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姚清华 颜孙安 叶建洪 黄敏敏 陈美珍 林虬

姚清华,颜孙安,叶建洪,等. 施用农药对银耳膳食风险的影响及其最大残留限量 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(10):1111−1118 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.009
引用本文: 姚清华,颜孙安,叶建洪,等. 施用农药对银耳膳食风险的影响及其最大残留限量 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(10):1111−1118 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.009
YAO Q H, YAN S A, YE J H, et al. Dietary Safety and Recommended Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides Applied on Tremella fuciformis [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(10):1111−1118 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.009
Citation: YAO Q H, YAN S A, YE J H, et al. Dietary Safety and Recommended Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides Applied on Tremella fuciformis [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(10):1111−1118 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.009


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.10.009
基金项目: 农业农村部国家农产品质量安全风险评估项目(GJFP2019014);福建省科技计划公益类专项(2018R1018-7);福建省财政专项——福建省农业科学院创新团队建设项目(STIT2017-1-12)




  • 中图分类号: S567.34

Dietary Safety and Recommended Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides Applied on Tremella fuciformis

  • 摘要:   目的  研究联苯菊酯等农药对银耳(Tremella fuciformis Berk)子实体生长的影响,建议农药最大残留限量(MRL),填补银耳栽培无登记农药可用的空白。  方法  以银耳主栽品种之一Tr21为研究对象,在原基形成后不同阶段,以喷雾方式施用8组10种农药,分析子实体中农药及其代谢物残留水平,评估长期膳食银耳和全膳食暴露的健康风险,通过计算提出对普通消费者农药最大残留限量保护水平的建议。  结果  咪鲜胺乳油,2 000~4 000 mg·L−1的哒螨灵、啶虫脒微乳剂,4 000 mg·L−1的异丙威乳油在部分喷施模式下会抑制银耳生长。在建议模式下,喷施农药可以提高银耳产量且农药残留导致的长期膳食暴露和全膳食暴露的慢性健康风险处于可接受水平。结合农药对银耳生长的影响和风险评估结果,建议银耳中联苯菊酯、啶虫脒、阿维菌素、咪鲜胺、吡虫啉、异丙威、哒螨灵的农药残留限量值(MRL)分别设为1.00、0.70、0.10、0.02、5.00、0.10、0.01 mg·kg−1。建议值对消费者的保护水平为3.07~306.92。  结论  银耳栽培过程可以适当使用农药进行病虫害防控,当农药残留低于建议的MRL时,不会对消费者健康水平造成不良影响。
  • 图  1  农药对银耳生长的影响


    Figure  1.  Effects of pesticides on snow fungus growth

    Note: Asterisk indicates that significantly different was found between the experiment group and control group(P<0.05).

    表  1  供试农药、剂型及其生产企业

    Table  1.   Formulation and manufacturers of pesticides tested

    Manufacturing enterprise
    A 6%(3%+3%)联苯菊酯、啶虫脒微乳剂
    Bifenthrin, acetamiprid micro-emulsion
    Qingdao Zhengdao Pharma Co., Ltd.
    B 5%阿维菌素乳油
    Abamectinemulsifiable concentrate
    Shandong Jinruite Bio-technology Co., Ltd.
    C 30%乙酰甲胺磷乳油
    Acephateemulsifiable concentrate
    Chongqing Pesticide Chemical Co., Ltd.
    D 45%咪鲜胺乳油
    Prochlorazemulsifiable concentrate
    Germany Aolien Crop Protection Co., Ltd.
    E 10%吡虫啉粉剂
    Jinan Yinong Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
    F 20%异丙威乳油
    Isoprocarbemulsifiable concentrate
    Jiangsu Huisheng Pesticide Co., Ltd.
    G 10%(5%+5%)哒螨灵、啶虫脒微乳剂
    Pyridaben, acetamiprid micro-emulsion
    Shenzhen Noposion International Investment Co., Ltd.
    H 5%(1%+4%)丁硫克百威、毒死蜱颗粒剂
    Carbosulfan, chlorpyrifos granules
    Xi’an Ruibang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
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    表  2  不同喷施模式下银耳农药及其代谢产物残留

