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李亚军 黄河 牛雅静 李霞

李亚军,黄河,牛雅静,等. 10个菊花品种花粉生活力测定和贮藏方法研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(3):295−302 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.03.008
引用本文: 李亚军,黄河,牛雅静,等. 10个菊花品种花粉生活力测定和贮藏方法研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(3):295−302 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.03.008
LI Y J, HUANG H, NIU Y J, et al. Viability of Stored Chrysanthemum morifolium Pollens [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(3):295−302 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.03.008
Citation: LI Y J, HUANG H, NIU Y J, et al. Viability of Stored Chrysanthemum morifolium Pollens [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(3):295−302 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.03.008


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.03.008
基金项目: 大北农青年教师科研基金项目(15ZK008)




  • 中图分类号: S 682.1+1

Viability of Stored Chrysanthemum morifolium Pollens

  • 摘要:   目的  筛选菊花花粉离体培养生活力测定的最佳培养基配方,探究花粉贮藏的最适温度和耐贮藏时间,并挑选出较耐贮藏的菊花品种,为菊花新品种选育和种质资源保存提供参考。  方法  以10个菊花品种盛花期花粉为试验材料,通过离体萌发测定法筛选菊花花粉萌发最适培养基,以该培养基测定花粉在4℃、−20℃和−80℃ 3种温度下进行60 d或120 d贮藏周期的生活力变化趋势观测,每隔15 d取样检测1次;对贮藏120 d的花粉进行授粉,统计结实率。  结果  培养基为 ME3+200 g·L−1PEG 4000+6 g·L−1琼脂的处理,10种花粉都能萌发,且萌发率较其他培养基有显著差异;花粉贮藏60 d后,所有花粉生活力均下降,其中‘5’、‘52’、‘64’和‘85’4个品种花粉生活力下降较缓慢;4种花粉贮藏120 d后,在−80℃贮藏的花粉生活力较高,花粉授粉后均能够结实,且品种‘5’花粉授粉结实率最高,平均每个授粉花序结实8粒。  结论  花粉萌发培养基、植物品种基因型、贮藏温度和贮藏时间都会影响菊花花粉生活力。本文研究表明,菊花花粉最适贮藏温度为−80℃,品种‘5’花粉可贮藏120 d保持较高的授粉结实率,在杂交育种中可优先考虑。
  • 图  1  10个菊花品种头状花序

    Figure  1.  Inflorescence of 10 cultivars of C. morifolium

    表  1  10个菊花品种头状花序相关性状

    Table  1.   Inflorescence traits of 10 cultivars of C. morifolium

    品种 Cultivar花序性状 Inflorescence traits
    花色 Color瓣型 Petal shape重瓣性 Double trait/ whorl始花期 First flowering/(M-D)盛花期 Peak flowering/(M-D)末花期 Last flowering/(M-D)
    ‘5’ 紫 Purple 平瓣 Flat 1~2 10-25 11-07 11-16
    ‘16’ 红 Red 平瓣 Flat 3~5 10-02 11-05 11-22
    ‘22’ 复 Multiple 平瓣 Flat 1~2 10-02 11-07 11-15
    ‘30’ 红 Red 管瓣 Tubular 1~2 10-26 11-01 11-23
    ‘45’ 黄 Yellow 平瓣 Flat 2~3 10-02 11-05 11-15
    ‘52’ 复 Multiple 匙瓣 Spoon 1~2 10-22 11-01 11-17
    ‘64’ 红 Red 平瓣 Flat 1~2 10-29 11-12 11-18
    ‘85’ 粉 Pink 匙瓣 Spoon 3~5 11-02 11-19 11-25
    ‘132’ 粉 Pink 平瓣 Flat 2~3 10-22 11-15 11-02
    ‘317’ 紫 Purple 匙瓣 Spoon 1 10-15 10-31 11-12
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    表  2  花粉在7种培养基中的萌发率

