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万继锋 曾辉 杨为海 张汉周 陆超忠 陈倪 陈菁 罗炼芳

万继锋,曾辉,杨为海,等. 澳洲坚果种质资源花序表型多样性研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(11):1255−1261. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.003
引用本文: 万继锋,曾辉,杨为海,等. 澳洲坚果种质资源花序表型多样性研究 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(11):1255−1261. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.003
WAN J F, ZENG H, YANG W H, et al. Phenotypic Diversity on Inflorescence of Macadamia spp. Germplasms [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(11):1255−1261. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.003
Citation: WAN J F, ZENG H, YANG W H, et al. Phenotypic Diversity on Inflorescence of Macadamia spp. Germplasms [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(11):1255−1261. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.003


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.11.003
基金项目: 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(1630062017028、1630062018004、1630062019007);农业农村部热作技术试验示范项目(15162130106232002);广东省科技创新战略专项(2018B020402)


  • 中图分类号: S 664.9

Phenotypic Diversity on Inflorescence of Macadamia spp. Germplasms

  • 摘要:   目的  对澳洲坚果种质资源花序表型性状进行多样性分析,为澳洲坚果种质资源的鉴定评价以及创新利用提供参考。  方法  花序表型性状的观测和描述方法参照《澳洲坚果种质资源描述规范和数据标准》和《澳洲坚果种质资源鉴定技术规范》,数据统计分析应用聚类和主成分分析的方法。  结果  40 份供试澳洲坚果种质资源中 90% 种质小花为乳白色、50% 种质小花自花序轴基部向顶端依次开放、77.5% 种质无批次开花;花序长度的变异系数最大为 26.30%,小花长度的变异系数最小为 8.60%。聚类分析将 40 份种质资源在欧氏距离为 4.79 时分为 2 个组群,组群内的种质资源以花序长度和小花数量聚类;主成分分析结果将 6 个表型性状简化为 3 个主成分(花量、花色、开花顺序因子),解释的总变异为 71.752%,更为直观地展现了花序表型特点,其结果与聚类分析基本一致。  结论  澳洲坚果种质资源的花序表型性状存在丰富的多样性,花序长度、小花数量、小花颜色和小花开放顺序是花序表型性状多样性构成的主导因子。
  • 图  1  小花颜色

    Figure  1.  Color of floweret

    图  2  小花开放顺序

    Figure  2.  Order of floweret opening

    图  3  聚类分析

    Figure  3.  Dendrogram of cluster analysis

    图  4  40份澳洲坚果种质资源花序表型性状主成分分布

    Figure  4.  Principal component distribution on phenotypic characteristics in inflorescence of 40 Macadamia germplasms

    表  1  澳洲坚果种质资源名称、来源及类型

    Table  1.   Names, origins and types of Macadamia spp. in collection

    Name of materials
    Germplasm types
    Name of materials
    Germplasm types
    1HAES246夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia21B3-74澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia
    2HAES294夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia22DAD澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia
    3HAES333夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia23H2澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia
    4HAES344夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia24NG18澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia
    5HAES660夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia25O.C.澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia
    6HAES695夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia/M. tetraphylla Hybrids26Own venture澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia
    7HAES741夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia27Winks澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia
    8HAES780夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia28Yonik以色列 IsraelM. integrifolia
    9HAES783夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia29南亚1号 Nanya 1中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    10HAES788夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia30南亚2号 Nanya 2中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    11HAES800夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia31南亚3号 Nanya 3中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    12HAES812夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia32南亚12号 Nanya 12中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    13HAES814夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia33南亚116号 Nanya 116中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    14HAES826夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia34桂热1号 Guire 1中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    15HAES842夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia35优株 Elite plant 24中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    16HAES861夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia36优株 Elite plant 114中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    17HAES900夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia/M. tetraphylla Hybrids37优株 Elite plant A中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    18HAES915夏威夷 HawaiiM. integrifolia38优株 Elite plant B中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    19A4澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia/M. tetraphylla Hybrids39优株 Elite plant D中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
    20A16澳大利亚 AustraliaM. integrifolia/M. tetraphylla Hybrids40优株 Elite plant G中国 ChinaM. integrifolia
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    表  2  鉴定性状、鉴定部位及记载标准

    Table  2.   Properties, parts and standards for identifications

    编号 No.性状 Characters鉴定部位 Identification parts记载标准 Description of grading
    1 小花颜色
    Floweret color
    The color of opening floweret in the inflorescence
    1=乳白色 Creamy white,2=淡粉色 Light pink,3=粉红色 Pink
    2 小花开放顺序
    Floweret opening order
    Floweret opening order in the inflorescence
    Floweret opening sequentially from the base of inflorescence axis to the top,
    Floweret opening sequentially from the middle of inflorescence axis to the both ends,
    Floweret opening sequentially from the top of inflorescence axis to the base
    3 批次开花
    Flower in batches
    Whether flower in batches or not
    1=有 Yes,2=无 Not
    4 花序长度/cm
    Inflorescence length
    the length of inflorescence axis
    5 小花长度/mm
    Floweret length
    Length from base to top of floweret being to open
    6 小花数量/朵
    Floweret number/Flower
    每个花序上着生小花的数量 Floweret number in the inflorescence
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    表  3  3 个描述性状多样性统计分析

    Table  3.   Statistical analysis on diversity based on 3 descriptive characteristics

    Germplasm copies/份
    Floweret color
    乳白色 Creamy white 36 90.00
    淡粉色 Light pink 2 5.00
    粉红色 Pink 2 5.00
    Floweret opening order
    Floweret opening sequentially from the base of inflorescence axis to the top
    20 50.00
    Floweret opening sequentially from the middle of inflorescence axis to the both ends
    6 15.00
    Floweret opening sequentially from the top of inflorescence axis to the base
    14 35.00
    Flower in batches
    有 Yes 9 22.50
    无 Not 31 77.50
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    表  4  3 个数量性状多样性统计分析

    Table  4.   Statistical analysis on diversity based on 3 quantifiable characteristics

    性状 Characters平均值 Mean最大值 Max最小值 Min标准差 SD极差 R变异系数 CV/%
    花序长度 Inflorescence length/cm18.0629.011.74.7517.326.30
    小花长度 Floweret length/mm8.
    小花数量 Floweret number/朵 Flower177.027713037.1014720.96
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    表  5  主成分的特征向量、特征值、贡献率和累积贡献率

    Table  5.   Eigenvectors, latent roots, single and accumulative contributor ratios of principal components

    Principal component 1
    Principal component 2
    Principal component 3
    小花颜色 Floweret color 0.299 0.631 0.237
    小花开放顺序 Floweret opening order −0.182 −0.548 0.654
    批次开花 Flower in batches −0.161 0.604 0.602
    花序长度 Inflorescence length 0.940 −0.061 −0.038
    小花长度 Floweret length −0.327 0.494 −0.336
    小花数量 Floweret number 0.936 0.031 0.076
    特征值 Latent root 2.015 1.324 0.967
    贡献率 Contributor ratio 33.577 22.064 16.112
    Accumulative contributor ratio
    33.577 55.640 71.752
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