    Table  2.   Pesticide and metabolite residues on Tr21 sprayed with pesticides by different methods

    残留水平 Residue level/(mg·kg−1
    联苯菊酯、啶虫脒 Bifenthrin, Acetamiprid 1 000 0.02 ND 0.12 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.82 0.29
    2 000 0.02 ND 0.27 0.17 0.10 0.06 0.84 0.43
    4 000 0.02 0.04 0.99 0.37 1.67 0.42 3.23 0.69
    阿维菌素 Abamectin 1 000 ND 0.21 0.20 2.44
    2 000 ND 0.25 0.88 3.04
    4 000 ND 1.14 1.80 3.56
    乙酰甲胺磷 Acephate 1 000 NDa NDa NDa NDa
    2 000 NDa NDa NDa NDa
    4 000 NDa NDa NDa NDa
    咪鲜胺 Prochloraz 1 000 0.01 3.99
    2 000 0.10 6.84
    4 000 1.22 7.39
    吡虫啉 Imidacloprid 1 000 0.03 1.32 0.22 6.23
    2 000 0.11 2.06 0.48 11.70
    4 000 0.17 3.71 1.91 14.91
    异丙威 Isoprocarb 1 000 0.05 0.14 0.07 1.23
    2 000 0.05 0.27 0.07 2.17
    4 000 0.10 0.83 13.30
    哒螨灵、啶虫脒 Pyridaben, Acetamiprid 1 000 ND ND 0.09 0.05 1.28 0.35
    2 000 ND ND
    4 000 ND ND
    丁硫克百威、毒死蜱 Carbosulfan, Chlorpyrifos 1 000 NDa ND NDa 0.04 NDa 0.02 NDa ND
    2 000 NDa ND NDa 0.05 NDa 0.03 NDa ND
    4 000 NDa ND NDa 0.11 0.02b 0.04 0.03b 0.28
    Note: ND, not detected. NDa, both pesticide and its metabolites were not detected. The symbol(−)means that the snow fungus fruit growth was inhibited by corresponding pesticide. b, the level of carbofuran residue in snow fungus samples.
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    表  3  银耳膳食导致的农药及代谢物暴露风险

    Table  3.   Health risk of dietary exposure to pesticide and metabolite residues in fungi

    农药 Pesticide浓度 Concentration/(mg·L−1慢性膳食摄入风险 Chronic dietary exposure risk/(%ADI)
    联苯菊酯、啶虫脒 Bifenthrin, Acetamiprid 1 000 1 0.004 1 0.05 1 0.05 5 0.23
    2 000 1 0.004 2 0.14 1 0.05 5 0.35
    4 000 1 0.035 5 0.30 9 0.34 18 0.56
    阿维菌素 Abamectin 1 000 0.28 12 11 101
    2 000 0.28 14 50 171
    4 000 0.28 64 101 200
    咪鲜胺 Prochloraz 1 000 0.056 22
    2 000 0.56 38
    4 000 7 41
    吡虫啉 Imidacloprid 1 000 0.028 1 0.21 6
    2 000 0.10 2 0.45 11
    4 000 0.16 3 2 14
    异丙威 Isoprocarb 1 000 1 4 2 35
    2 000 1 8 2 61
    4 000 3 23 375
    哒螨灵、啶虫脒 Pyridaben, Acetamiprid 1 000 0.028 0.004 0.51 0.04 7 0.28
    2 000 0.028 0.004
    4 000 0.028 0.004
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    表  4  不同食物日均膳食量及农药膳食风险评估

    Table  4.   Average daily dietary intake and risk assessment of pesticide residues

