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艾丽丝 李天骄 但阿康 林向阳

艾丽丝,李天骄,但阿康,等. γ-聚谷氨酸对面团面筋网络结构的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(1):90−102 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.013
引用本文: 艾丽丝,李天骄,但阿康,等. γ-聚谷氨酸对面团面筋网络结构的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2020,35(1):90−102 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.013
AI L S, LI T J, DAN A K, et al. Gluten Network of Dough Affected by Addition of γ-Polyglutamic Acid [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(1):90−102 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.013
Citation: AI L S, LI T J, DAN A K, et al. Gluten Network of Dough Affected by Addition of γ-Polyglutamic Acid [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2020,35(1):90−102 doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.013


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2020.01.013
基金项目: 福建省新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(XSJRC2007-23)




  • 中图分类号: TS 202.3

Gluten Network of Dough Affected by Addition of γ-Polyglutamic Acid

  • 摘要:   目的  了解和面过程中添加γ-聚谷氨酸对面团面筋网络结构的影响,为γ-聚谷氨酸在烘焙食品中的合理应用提供参考。  方法  以γ-聚谷氨酸的添加量为变量,利用核磁共振及核磁共振成像技术观察面团内部水分含量和状态的变化,结合质构仪和环境扫描电镜技术进一步对面团的质构特性、拉伸特性及微观结构进行分析;设置不同γ-聚谷氨酸添加量处理,在和面过程的不同时间进行取样,研究面团制作的不同阶段γ-聚谷氨酸对其面筋网络结构的影响。  结果  添加0.3%的γ-聚谷氨酸时,质子密度M21M22最大,表明有更多的水分截留在蛋白质-淀粉形成的网络结构中;质子密度成像结果也显示出密集且均匀的红色部分;质构特性及电镜成像与核磁共振测定结果一致,并且γ-聚谷氨酸会延长面团完成时间,其面筋网络结构最稳定。试验结果表明,当γ-聚谷氨酸的添加量为0.3%、和面时间为23 min时,面团品质最佳。  结论  在面包的和面过程中添加适量的γ-聚谷氨酸,有利于提高面团的品质,但过量的γ-聚谷氨酸则会影响面团的品质。
  • 图  1  面团的横向弛豫时间T2分布

    Figure  1.  Transverse relaxation time T2 of dough

    图  2  不同γ-PGA添加量对质子密度M21的影响


    Figure  2.  Effect of γ-polyglutamic acid additions on proton density M21

    Note: Different lowercase letters on columns indicate significant difference between treatments at P<0.05, the same as following charts.

    图  3  不同γ-PGA添加量对质子密度M22的影响

    Figure  3.  Effect of γ-polyglutamic acid additions on proton density M22

    图  4  不同γ-PGA添加量对质子密度M23的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of γ-Polyglutamic acid additions on proton density M23

    图  5  不同γ-PGA添加量对面团弛豫时间T23的影响

    Figure  5.  Effect of γ-polyglutamic acid additions on dough relaxation time T23

    图  6  γ-PGA添加量不同时面团的质子密度成像


    Figure  6.  Proton density imaging of dough with varied γ-polyglutamic acid additions

    Note: a–i, the addition of γ-PGA is 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.6%, 0.7%, 0.8%.

    图  7  γ-PGA添加量对面团TPA质构特性的影响

    Figure  7.  Effect of additions of γ-polyglutamic acid on texture of dough

    图  8  γ-PGA添加量对面团拉伸特性的影响

    Figure  8.  Effect of γ-polyglutamic acid additions on tensile properties of dough

    图  9  γ-PGA添加量不同时面团的环境扫描电镜成像(×1 000)


    Figure  9.  Environmental scanning electron microscope imaging of dough with varied γ-polyglutamic acid additions

    Note: a–i, the addition of γ-PGA is 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.6%, 0.7%, 0.8%.

