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王夏雯 孟佳丽 刘永锋 陈志谊 张智慧 余翔

王夏雯,孟佳丽,刘永锋,等. 解淀粉芽孢杆菌B1619对连作西瓜生长及枯萎病发生的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(11):1302−1308. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.010
引用本文: 王夏雯,孟佳丽,刘永锋,等. 解淀粉芽孢杆菌B1619对连作西瓜生长及枯萎病发生的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(11):1302−1308. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.010
WANG X W, MENG J L, LIU Y F, et al. Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B1619 on Growth and Fusarium Wilt of Continuous Cropping Watermelon [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(11):1302−1308. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.010
Citation: WANG X W, MENG J L, LIU Y F, et al. Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B1619 on Growth and Fusarium Wilt of Continuous Cropping Watermelon [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(11):1302−1308. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.010


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.010
基金项目: 宿迁市农业科技自主创新资金项目(SQCX201801);宿迁市科技支撑计划项目(L201711)




  • 中图分类号: S 435

Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B1619 on Growth and Fusarium Wilt of Continuous Cropping Watermelon

  • 摘要:   目的  明确解淀粉芽孢杆菌B1619对连作西瓜枯萎病的防效,并探讨其合理施用方法。  方法  在连续种植4年西瓜的土壤环境下,采用随机区组设计,研究供试微生物菌剂在不同施用方式和施用剂量下,对连作西瓜生长、枯萎病发生及根际土壤主要菌群的影响。  结果  解淀粉芽胞杆菌B1619采用穴施方式、剂量(18+9)g·穴−1时对连作西瓜的增产率达到43.20%,中心糖、边糖、商品率均显著增加。该施用方法有效改变了连作西瓜根际的菌群环境,其中细菌数量在开花期和成熟期分别是对照的1.93倍和1.27倍,病原菌尖孢镰刀菌数量分别降低为对照的33.38%和37.19%。  结论  解淀粉芽胞杆菌B1619采用穴施方式、剂量(18+9)g·穴−1对4年连作西瓜产量、品质提升,西瓜枯萎病防治效果最好。
  • 图  1  B1619对连作西瓜根际土壤细菌数量的影响

    Figure  1.  Effect of B1619 on bacteria count in rhizosphere soil at continuous cropping watermelon field

    图  2  B1619对连作西瓜根际土壤真菌数量的影响

    Figure  2.  Effect of B1619 on fungi count in rhizosphere soil at continuous cropping watermelon field

    图  3  B1619对连作西瓜根际土壤放线菌数量的影响

    Figure  3.  Effect of B1619 on actinomyces count in rhizosphere soil at continuous cropping watermelon field

    图  4  B1619对连作西瓜根际土壤尖孢镰刀菌数量的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of B1619 on F. oxysporum count in rhizosphere soil at continuous cropping watermelon field

    表  1  西瓜枯萎病病情分级标准

    Table  1.   Standards for classifying watermelon wilt

    Level of Fusarium wilt of watermelon
    0级 植株生长正常
    1级 植株萎蔫,占全株的1/4及以下,瓜果生长正常
    2级 植株萎蔫,占全株的1/4至1/2,瓜皮表面稍有褪色
    3级 植株萎蔫,占全株的1/2以上,茎蔓上有琥珀色胶状物,根部病茎表面产生白色或粉红色霉层,果实萎蔫缩小
    4级 全株枯萎并死亡
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    表  2  不同施用方式和使用剂量对连作西瓜生长指标的影响

    Table  2.   Effect of application method and dosage of B1619 on growth of continuous cropping watermelons

