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罗旭辉 杜理旺 陈华 刘岑薇 GordonWuchye Price 刘朋虎 张见明 翁伯琦

罗旭辉,杜理旺,陈华,等. 福建乡村两种典型桃园管理模式能值分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(1):111−116 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.015
引用本文: 罗旭辉,杜理旺,陈华,等. 福建乡村两种典型桃园管理模式能值分析 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(1):111−116 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.015
LUO X H, DU L W, CHEN H, et al. Emergy Analysis on Two Typical Peach Cultivation Modes at Villages in Fujian [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(1):111−116 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.015
Citation: LUO X H, DU L W, CHEN H, et al. Emergy Analysis on Two Typical Peach Cultivation Modes at Villages in Fujian [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(1):111−116 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.015


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.015
基金项目: 福建省科技计划公益类专项(2017R1016-3);中央引导地方科技发展项目(2019L3012);福建省农业科学院科技创新团队建设项目(STIT2017-3-8)


  • 中图分类号: F 326.13

Emergy Analysis on Two Typical Peach Cultivation Modes at Villages in Fujian

  • 摘要:   目的  福建宁德市山区水蜜桃产业对乡村产业振兴具有重要意义,但也面临生态保护与高效生产之间的矛盾。为寻求高效、生态的桃园绿色发展路径,深入理解生草管理模式对桃园生态经济系统的影响机制,本研究以村为研究尺度,科学评价典型桃园的生态经济效益。  方法  选择古田县赖墩村(桃园生草)、福安市虎头村(桃园清耕),应用能值法综合比较2017—2018年两种栽培模式的桃园生态系统能值总投入、能值自给率、能值投资率、净能值产出率、环境负载率、可持续发展指数、能值反馈率。  结果  2017—2018年赖墩村和虎头村桃园的能值总投入分别为1.16×1016、2.36×1016 sej·hm−2,能值自给率为0.166、0.102,能值投资率为5.030、8.823,净能值产出率为1.199、1.113,环境负载率为0.425、0.410,可持续发展指数2.822、2.716,能值反馈率为0.072、0.026。虎头村桃园同步投入大量劳动力、有机肥和化肥保持较低的环境负载率。赖墩村桃园通过生草与就近施用沼液,提高能值反馈率,化肥能值投入减少57.2%,万元产值的能值消耗节约46.32%。  结论  桃园生草配施沼液是值得拓展与集成推广的高效低耗的绿色生产模式。
  • 图  1  赖墩村(桃园生草)、虎头村(桃园清耕)桃园能值流动分析

    Figure  1.  Emergy fluxes at Laidun(grass-growing) and Hutou(ground-clearing) peach orchards (sej·hm−2)

    表  1  赖墩村(桃园生草)、虎头村(桃园清耕)桃园栽培模式肥料、劳动力投入

    Table  1.   Fertilizer and labor inputs at Laidun(grass-growing) and Hutou(ground-clearing) peach orchards

    项目 Items赖敦村 Laidun Village/(sej·hm−2)虎头村 Hutou Village/(sej·hm−2)节约幅度/%
    化肥 Chemical fertilizer 1.87×1015 4.37×1015 −57.2
    有机肥 Organic fertilizer 3.90×1015 9.07×1015 −57.0
    劳动力 Labor Force 3.20×1015 5.29×1015 −39.5
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    表  2  赖墩村(桃园生草)、虎头村(桃园清耕)桃园栽培模式的能值投入和产出

    Table  2.   Emergy input and product output at Laidun(grass-growing) and Hutou(ground-clearing) peach orchards

