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黄婷 王明元 秦紫艺 刘昕炜 徐志周 孙越 刘紫萱 董涛

黄婷,王明元,秦紫艺,等. 油梨根际AM真菌多样性与土壤养分相关性分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(7):773−780 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.07.011
引用本文: 黄婷,王明元,秦紫艺,等. 油梨根际AM真菌多样性与土壤养分相关性分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(7):773−780 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.07.011
HUANG T, WANG M Y, QIN Z Y, et al. Correlation between AM Fungal Diversity and Rhizosphere Fertility at Avocado Fields [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(7):773−780 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.07.011
Citation: HUANG T, WANG M Y, QIN Z Y, et al. Correlation between AM Fungal Diversity and Rhizosphere Fertility at Avocado Fields [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(7):773−780 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.07.011


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.07.011
基金项目: 广东省农作物种质资源库(圃)建设与资源收集保存、鉴评项目(GDZY20180001);泉州市科技计划项目(2018N003)




  • 中图分类号: S 154.36

Correlation between AM Fungal Diversity and Rhizosphere Fertility at Avocado Fields

  • 摘要:   目的  调查广西、云南、广东等3地7个样地油梨根际AM真菌的多样性,并分析与土壤养分之间的关系,为油梨AM真菌资源收集和开发提供理论依据。  方法  采用湿筛倾析-蔗糖离心法分离土壤孢子,进行形态学鉴定,研究AM真菌的物种多样性及土壤养分的相关性。  结果  试验共分离油梨根际AM真菌3属33种,球囊霉属22种、无梗囊霉属7种、盾巨孢囊霉属4种,其中:木薯球囊霉、瑞氏无梗囊霉、深红盾巨孢囊霉、黑色盾巨孢囊霉为共有优势种,近明球囊霉、纯黄球囊霉、网状球囊霉、副冠球囊霉、疣突球囊霉、细凹无梗囊霉、疣壁盾巨孢囊霉为常见种;不同样地油梨根际AM真菌Sorenson相似性系数(0.29~0.92),普遍极高或高;相关性分析表明,AM真菌菌种丰度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与速效磷含量呈显著负相关。  结论  油梨根际土壤的AM真菌多样性丰富,球囊霉属为优势种群,且AM真菌种丰度多样性与土壤速效磷呈显著负相关。
  • 图  1  油梨根际AM真菌的优势种(100x)

    注:A.木薯球囊霉; B.瑞氏无梗囊霉; C.深红盾巨孢囊霉; D.黑色盾巨孢囊霉。

    Figure  1.  Dominant AM fungal species in rhizosphere soil

    Note: A: G. manihotis; B: A. rehmii; C: S. rubra; D: S. reticulate.

    表  1  油梨根际土壤样品来源

    Table  1.   Source of avocado rhizosphere soil samples

    Serial number
    Samples location
    Sampling time
    SY1 广西崇左市扶绥县山圩镇山圩农场
    Shanxu Farm, Shanxu Town, Fusui County, Chongzuo City, Guangxi
    80 N22°27ʹ18ʺ,E108°0ʹ14ʺ 哈斯
    SY2 广西崇左市扶绥县山圩镇山圩农场
    Shanxu Farm, Shanxu Town, Fusui County, Chongzuo City, Guangxi
    80 N22°27ʹ18ʺ,E108°0ʹ14ʺ 福瑞特
    MB 保山市隆阳区潞江镇芒棒村
    Mangbang Village, Lujiang Town, Longyang District, Baoshan City
    910 N25°3ʹ33ʺ,E98°49ʹ35ʺ 哈斯
    HW 德宏州瑞丽市勐秀乡户瓦村
    Huwa Village, Mengxiu Township, Ruili City, Dehong Prefecture
    980 N24°7ʹ13ʺ,E97°45ʹ16ʺ 缅甸品种1
    Burmese breed 1
    MX 德宏州瑞丽市勐秀乡勐秀村
    Huwa Village, Mengxiu Township, Ruili City, Dehong Prefecture
    1350 N24°3ʹ51ʺ,E97°84ʹ1ʺ 哈斯
    RL 德宏州瑞丽市云南农科院热经所瑞丽实验站
    Ruili Experimental Station, Thermal Economic Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ruili City, Dehong Prefecture
    80 N24°1ʹ15ʺ,E97°52ʹ10ʺ 缅甸品种2
    Burmese breed 2
    GD 广东省农业科学院果树研究所
    Fruit Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
    10 N23°9ʹ22ʺ,E113°22ʹ2ʺ 哈斯
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    表  2  油梨根际土壤因子分析