    Plant height/cm
    Stem diameter/mm
    Leaf area/cm2
    Leaf number per plant/(片·株−1)
    Chlorophyll contentSPAD
    The Stretching Stage
    The Flowering Stage
    The Ripening Stages
    The Stretching Stage
    The Flowering Stage
    The Ripening Stages
    The Stretching Stage
    The Flowering Stage
    The Ripening Stages
    The Stretching Stage
    The Flowering Stage
    The Ripening Stages
    The Stretching Stage
    The Flowering Stage
    The Ripening Stages
    52.1 d 141.3 c 257.3 c 5.4 b 6.6 b 7.3 b 140.5 b 181.0 b 289.7 d 9.4 b 20.3 b 26.3 a 58.5 a 63.2 a 61.3 a
    67.1 b 159.8 b 304.0 a 6.2 a 7.2 a 8.0 b 203.8 a 236.3 a 370.8 b 11.8 a 22.6 a 27.9 a 56.7 a 61.5 a 58.6 a
    60.8 c 147.6 c 287.7 b 5.5 b 6.8 ab 7.7 b 151.2 b 215.8 a 339.7 c 11.0 ab 19.0 b 27.3 a 56.9 a 62.6 a 58.8 a
    T1 Hole fertilization
    60.1 c 144.6 c 278.3 b 5.0 b 6.6 b 7.9 b 145.2 b 214.8 a 291.6 d 10.0 b 19.2 b 28.0 a 56.9 a 62.5 a 60.0 a
    T2 Hole fertilization
    75.1 ab 168.0 a 309.0 a 6.6 a 7.5 a 8.8 a 233.1 a 240.7 a 390.8 b 12.6 a 19.8 b 28.3 a 55.0 a 61.9 a 57.3 a
    T3 Hole fertilization
    83.1 a 179.2 a 312.0 a 6.8 a 7.5 a 9.0 a 218.2 a 240.7 a 425.7 a 12.4 a 20.2 b 28.5 a 54.3 a 60.4 a 56.4 a
    CK 54.6 d 145.2 c 255.3 c 5.3 b 6.3 b 7.4 b 148.5 b 179.1 b 295.2 d 9.9 b 20.9 b 26.3 a 58.0 a 62.2 a 60.4 a
    注: 同列数据后不同小写字母表示各处理间在0.05水平上差异显著,下同。
    Note: Data followed by different lowercase letters on a same column are significantly different at 0.05 leve1. Same for the following.
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    表  3  不同施用方式和使用剂量对连作西瓜产量、品质的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of application method and dosage of B1619 on yield and quality of continuous cropping watermelons

    The FW of aerial part/(g·株−1)
    Dry weight of aerial part/(g·株−1)
    Watermelon fruit weight/kg
    Plot yield/kg
    Yield /(t·hm−2)
    Increase rate/%
    Central sugarcontent/%
    Edge sugar content/%
    Commodity rate/%
    793.35 c 66.72 b 2.38 c 92.80 c 25.79 c 1.75 c 9.47 c 6.10 d 36.84 c
    902.05 b 70.05 b 2.70 b 107.50 b 29.88 b 17.87 b 10.84 ab 8.08 b 59.65 b
    844.60 bc 69.35 b 2.69 b 102.60 b 28.51 b 12.50 bc 10.50 b 8.20 ab 56.14 b
    T1 Hole fertilization
    799.50 c 66.81 b 2.57 b 98.80 bc 27.46 b 8.33 c 10.00 bc 7.13 c 54.39 b
    T2 Hole fertilization
    1 088.55 a 85.44 a 3.14 a 130.60 a 36.30 a 43.20 a 11.22 a 8.52 a 73.68 a
    T3 Hole fertilization
    1 074.20 a 78.91 a 3.23 a 133.00 a 36.96 a 45.83 a 11.18 a 8.44 a 75.44 a
    CK 777.36 c 59.86 c 2.37 c 91.20 c 25.35 c 9.30 c 5.83 d 29.82 c
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    表  4  不同施用方式和使用剂量对连作西瓜病情指数的影响

    Table  4.   Effect of application method and dosage of B1619 on wilt control

    Disease index of the fruit developing Stages
    Disease index of the Ripening Stages
    Disease control rate/%
    0 b51.75 b21.86 c
    0 b33.33 c49.67 b
    0 b35.09 c47.02 b
    T1 Hole fertilization
    0 b36.84 c44.37 b
    T2 Hole fertilization
    0 b21.49 d67.55 a
    T3 Hole fertilization
    0 b21.05 d68.21 a
    CK 10.07 a66.23 a
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