• 中文核心期刊
  • CSCD来源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • CA、CABI、ZR收录期刊


Composition and Diversity of Forests at Caohai National Nature Reserve

  • 摘要:
      目的  研究草海国家级自然保护区内的森林群落结构和物种多样性,旨在为研究区内森林的保护和抚育管理提供科学依据。
      方法  采用典型样地取样法,在全面踏查的基础上选择分布相对集中、具有一定代表性的地段设置16块20 m×30 m的样地,在每个样地中沿对角线分别设置5块2 m×2 m的灌木样方和5块1 m×1 m的草本样方,从物种组成、外貌特征和物种多样性等方面对森林群落结构和物种多样性进行分析。
      结果  草海国家级自然保护区内共有种子植物34科62属74种,其中乔木14种、灌木23种、草本37种。群落分层明显,乔木层主要有云南松、华山松、杉木、槲栎、滇杨、云贵鹅耳枥等,灌木层和草本层的优势种取决于群落类型及其所处的生境。样地内所有个体的垂直结构呈偏正态分布、径级结构呈偏倒“J”型、冠幅结构呈倒“J”型,表明群落结构稳定、生长状况良好。群落中重要值>5的6个物种在垂直结构、径级结构和冠幅结构方面差异显著。群落内丰富度指数和多样性指数均表现为:草本层>灌木层>乔木层,均匀度指数表现为:灌木层>草本层>乔木层。
      结论  草海国家级自然保护区因地处滇东高原向贵州高原过渡的顶点区域,森林群落物种较少,多样性较低,但群落结构比较稳定;杉木群落大径级植株较多,属于衰退型群落,将逐渐走向衰退;云贵鹅耳枥群落径级结构缺失严重,特别是大径级植株,处于濒危状态,应加强群落的保护和抚育管理。


      Objective  Composition and diversity of the forest communities at the Caohai National Nature Reserve were studied to maximize the conservation of the natural resources.
      Method  In relatively concentrated and representative areas at the reserve, a survey was conducted on 16 lots, 20 m×30 m each in size, randomly selected following the typical sampling protocol. On each lot, 5 shrub plots sized 2 m×2 m each and 5 herb plots sized 1 m×1 m each were assigned along the diagonal line to observe the species, morphology, and varieties of the plants in a communities.
      Result  Totally, 74 species, 62 genera, and 34 families were found on the plots. Among them, 14 species were arbors; 23, bushes; and, 37, herbs. Species stratification was evident as the existing varieties of arbor class were dominated by Pinus yunnanensis, P. armandii, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Quercus aliena, Populus yunnanensis and Carpinus pubescens; whereas, the shrub and herb classes varied depending on the community type and eco-environment.All individual plants at the reserve showed a normal bell-shaped vertical distribution, a partially slant inversed J-shaped distribution on trunk-diameter, and an inverted J-shaped distribution on canopy-width, indicating constant and healthy growth of the forests. The 6 species that had their critical indicators scored greater than 5 with significant differences on the vertical, trunk and canopy structures. Both the richness and diversity indices of the communities ranked in the order of: herb class>shrub class>tree class, and the uniformity index: shrub class>herb class>tree class.
      Conclusion  Located at the apex on a land in transition from eastern Yunnan plateau to Guizhou plateau, the Caohai National Nature Reserve displayed the typical regional characteristic low variety and diversity but relatively stable composition of plants on its forest communities. There were numerous plants with sizable trunks in the C. lanceolate community that were declining and would continue to decline in number. The diversity on tree trunk-diameter of the C. pubescens community was exceedingly low, especially on plants with large trunk girth. Therefore, a special attention to protect and manage such communities needed be placed for forest conservation.


