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杨敏 和明东 段杰 郑元仙 王继明 钟宇 黄飞燕 童文杰 邓小鹏 莫笑晗 陈小龙 周厚发 余磊 何元胜

杨敏,和明东,段杰,等. 生物炭对连作烤烟根际土壤酚酸类物质及微生物群落结构的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(1):103−110 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.014
引用本文: 杨敏,和明东,段杰,等. 生物炭对连作烤烟根际土壤酚酸类物质及微生物群落结构的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(1):103−110 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.014
YANG M, HE M D, DUAN J, et al. Effects of Biochar Addition on Phenolic Acids and Microbial Community in Rhizosphere Soil at Continuous Cropping Field of Tobacco [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(1):103−110 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.014
Citation: YANG M, HE M D, DUAN J, et al. Effects of Biochar Addition on Phenolic Acids and Microbial Community in Rhizosphere Soil at Continuous Cropping Field of Tobacco [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(1):103−110 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.014


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.014
基金项目: 中国烟草总公司云南省公司重点项目(2018530000241020、2018530000241016、2019530000241028、2016YN30)




  • 中图分类号: S 572;S 154.1

Effects of Biochar Addition on Phenolic Acids and Microbial Community in Rhizosphere Soil at Continuous Cropping Field of Tobacco

  • 摘要:   目的  以连作植烟根际土壤为研究对象,探明生物炭对不同生育期烤烟根际土壤中与化感自毒密切相关的7种酚酸(阔马酸、对羟基苯甲酸、香草酸、丁香酸、4-香豆酸、阿魏酸、肉桂酸)及土壤微生物群落结构的影响,为缓解化感自毒引起的烟草连作障碍提供理论依据。  方法  采用HPLC检测和高通量测序技术分析了不同施肥处理烤烟各生育时期根际土壤中酚酸物质含量和土壤微生物的变化情况。  结果  不同施肥处理后烤烟各生育时期根际土壤中均检测出6种酚酸类物质,除肉桂酸变化不明显外,对羟基苯甲酸、香草酸、丁香酸、4-香豆酸、阿魏酸的含量在各生育期均表现为生物炭处理低于常规施肥处理;且施用生物炭后酚酸物质的总量在团棵期、旺长期和采烤期较常规施肥处理分别降低了1.86%、11.36%和40.44%。生物炭能在一定程度上提升烤烟根际土壤微生物群落的多样性与丰富度,旺长期生物炭处理细菌、真菌OTU丰度分别是常规施肥处理的1.23倍和1.07倍;与常规施肥处理相比,生物炭处理的细菌Shannon、ACE和Chao1指数旺长期分别提升了12.43%、23.0%和23.0%,采烤期分别提升了0.32%、2.40%和1.25%;真菌Shannon、ACE和Chao1指数旺长期分别提升了6.54%、6.67%和7.43%,采烤期分别提升了57.93%、8.60%和26.37%。  结论  生物炭对植烟土壤有一定的改良与提质效应,有利于创造健康的根际微生态环境,缓解化感自毒引起的连作障碍。
  • 图  1  门水平上的细菌相对丰度

    Figure  1.  Relative abundance of bacteria at phylum level

    图  2  门水平上的真菌相对丰度

    Figure  2.  Relative abundance of fungi at phylum level

    表  1  6种酚酸类对照品的线性关系

    Table  1.   Linear relationships between 6 phenolic acids and their reference standards

    酚酸类物质 Phenolic acids线性方程 Linear equationR2
    阔马酸 Caramelic acidY=7.23×105X+2.19×1040.999 6
    对羟基苯甲酸 p-hydroxybenzoic acidY=7.68×106X1.000 0
    香草酸 Vanillic acidY=3.86×106X1.000 0
    丁香酸 Syringic acidY=1.33×106X1.000 0
    4-香豆酸 4-Coumaric acidY=9.51×105X+5.25×1030.999 2
    阿魏酸 Ferulic acidY=1.49×106X1.000 0
    肉桂酸 Cinnamic acidY=1.19×108X−2.41×1050.999 3
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    表  2  不同施肥处理后烤烟各生育时期根际土壤中酚酸类物质的含量变化

    Table  2.   Changes of phenolic acids in rhizosphere soil at tobacco growth stages after fertilization treatments

    Growth period
    酚酸类物质种类 Species of phenolic acid /(μg·g−1)
    Caramelic acid
    p-hydroxybenzoic acid
    Vanillic acid
    Syringic acid
    4-Coumaric acid
    Ferulic acid
    Cinnamic acid
    Total amount
    Resettling stage
    T1-0.82±0.035 d0.24±0.036 c1.00±0.058 d6.99±0.151 d0.25±0.045 d0.39±0.055 a9.69±0.275 d
    T2-0.81±0.005 d0.29±0.012 b0.87±0.023 e6.91±0.015 d0.23±0.006 d0.40±0.015 a9.52±0.032 d
    Vigorous growing stage
    T1-1.2±0.072 a0.47±0.032 a1.57±0.025 a12.15±0.086 a0.45±0.049 c0.36±0.047 a16.21±0.206 a
    T2-0.97±0.031 b0.45±0.029 a1.38±0.026 b10.86±0.070 b0.36±0.047 c0.34±0.049 a14.36±0.147 c
    Harvesting stage
    T1-0.90±0.006 c0.31±0.021 b1.31±0.021 c9.96±0.066 c2.55±0.079 a0.35±0.038 a15.38±0.026 b
    T2-0.46±0.030 e0.07±0.006 d0.68±0.057 f6.30±0.025 e1.3±0.035 b0.35±0.015 a9.16±0.083 e
    注:T1为常规施肥处理,T2为生物炭处理;“-”表示该类物质未被检出;同列数字后不同字母表示差异显著 (P<0.05)。
    Note: T1 is conventional fertilization; T2, fertilization with added biochar; “-” indicates substance not detected; data with different letters indicate significant difference between treatments at P<0.05.
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    表  3  细菌OTU丰度和Alpha多样性

    Table  3.   Bacteria OTU abundance and alpha diversity index

    Growth period
    Raw number
    Effective number
    OTU abundance
    Alpha多样性 Alpha diversity覆盖度
    团棵期 Resettling stageT140 64134 2172 3966.100.006 22 290.602 333.3198.62
    T247 71538 8642 4945.940.008 02 343.312 336.0298.77
    旺长期 Vigorous growing stageT139 96931 5872 2585.090.036 22 219.442 231.7398.29
    T242 59532 3612 7825.720.019 02 729.952 740.3098.01
    采烤期 Harvesting stageT138 87329 0742 6516.190.005 92 504.002 532.7298.09
    T234 33225 8472 6556.210.006 42 564.082 564.3397.75
    Note: T1 is conventional fertilization; T2, fertilization with added biochar. Same for Table 4.
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    表  4  真菌OTU丰度和Alpha多样性

    Table  4.   Fungi OTU abundance and alpha diversity index

    Growth period
    Raw number
    Effective number
    OTU abundance
    Alpha多样性 Alpha diversity覆盖度Coverage/%
    团棵期 Resettling stageT163 56062 9761 2433.560.100 4838.31826.4099.77
    T267 76366 9091 1113.320.088 5804.76797.8999.75
    旺长期 Vigorous growing stageT156 00354 7161 6493.820.056 61 325.781 314.5899.41
    T269 34167 1641 7714.070.045 61 414.151 412.2399.51
    采烤期 Harvesting stageT162 96562 6978081.640.488 1846.60710.9899.71
    T265 16064 6591 1712.590.275 9919.37898.4399.68
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