    Table  2.   Germination rates of pollens stored on 7 different media

    培养基成分 Media composition花粉萌发率 Pollen germination rate/%
    Boric acid/
    31500.6---3.30±b 3.21±0.27 a 2.56±0.13 b 2.01±0.20 b 0.86±0.05 d 2.67±0.17 b 3.01±0.36 b 2.33±0.21 c 2.12c 2.67±0.15 b
    42000.6---4.12b 4.22±0.28 a 3.53±0.15 a2.67±0.22 a 1.14±0.13 b 3.56±0.16 a3.91 a3.43 a2.45 b 3.24±0.22 a
    6200-63.98 b 4.23±0.22 a 3.45±0.15 a2.67 a1.09 c 3.44±0.12 a3.86 a2.98 b 1.98±0.13 d 3.32±0.20 a
    7--20065.52 a 4.13±0.15 a 3.63±0.18 a2.72 a1.24 a 3.67±0.13 a3.83 a3.51 a 2.67±0.18 a 3.32±0.19 a
    Note: Different letters on same column indicate significant differences in pollen germination rates of same cultivar on different media(P<0.05).
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    表  3  10个菊花品种花粉原始生活力和贮藏60 d后生活力比较

    Table  3.   Initial and after 60d storage viability of pollens from 10 cultivars of C. morifolium

    原始萌发率 Pollen germination rate before storage/%贮藏60 d萌发率 Pollen germination rate after storage for 60 d/%萌发率下降值 Decline value
    ‘5’ 5.62±0.97 a 5.69±0.84 a 5.73±0.84 a 3.51±0.23 a 3.61±0.38 a 3.86±0.06 a 2.11 c 2.08 b 1.87 b
    ‘16’ 4.13±0.24 b 4.11±0.22 b 4.15±0.29 b 1.70±0.27 b 2.01±0.10 b 2.12±0.31 b 2.43 b 2.10 b 2.03 b
    ‘22’ 3.30±0.23 cd 3.33±0.07 cd 3.30±0.11 cde 1.66±0.11 b 1.83±0.14 bc 1.96±0.06 b 1.64 e 1.50 c 1.34 d
    ‘30’ 2.70±0.23 d 2.77±0.09 de 2.80±0.13 def 0.79±0.04 def 0.83±0.13 ef 1.02±0.17 de 1.91 cd 1.94 b 1.78 b
    ‘45’ 1.20±0.19 e 1.24±0.27 f 1.22±0.29 f 0.69±0.47 ef 1.01±0.19 de 1.13±0.12 de 0.51 f 0.23 e 0.09 f
    ‘52’ 3.67±0.20 bc 3.66±0.20 bc 3.68±0.19 bc 1.52±0.17 bc 1.63±0.17 c 1.82±0.14 bc 2.15 c 2.03 b 1.86 b
    ‘64’ 2.67±0.37 d 2.62±0.42 e 2.59±0.37 f 1.01± 0.19 de 1.02±0.17 de 1.23±0.31 d 1.66 de 1.60 c 1.36 c
    ‘85’ 3.20±0.22 cd 3.16±0.28 cde 3.20±0.30 cdef 1.79±0.27 b 1.98±0.17 b 2.18±0.52 b 1.41 e 1.18 d 1.02 e
    ‘132’ 2.67±0.39 d 2.70±0.36 de 2.68±0.39 ef 1.21±0.12 cd 1.23±0.11 d 1.48±0.34 cd 1.46 e 1.47 c 1.20 de
    ‘317’ 3.30±0.14 cd 3.37±0.26 cd 3.41±0.24 cd 0.45±0.31 f 0.56±0.17 f 0.73±0.26 e 2.85 a 2.81 a 2.68 a
    Note: Different letters on same column indicate significant difference in pollen germination rate /decline of different cultivars at same storage temperature(P<0.05).
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    表  4  不同贮藏温度及天数对4个菊花品种花粉生活力的影响

    Table  4.   Effects of storage temperature and duration on pollen viability of 4 cultivars of C. morifolium

