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陈丽华 刘兰英 吕新 李玥仁

陈丽华,刘兰英,吕新,等. 不同种植年限茶树根际土壤微生物数量和肥力之间关系 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(12):1433−1439. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.12.011
引用本文: 陈丽华,刘兰英,吕新,等. 不同种植年限茶树根际土壤微生物数量和肥力之间关系 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(12):1433−1439. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.12.011
CHEN L H, LIU L Y, LÜ X, et al. Microbial Population and Fertility of Rhizosphere Soils at Areas of Varied Tea-planting Years [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(12):1433−1439. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.12.011
Citation: CHEN L H, LIU L Y, LÜ X, et al. Microbial Population and Fertility of Rhizosphere Soils at Areas of Varied Tea-planting Years [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(12):1433−1439. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.12.011


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.12.011
基金项目: 福建省自然科学基金项目(2017J01052);福建省农业科学院一般项目(A2018-16)




  • 中图分类号: Q 938.1

Microbial Population and Fertility of Rhizosphere Soils at Areas of Varied Tea-planting Years

  • 摘要:   目的  了解不同种植年限茶树根际土壤微生物数量和肥力指标之间的相关性,为茶园土壤改良和稳定生产提供依据。  方法  采用稀释平板法对武夷山茗上缘茶业有限公司试验茶园不同土层不同种植年限(5、10、15年)茶树根际土壤微生物数量进行研究,并与土壤肥力指标进行相关性分析。  结果  可培养微生物数量随着土层加深而减少;10年生茶树根际土壤可培养细菌数量最大,不同种植年限茶树根际土壤的可培养真菌数量在不同土层表现出不一样的变化趋势。茶树根际土壤酸化严重,pH值为3.14~3.36;随着种植年限的增加,各项肥力指标的变化趋势不尽相同,0~15 cm土层的全磷和全钾含量随着种植年限的增加而降低,15~30 cm土层全氮和碱解氮的含量随着种植年限的增加而增加,其他的指标则在连续种植5年或10年的时候出现最高值或最低值。冗余分析发现,可培养细菌数量主要受速效钾和全磷含量的影响,可培养真菌数量主要受全氮和碱解氮含量的影响。  结论  采样点不同种植年限茶树根际土壤微生物数量和部分肥力指标之间存在着相关性。
  • 图  1  不同种植年限茶树根际土壤的可培养细菌数量变化

    注:图中样品名称后面的“-1”和“-2”表示不同采样深度的土壤样品。“-1”代表采样深度为0~15 cm的土壤样品;“-2”代表采样深度为15~30 cm的土壤样品。图中不同小写字母表示样品间差异显著( P <0.05)。下同。

    Figure  1.  Bacterial plate count of soil specimens from areas of different tea-planting years

    Note: The "-1" and "-2" following the sample name indicate soil samples with different sampling depths. “-1” means the soil sampling depth is from 0 to 15 cm; “-2” means the soil sampling depth is from 15 to 30 cm. Different lowercases in the picture indicate significant difference at 0.05 level among different samples. The same below.

    图  2  不同种植年限茶树根际土壤的可培养真菌数量变化

    Figure  2.  Fungal plate count of soil specimens from areas of different tea-planting years

    图  3  不同种植年限茶树根际土壤的可培养微生物数量与肥力指标的冗余分析


    Figure  3.  RDA analysis on microbial counts and fertility indices in soils from areas of different tea-planting years

    Note: Bacteria means number of laboratory-cultured bacteria; Fungus means number of laboratory-cultured fungus; TN, TP and TK mean total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium respectively; AN, AP and AK mean available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium respectively; OM means organic matter; and pH means the value of pH.

    表  1  不同种植年限茶树根际土壤理化性质

    Table  1.   Physiochemical properties of soils from areas of different tea-planting years

    全氮 Total
    全磷 Total
    全钾 Total
    碱解氮 Available
    速效磷 Available
    速效钾 Available
    有机质 Organic
    CK-11.30±0.00 c0.98±0.01 a20.64±0.15 b104.16±0.95 b60.00±4.04 ab102.96±0.44 d26.15±0.40 b3.21±0.00 d
    CK-20.69±0.01 f0.82±0.05 bc15.20±0.35 c84.17±0.24 d57.25±0.62 bc85.94±1.20 de25.37±1.16 bc3.30±0.00 b
    Y5-11.40±0.00 a0.84±0.03 b14.03±0.09 d102.98±0.24 bc50.50±1.32 d149.70±7.68 c30.00±0.00 a3.25±0.01 c
    Y5-20.88±0.04 e0.61±0.02 d33.07±0.18 a85.18±1.66 d58.17±0.97 abc145.11±4.42 c20.31±0.44 d3.35±0.00 a
    Y10-11.31±0.01 c0.74±0.05 c12.25±0.13 g110.38±0.24 a52.67±0.33 cd273.15±22.48 a18.34±0.00 e3.14±0.00 e
    Y10-21.12±0.00 d0.65±0.03 d12.67±0.00 f101.47±0.48 c56.47±0.48 bcd222.57±0.00 b28.82±1.55 a3.14±0.01 e
    Y15-11.35±0.00 b0.59±0.00 d12.20±0.10 g110.04±1.19 a63.99±6.09 a79.16±3.22 e24.14±0.00 c3.30±0.00 b
    Y15-21.29±0.00 c0.62±0.03 d13.65±0.06 e104.66±0.24 b58.04±0.16 abc77.87±0.00 e25.77±0.75 bc3.36±0.01 a
    Note: Different lowercases in the same column indicate significant difference at 0.05 level among different samples.
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    表  2  茶园土壤肥力评价标准

    Table  2.   Evaluation standards on soil fertility at tea plantations

    评价指标 Evaluation indexes
    全氮 Total
    全磷 Total
    全钾 Total
    碱解氮 Available
    速效磷 Available
    速效钾 Available
    有机质 Organic
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    表  3  不同种植年限茶树根际土壤肥力情况

    Table  3.   Fertility of soils from areas of different tea-planting years

    样品 Samples全氮 Total N全磷Total P全钾 Total K碱解氮 Available N速效磷 Available P速效钾 Available K有机质 Organic matterpH
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