    (ADI:0.01 mg·kg−1 )
    (ADI:0.07 mg·kg−1 )
    (ADI:0.001 mg·kg−1 )
    (ADI:0.01 mg·kg−1 )
    登记作物MRL or
    NEDI/mg登记作物MRL or
    NEDI/mg登记作物MRL or
    NEDI/mg登记作物MRL or
    0.1766 水稻 0.5 0.088 水稻 0.02 0.004 水稻 0.5 0.088
    0.1422 小麦 0.5 0.071 小麦 0.5 0.071 小麦 0.01 0.001 小麦 0.5 0.071
    薯类 0.0357
    0.0884 番茄等 0.5 0.044 菠菜等 5 0.442 茄子等 0.2 0.018 蒜苔等 2 0.177
    0.1735 银耳等 0.02~3.23 0.003~0.560 银耳等 ND~0.69 0.001~0.120 银耳等 ND~1.14 0.001~0.198 银耳等 0.01~7.39 0.002~1.282
    水果 0.0406 苹果等 0.5 0.020 柑橘等 2 0.081 苹果等 0.02 0.001 苹果等 2 0.090
    植物油 0.0371 棉籽 0.5 0.018 棉籽 0.1 0.004 棉籽 0.01 0.001
    0.0021 甘蔗 0.05 0.001
    合计 0.158~0.715 0.687~0.806 0.025~0.222 0.419~1.699
    RQc (%) 29.7~134.3 18.4~21.6 47.0~417.1 78.7~319.2
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    (ADI:0.06 mg·kg−1 )
    (ADI:0.002 mg·kg−1 )
    (ADI:0.01 mg·kg−1 )
    登记作物MRL or
    NEDI/ mg登记作物MRL or
    NEDI/ mg登记作物MRL or
    NEDI/ mg
    米及制品 0.1766 水稻 0.05 0.009 水稻 0.2 0.035 水稻 1 0.177
    面及制品 0.1422 小麦 0.05 0.007 小麦 NA
    薯类 0.0357 马铃薯 0.5 0.018
    深色蔬菜 0.0884 茄子等 1 0.088 甘蓝等 2 0.177
    浅色蔬菜 0.1735 银耳等 0.03~14.91 0.005~2.587 银耳等 0.05~2.17 0.009~0.376 银耳等 ND~1.28 0.001~0.222
    水果 0.0406 苹果等 0.5 0.020 苹果等 2 0.081
    植物油 0.0371 棉籽等 0.5 0.018 棉籽等 0.1 0.004
    0.0021 甘蔗 0.2 0.001
    合计 0.167~2.748 0.044~0.412 0.439~0.660
    RQc (%) 5.2~86.0 41.3~387.0 82.5~124.0
    Note: Except the data of pesticide residues on snow fungus, others are available in GB2763-2019[15]. Because these pesticides had not been registered in animal foods, bean products, nuts, beverage, and milk products, consumption amount for them were not listed. MRL, maximum residual limit. NA, the MRL value of isoprocarb for wheat was not available in GB2763-2019. STMR, the supervised trial median residue. NEDI, national estimated daily intake.
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    表  5  银耳栽培过程农药使用建议

    Table  5.   Suggested pesticide applications for Tr21 cultivation

    农药 Pesticide剂型 Dosage form方式、浓度范围 Modes/(mg·L−1
    3%联苯菊酯、3%啶虫脒 Bifenthrin, acetamiprid微乳剂 Micro-emulsionM1、M2(≤4000)M3、M4(≤2000)
    5%阿维菌素 Abamectin乳油 Emulsifiable concentrateM1(≤4000)
    45%咪鲜胺 Prochloraz乳油 Emulsifiable concentrateM1(≤1000)
    10%吡虫啉 Imidacloprid粉剂 DustpowderM1、M2、M3(≤4000)
    20%异丙威 Isoprocarb乳油 Emulsifiable concentrateM1(≤4000)M3(≤2000)
    5%哒螨灵、5%啶虫脒 Pyridaben, acetamiprid微乳剂 Micro-emulsionM1(≤4000)
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    表  6  银耳农药残留限量建议值

    Table  6.   Recommended MRLs on 7 pesticides for Tr21 cultivation

    序号 No.农药 PesticideMRL/(mg kg−1RQc/%CPLc
    1联苯菊酯 Bifenthrin1.0061.573.07
    2啶虫脒 acetamiprid0.7021.6630.69
    3阿维菌素 Abamectin0.1077.343.07
    4咪鲜胺 Prochloraz0.0279.07153.46
    5吡虫啉 Imidacloprid5.0032.223.68
    6异丙威 Isoprocarb0.1049.476.14
    7哒螨灵 Pyridaben0.0182.64306.92
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