    图  10  和面过程中不同γ-PGA添加量下面团的弛豫时间T21

    Figure  10.  Relaxation time T21 of dough with varied γ-polyglutamic acid additions

    图  11  和面过程中不同γ-PGA添加量下面团的质子密度M21

    Figure  11.  Proton density M21 of dough with varied γ-polyglutamic acid additions

    图  12  γ-PGA添加量下不同面团的质子密度成像

    注:a–e:γ-PGA添加0.0%,和面时间分别为2、11、17、27和35 min;f–j:γ-PGA添加0.3%,和面时间分别为2、11、21、29 和35 min;k–o:γ-PGA添加0.7%,和面时间分别为2、11、19、23和35 min。

    Figure  12.  Surface proton density imaging of doughs with added γ-polyglutamic acid at 3 levels

    Note:a–e:The addition of γ-PGA is 0%, the dough time is 2 , 11, 17 , 27, 35 min;f–j:The addition of γ-PGA is 0.3%, the dough time is 2, 11, 21, 29, 35 min;k–o:The addition of γ-PGA is 0.7%,the dough time is 2, 11, 19, 23, 35 min.

    图  13  和面过程中面团硬度的变化

    Figure  13.  Changes in dough hardness during dough mixing

    图  14  和面过程中面团粘聚性的变化

    Figure  14.  Changes in dough cohesiveness during dough mixing

    图  15  和面过程中面团回复性的变化

    Figure  15.  Changes in dough recoverability during dough mixing

    图  16  γ-PGA添加量为0.3% 时不同和面时间下的面团环境扫描电镜成像(×1 000)

    注:a~e分别表示和面2、11、21、29、35 min。

    Figure  16.  SEM images of dough with 0.3% γ-polyglutamic acid at stages of dough-formation (×1 000)

    Note: a–e represents 2, 11, 21, 29, 35 min, respectively.

    表  1  不同γ-PGA添加量下面团的弛豫时间T23与质构特性的相关性

    Table  1.   Correlation between relaxation time T23 and texture of dough with varied γ-polyglutamic acid additions

    Control variables
    质构特性 Texture properties
    硬度 Hardness/g粘聚性 Cohesiveness回复性 Resilience胶着性 Gumminess咀嚼性 Chewiness/g
    T23皮尔森相关系数 Pearson0.278−0.882**−0.873**−0.786*−0.519
    显著性(双侧)Significant(two sides)0.4680.0020.0020.0120.152
    Note: ** indicates significant correlation at the 0.01 level (both sides); * indicates significant correlation at the 0.05 level (both sides). The same as Table 2–4.
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    表  2  不同 γ-PGA添加量下面团的质子密度与拉伸特性的相关性分析

    Table  2.   Correlation analysis of proton density and tensile properties of dough with varied γ-polyglutamic acid additions

    Control variables
    质子密度 Proton density
    拉断力 Tensile force/g皮尔森相关系数 Pearson0.856**0.682*−0.711*
    显著性(双侧)Significant (two sides)0.0300.0430.032
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    表  3  和面阶段M21变化与质构特性变化的相关性

    Table  3.   Correlation between M21 and texture of dough in formation

    控制变量 Control variables质构特性 Texture properties
    硬度 Hardness/g粘聚性 Cohesiveness回复性 Resilience
    M21皮尔森相关系数 Pearson0.3370.564*0.620*
    显著性(双侧)Significant(two sides)0.2600.0450.024
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    表  4  γ-PGA添加量和最佳和面时间的相关性

    Table  4.   Correlation of γ-polyglutamic acid addition and optimal dough-formation time

    Control variables
    Best dough time/min
    γ-PGA addition/%
    皮尔森相关系数 Pearson0.805**
    Significant(two sides)
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    表  5  γ-PGA添加量和最佳和面时间的曲线估计

    Table  5.   Estimation curve for optimal dough-formation time in relation to γ-polyglutamic acid addition

    方程 Equation模型汇总 Model summary 参数估计值 Parameter estimate
    R2Fdf1df2Sig. 常数 constantb1b2b3
    线性 Linear 0.648 12.887 1 7 0.009 18.911 7.167
    二次 Quadratic 0.942 49.096 2 6 0.000 16.921 24.223 −21.320
    三次 Cubic 0.943 27.372 3 5 0.002 16.879 25.137 −24.351 2.525
    复合 Compound 0.651 13.064 1 7 0.009 18.830 1.417
    增长 Growth 0.651 13.064 7 7 0.009 2.935 0.349
    指数 Exponential 0.651 13.064 7 7 0.009 18.830 0.349
    逻辑 Logistic 0.651 13.064 7 7 0.009 0.053 0.706
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