    Emergy conversion rate
    Input and output primary data
    Solar emergy
    Laidun Village
    Hutou Village
    Laidun Village
    Hutou Village
    可更新环境资源(R) Renewable natural resources 8.66×1014 8.66×1014
    太阳能 Solar energy/J 1.00 4.72×1013 4.72×1013 4.72×1013 4.72×1013
    雨水化学能 Rainfall chemical energy/J 1.17×104 7.00×1010 7.00×1010 8.19×1014 8.19×1014
    不可更新环境资源(N) Nonrenewable natural resources 1.06×1015 2.00×1015
    表层土损耗能 Energy loss of surface soil/J 8.46×104 1.70×1010 4.47×1010 1.06×1015 2.00×1015
    生产用水 Production water/g 6.81×104 3.75×107 1.72×105 2.55×1012 1.17×1010
    工业辅助能(F) Industrial auxiliary energy 2.61×1015 6.37×1015
    化肥氮素 Nitrogen of chemical fertilizer/g 3.50×109 1.02×105 2.39×105 3.57×1014 8.35×1014
    化肥磷素 Phosphorus of chemical fertilizer/g 1.35×1010 1.02×105 2.31×105 1.38×1015 3.12×1015
    化肥钾素 Potassium of chemical fertilizer/g 1.32×109 1.02×105 3.12×105 1.35×1014 4.12×1014
    纸袋 Kraft paper bag/元 7.46×1012 2.69×102 2.69×102 7.46×1014 2.01×1015
    农药 Pesticides/g 1.49×107 1.97×103 1.97×103 2.94×1010 2.94×1010
    可更新有机能(R1) Renewable organic energy 7.10×1015 1.44×1016
    劳力 Labor force/ (d·人) 3.55×1013 90.0 1.49 3.20×1015 5.29×1015
    有机肥氮素 Nitrogen of organic fertilizer/g 3.50×109 2.39×105 1.65×105 8.35×1014 5.78×1014
    有机肥磷素 Phosphorus of organic fertilizer/g 1.35×1010 2.12×104 6.00×104 2.86×1014 8.10×1014
    有机肥钾素 Potassium of organic fertilizer/g 1.32×109 1.50×105 9.30×104 1.98×1014 1.23×1014
    有机肥有机质 Organic matter of organic fertilizer/J 4.47×104 1.38×1010 7.87×1010 2.58×1015 7.56×1015
    系统反馈能(R0) Feedback energy 6.98×1014 6.54×1014
    草和桃树枝条折算氮肥 Nitrogen in grass and branch waste/g 3.50×109 1.28×105 1.20×105 4.49×1014 4.21×1014
    草和桃树枝条折算磷肥 Phosphorus in grass and branch waste/g 1.35×1010 1.14×104 1.07×104 1.54×1014 1.44×1014
    草和桃树枝条折算钾肥 Potassium in grass and branch waste/g 1.32×109 7.14×104 6.69×104 9.42×1013 8.84×1013
    总投入(T) Total input 1.16×1016 2.36×1016
    产出(Y) Yield 1.16×1016 2.36×1016
    Note: Unit for emergy conversion rate is sej·J−1或sej·g−1或sej·元−1或sej·d−1·人−1, and solar emergy is sej·hm−2.
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    表  3  赖墩村(桃园生草)、虎头村(桃园清耕)桃园栽培模式的能值指标

    Table  3.   Emergy indexes at Laidun(grass-growing) and Hutou(ground-clearing) peach orchards

    能值指标 Emergy indicator表达式 Expressions赖墩村 Laidun Village虎头村 Hutou Village
    能值自给率(ESR) Emergy self-sufficiency ratio (R+N)/T 0.166 0.102
    能值投资率(EIR) Emergy investment ratio (F+R1)/(R+N) 5.030 8.823
    净能值产出率(EYR) Emergy yield ratio Y/(F+R1) 1.199 1.113
    环境负载率(ELR) Environmental load ratio (F+N)/(R+R1+R0) 0.425 0.410
    可持续发展指数(ESI) Environmental sustainability index EYR/ELR 2.822 2.716
    能值反馈率(FYE)Emergy feedback ratio R0/(F+R1) 0.072 0.026
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    表  4  赖墩村(桃园生草)、虎头村(桃园清耕)桃园栽培模式年平均产量、产值

    Table  4.   Average annual product yields and values at Laidun(grass-growing) and Hutou(ground-clearing) peach orchards

    项目 Items赖墩村 Laidun Village 虎头村 Hutou Village
    产量 Yields/(t·hm−2)产值 Product value/(万元·hm−2) 产量 Yields/(t·hm−2)产值 Product value/(万元·hm−2)
    精品果 Top quality level 7.50 12.00 1.50 3.15
    普通果 Common level 9.00 9.00 15.0 24.75
    次果 Unqualified level 1.50 0.30 0.75 0.85
    小计 Total 18.00 21.30 27.25 28.26
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    表  5  赖墩村(桃园生草)、虎头村(桃园清耕)桃园单位经济产值的能值消耗量

    Table  5.   Emergy consumption per economic output at Laidun(grass-growing) and Hutou(ground-clearing) peach orchards

    项目 Items赖墩村
    Laidun Village
    Hutou Village
    Total emergy input of product(sej·万元−1)
    Renewable emergy consumption of product(sej·万元−1)
    Nonrenewable emergy consumption of product(sej·万元−1)
    Note: Total emergy consumption per unit of product value = T/product value; renewable emergy consumption per unit of product value = (R+R1)/product value; nonrenewable emergy consumption per unit of product value = (N+F)/product value.
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