,张谨华,等. H2S对Cd胁迫下大麦幼苗逆境生理及光合作用的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(10):1131−1137 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.011
引用本文: 李晓科,武玉珍,张谨华,等. H2S对Cd胁迫下大麦幼苗逆境生理及光合作用的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(10):1131−1137 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.011
LI X K, WU Y Z, ZHANG J H, et al. Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Physiology and Photosynthesis of Barley Seedlings under Cd-stress [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(10):1131−1137 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.011
Citation: LI X K, WU Y Z, ZHANG J H, et al. Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Physiology and Photosynthesis of Barley Seedlings under Cd-stress [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(10):1131−1137 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.011


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.011
基金项目: 山西省自然科学基金项目(201701D121083);晋中学院2015年博士基金项目(2015006)


  • 中图分类号: X 171.5

Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Physiology and Photosynthesis of Barley Seedlings under Cd-stress

  • 摘要:   目的  为揭示H2S对Cd胁迫下大麦幼苗生长的胁迫效应规律,探讨H2S提高大麦幼苗耐镉的作用机制,并为大麦种植区镉污染防治提供一定的科学依据。  方法  采用室内水培法,以晋科571大麦品种为研究对象,设置以CdCl2(0.2 mmol·L−1,处理中简称Cd)、外源H2S供体NaHS(50.0 μmol·L−1,处理中简称NaHS)和H2S生成抑制剂羟胺HA(1.0 mmol·L−1,处理中简称HA)形成的不同处理组:Cd、NaHS、HA、Cd+NaHS、Cd+HA。测定不同处理组对大麦幼苗生长、叶片损伤、渗透调节物质、抗氧化酶活性、叶绿素含量及光合特性的影响。  结果  与Cd组相比,外源H2S缓解了Cd对幼苗生长的抑制和对叶片的损伤,表现为大麦幼苗根长、苗长、生物量增加,叶片相对电导率、丙二醛(MDA)及超氧阴离子(O2)含量降低;促进了光合作用,表现为叶绿素含量和净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)增加;提高了大麦幼苗抵抗外界不良环境的能力,表现为渗透调节物质(可溶性糖、脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白)含量和抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性增加。  结论  在外源H2S供体NaHS溶液浓度为50.0 μmol·L−1时,Cd胁迫对大麦幼苗造成的伤害得到了一定程度的缓解,外源H2S能够增强大麦在Cd污染逆境中的适应能力。
  • 表  1  H2S对Cd胁迫下大麦幼苗根长、苗长、生物量以及叶片损伤的影响

    Table  1.   Effects of H2S on root length, plant length, biomass, and leaf damage of barley seedlings under Cd-stress

    Treatment group
    Root length/cm
    Plant length/cm
    MDA content/(µmol·g−1
    Relative conductivity/%
    CK6.06±0.18 b7.37±0.29 b74.81±3.23 b2.26±0.11 e13.21±0.49 d34.46±2.46 e
    NaHS6.26±0.13 a8.15±0.31 a76.11±2.99 a2.01±0.26 f10.83±0.54 e33.45±2.71 d
    Cd4.71±0.20 c6.23±0.25 d60.19±2.51 d3.81±0.23 c32.32±1.35 b54.19±3.36 b
    Cd+NaHS5.93±0.41 b7.06±0.52 c69.88±3.15 c3.07±0.21 d29.08±1.54 c42.18±3.01 c
    Cd+HA3.18±0.27 d4.91±0.65 e48.66±3.61 e4.02±0.13 a37.06±1.53 a60.42±2.26 a
    HA3.34±0.31 d4.96±0.49 e49.87±3.34 e3.96±0.21 b31.36±1.26 b53.04±2.63 b
    Note: Date without the same lowercase letters in the same column represented significant difference(P<0.05), the same below.
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    表  2  H2S对Cd胁迫下大麦幼苗叶片渗透调节物质和抗氧化酶活性的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of H2S on osmotic regulatory substances and antioxidant enzyme activities in leaves of barley seedlings under Cd-stress

    Treatment group
    Soluble sugar content/
    Proline content/
    Soluble protein
    SOD activity/
    POD activity/
    CAT activity/
    CK6.06±0.31 b11.15±0.59 e35.26±2.51 b89.33±3.21 d202.13±3.74 bc400.98±6.61 a
    NaHS6.73±0.38 a12.07±0.43 d35.61±2.33 a91.55±3.37 d203.62±5.06 b403.05±6.53 a
    Cd5.79±0.24 d17.22±0.87 b31.21±2.93 d138.61±4.17 b198.36±3.59 d285.89±3.72 d
    Cd+NaHS6.12±0.26 b19.76±0.69 a34.55±2.19 c157.39±4.75 a216.29±4.64 a326.21±4.39 c
    Cd+HA5.41±0.31 e16.30±0.71 c30.54±3.06 e126.82±4.97 c169.36±4.56 e268.53±5.22 e
    HA5.98±0.27 c10.33±0.59 f35.08±3.27 b86.41±3.72 e200.17±4.47 c352.62±4.82 b
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    表  3  外源H2S对Cd胁迫下大麦幼苗叶片叶绿素含量和光合特性的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of H2S on chlorophyll content and photosynthetic characteristics of barley seedlings under Cd-stress

    Treatment group
    Chlorophyll a content/(mg·g−1
    Chlorophyll b content/(mg·g−1
    Net photosynthetic rate/(μmol·m−2·s−1
    Stomatal conductance/mmol·m−2·s−1
    Intercellular CO2 concentration/
    Transpiration rate/
    CK0.93±0.03 b0.55±0.01 b13.63±1.33 a0.23±0.01 b189.02±12.03 b8.35±0.03 b
    NaHS1.13±0.04 a0.62±0.02 a13.69±1.64 a0.41±0.03 a196.25±13.17 a9.02±1.01 a
    Cd0.73±0.04 d0.41±0.01 e10.57±1.09 d0.15±0.01 c167.35±10.54 c4.35±0.79 e
    Cd+NaHS0.84±0.03 c0.51±0.02 c11.26±1.23 c0.21±0.03 b166.81±12.46 c5.68±1.06 c
    Cd+HA0.69±0.03 e0.39±0.02 f8.53±1.63 e0.09±0.01 d109.92±11.42 e2.94±0.26 f
    HA0.83±0.02 c0.47±0.01 d11.87±1.92 b0.14±0.02 c128.39±15.32 d5.16±1.24 d
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