    花粉萌发率 Pollen germination rate/%
    1 d 15 d 30 d 45 d 60 d 75 d 90 d 105 d 120 d 
    ‘5’ 4℃ 5.62±0.97 Ca 4.86±1.00 Cb 4.72±0.14 Cb 3.51±0.14 Cc 3.51±0.23 Cc 2.59±0.56 Cd 2.33±0.13 Cd 1.98±0.29 Ce 1.21±0.16 Cf
    −20℃ 5.69±0.84 Ba 5.02±0.39 Bb 5.02±0.19 Bb 3.89±0.19 Bc 3.61±0.38 Bcd 3.08±0.17 Bd 2.89±0.25 Be 2.15±0.17 Bf 1.52±0.12 Bg
    −80℃ 5.73±0.84 Aa 5.43±0.41 Aab 5.21±0.2 Ab 4.35±0.34 Ac 3.86±0.06 Ad 3.41±0.26 Ae 3.14±0.2 Aef 2.45±0.26 Af 1.63±0.25 Ag
    ‘52’ 4℃ 3.67±0.20 ABa 3.09±0.38 Cb 2.24±0.17 Cc 1.73±0.31 Cd 1.52±0.17 Be 1.29±0.08 Be 1.02±0.13 Cf 0.92±0.17 Cg 0.79±0.27 Ch
    −20℃ 3.66±0.20 Ba 3.26±0.30 Bb 2.51±0.11 Bc 2.09±0.18 Bd 1.63±0.17 Be 1.35±0.23 Bf 1.23±0.22 Bf 1.19±0.20 Bf 0.98±0.31 Bg
    −80℃ 3.68±0.19 Aa 3.49±0.22 Ab 2.91±0.50 Ac 2.21±0.09 Ad 1.82±0.14 Ae 1.63±0.04 Ae 1.45±0.21 Af 1.41±0.12 Ag 1.33±0.18 Ah
    ‘64’ 4℃ 2.67±0.37 Aa 1.34±0.24 Cb 1.08±0.26 Cc 1.01±0.46 Cd 1.01±0.19 Ce 0.90±0.21 Ce 0.85±0.23 Cf 0.78±0.26 Cg 0.57±0.11 Ch
    −20℃ 2.62±0.42 Ba 1.79±0.19 Bb 1.25±0.16 Bc 1.17±0.17 Bd 1.02±0.17 Be 1.03±0.10 Bf 1.02±0.27 Bf 1.02±0.16 Bf 0.69±0.16 Bg
    −80℃ 2.59±0.37 Ca 2.12±0.19 Ab 1.58±0.12 Ac 1.45±0.19 Ad 1.23±0.31 Ae 1.22±0.14 Ae 1.19±0.08 Af 1.16±0.19 Ag 0.89±0.29 Ah
    ‘85’ 4℃ 3.21±0.22 Aa 2.31±0.69 Cb 2.19±0.16 Cb 1.84±0.30 Cc 1.79±0.27 Cc 1.71±0.47 Cc 1.70±0.76Cc 1.21±0.18 Cd 1.17±0.14 Cd
    −20℃ 3.16±0.28 Ba 2.61±0.18 Bb 2.46±0.26 Bb 2.01±0.19 Bc 1.98±0.17 Bc 1.83±0.26 Bc 1.78±0.59 Bc 1.43±0.18 Bd 1.21±0.11 Bd
    −80℃ 3.20±0.30 Aa 2.93±0.23 Aab 2.72±0.56 Ab 2.38±0.19 Ac 2.18±0.52 Acd 1.93±0.33 Ad 1.91±0.43 Ad 1.62±0.14 Ae 1.35±0.30 Ae
    Note: Different capital letters indicate significant difference in pollen germination rate at different storage temperatures for same storage duration(P<0.05); different lowercase letters indicate significant difference in pollen germination rate stored at same temperature for different durations(P<0.05).
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    表  5  当季花粉做父本的杂交结果

    Table  5.   Hybridization pollination using fresh pollens as male parents

    Hybrid combination
    Number of pollination inflorescences/个
    Number of seeds/粒
    Average number of seeds per inflorescence/粒
    Note: Different letters indicate significant differences in fructification between cross combinations(P<0.05).
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    表  6  120 d贮藏周期花粉做父本的杂交结果

    Table  6.   Hybridization pollination using pollens stored for 120 d as male parents

    Storage temperature /℃
    Number of pollination inflorescences
    Number of seeds/粒
    Average number of seeds per inflorescence/粒
    Note: Different letters indicate significant differences in fructification between cross combinations(P<0.05).
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