    Table  2.   Analysis on factors of avocado rhizosphere soil

    Sampling site
    土壤 pH
    Soil pH
    Organic matter/(g·kg−1
    Available phosphorus content/(mg·kg−1
    Available nitrogen content/(mg·kg−1
    Available potassium content/(mg·kg−1
    SY1 6.18±0.03 a 30.73±0.40 c 159.75±10.35 b 33.60±2.80 b 106.10±2.94 d
    SY2 5.33±0.07 d 29.81±1.05 c 13.43±0.49 e 33.60±0.00 b 132.44±0.73 c
    MB 5.60±0.03 c 37.60±0.79 a 0.71±0.49 f 23.33±4.28 b 174.62±1.81 a
    HW 4.34±0.01 e 26.14±0.69 d 71.35±7.51 d 22.40±3.96 b 128.47±1.36 c
    MX 4.04±0.01 f 34.16±0.40 b 70.04±2.46 d 56.93±5.83 a 174.32±2.00 a
    RL 5.84±0.05 b 10.78±0.40 f 301.36±3.94 a 23.80±1.40 b 140.46±1.25 b
    GD 4.26±0.01 e 20.87±0.40 e 104.18±5.17 c 22.40±2.80 b 133.73±2.25 c
    Note: Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant difference at 0.05 level.
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    表  3  油梨根际AM真菌种质资源与分布情况

    Table  3.   Germplasms and distribution of AM fungi in avocado rhizosphere soil

    AM真菌种类 AM fungi species采样地 Samples location
    白色球囊霉 Glomus albidum + + + +
    悬钩子球囊霉 Glomus rubiforme +
    纯黄球囊霉 Glomus luteum + + + + + +
    幼套球囊霉 Glomus etunicatum + + + + +
    近明球囊霉 Glomus claroideum + + + + + +
    棒孢球囊霉 Glomus clavisporum + + +
    沙荒球囊霉 Glomus deserticola + + + + +
    木薯球囊霉 Glomus manihotis + + + + + + +
    金黄球囊霉Glomus manihotis + + + + +
    两型球囊霉 Glomus dimorphicum + + + + +
    网状球囊霉 Glomus reticulatum + + + + + +
    异形球囊霉 Glomus heterosporum + + + + +
    单孢球囊霉Glomus monosporum + + +
    大果球囊霉 Glomus macrocarpum + + + +
    布氏球囊霉Glomus brohultii + + + + +
    副冠球囊霉 Glomus coronatum + + + + + +
    疣突球囊霉 Glomus verruculosum + + + + + +
    澳洲球囊霉 Glomus austral + +
    黑球囊霉 Glomus melanosporum + +
    沙生球囊霉 Glomus arenarium + + +
    Glomus ramisporophora + + + +
    Glomus caesaris + + + +
    孔窝无梗囊霉 Acaulosporafoveata + + + +
    蜜色无梗囊霉 Acaulosporamellea + + + +
    疣状无梗囊霉 Acaulosporatuberculata + + + + + +
    瑞氏无梗囊霉 Acaulosporarehmii + + + + + + +
    细凹无梗囊霉 Acaulosporascrobiculata + + + + + +
    脆无梗囊霉 Acaulosporadelicate + + +
    凹坑无梗囊霉 Acaulospora excavate + + + +
    疣壁盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellosporaverrucosa + + + + + +
    深红盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellospora rubra + + + + + + +
    黑色盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellospora reticulate + + + + + + +
    异配盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellosporaheterogama + + + + +
    Note: + Presence of AM fungi at sampling site; − absence of AM fungi at sampling site.
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    表  4  油梨根际AM真菌相对丰度、分离频度、重要值

    Table  4.   Relative richness, isolation frequency, and importance of AM fungi in avocado rhizosphere soil

    AM真菌种类 AM fungi species相对丰度 RA/%分离频度 F/%重要值 I/%
    白色球囊霉 Glomus albidum 6.79 57.14 31.97
    悬钩子球囊霉 Glomus rubiforme 0.05 14.29 7.17
    纯黄球囊霉 Glomus luteum 4.81 85.71 45.26
    幼套球囊霉 Glomus etunicatum 5.32 71.43 38.37
    近明球囊霉 Glomus claroideum 3.75 85.71 44.73
    棒孢球囊霉 Glomus clavisporum 1.57 42.86 22.21
    沙荒球囊霉 Glomus deserticola 2.08 71.43 36.75
    木薯球囊霉 Glomus manihotis 7.55 100.00 53.77
    金黄球囊霉 Glomus manihotis 2.63 71.43 37.03
    两型球囊霉 Glomus dimorphicum 2.74 71.43 37.08
    网状球囊霉 Glomus reticulatum 6.79 85.71 46.25
    异形球囊霉 Glomus heterosporum 2.68 71.43 37.06
    单孢球囊霉 Glomus monosporum 1.01 42.86 21.94
    大果球囊霉 Glomus macrocarpum 2.48 57.14 29.81
    布氏球囊霉 Glomus brohultii 3.09 71.43 37.26
    副冠球囊霉 Glomus coronatum 3.24 85.71 44.48
    疣突球囊霉 Glomus verruculosum 1.98 85.71 43.80
    澳洲球囊霉 Glomus austral 1.47 28.57 15.02
    黑球囊霉 Glomus melanosporum 0.66 28.57 14.61
    沙生球囊霉 Glomus arenarium 1.11 28.57 14.84
    Glomus ramisporophora 1.06 57.14 29.10
    Glomus caesaris 1.98 57.14 29.56
    孔窝无梗囊霉 Acaulosporafoveata 2.23 57.14 29.69
    蜜色无梗囊霉 Acaulosporamellea 2.38 57.14 29.76
    疣状无梗囊霉 Acaulosporatuberculata 4.36 85.71 45.04
    瑞氏无梗囊霉 Acaulosporarehmii 5.67 100.00 52.84
    细凹无梗囊霉 Acaulosporascrobiculata 3.14 85.71 44.43
    脆无梗囊霉 Acaulosporadelicate 1.77 42.86 22.32
    凹坑无梗囊霉 Acaulospora excavate 1.06 57.14 29.10
    疣壁盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellosporaverrucosa 2.53 85.71 44.12
    深红盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellospora rubra 4.31 100.00 52.15
    黑色盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellospora reticulate 4.26 100.00 52.13
    异配盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellosporaheterogama 3.44 71.43 37.44
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    表  5  不同试验区AM真菌孢子密度、种丰度、多样性指数

    Table  5.   Spore density, species richness, and diversity index of AM fungi at different sites

    采样地 Samples location孢子密度 Spore Density/(cfu·g−1种丰度 Species richnessShannon-Wiener指数 Shannon-Wiener Index
    SY1 877±83 c 14 d 2.42 c
    SY2 1 349±181 b 26 ab 2.95 b
    MB 1 749±106 a 31 a 3.22 a
    HW 547±69 d 29 a 2.83 b
    MX 336±16 e 20 c 2.87 b
    RL 109±24 f 11 d 2.24 c
    GD 296±21 e 25 ab 2.90 b
    Note: Data with different lowercase letters on same column indicate significant difference at 0.05 level.
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    表  6  不同采样地油梨根际AM真菌群落Sorenson相似性系数

    Table  6.   Sorenson similarity indices of AM fungi at different locations

    采样地 Sample locationSY1SY2MBHWMXRL
    SY2 0.65
    MB 0.62 0.91
    HW 0.67 0.85 0.92
    MX 0.29 0.74 0.75 0.71
    RL 0.56 0.74 0.48 0.51 0.65
    GD 0.36 0.78 0.89 0.87 0.67 0.44
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    表  7  油梨根际AM真菌多样性与土壤因子相关性分析

    Table  7.   Correlation between AM fungal diversity and rhizosphere fertility

    Soil pH
    Organic matter/(g·kg−1
    Available phosphorus content/(mg·kg−1
    Available nitrogen content/(mg·kg−1
    Available potassium content/(mg·kg−1
    孢子密度 Spore Density 0.408 0.717 −0.687 −0.153 0.181
    种丰度 Species richness −0.437 0.536 −0.875** −0.254 0.332
    −0.444 0.696 −0.936** −0.002 0.554
    Note: * Significant correlation at P<0.05 (bilateral); ** significant correlation at P<0.01 (bilateral).
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