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磷肥用量对甜荞Fagopyrum esculentum根系形态、产量及品质的影响

何佩云 黄小燕 王雨 时政 黄凯丰

何佩云,黄小燕,王雨,等. 磷肥用量对甜荞 Fagopyrum esculentum根系形态、产量及品质的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(9):1003−1008. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.09.002
引用本文: 何佩云,黄小燕,王雨,等. 磷肥用量对甜荞 Fagopyrum esculentum 根系形态、产量及品质的影响 [J]. 福建农业学报,2019,34(9):1003−1008. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.09.002
HE P Y, HUANG X Y, WANG Y, et al. Effects of Phosphate Fertilization on Soil Fertility and Plant Morphology, Grain Yield and Quality of Fagopyrum esculentum [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(9):1003−1008. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.09.002
Citation: HE P Y, HUANG X Y, WANG Y, et al. Effects of Phosphate Fertilization on Soil Fertility and Plant Morphology, Grain Yield and Quality of Fagopyrum esculentum [J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,34(9):1003−1008. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.09.002

磷肥用量对甜荞Fagopyrum esculentum根系形态、产量及品质的影响

doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.09.002
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(31560358);贵州省科技支撑计划(黔科合支撑([2018]2297号、[2019]2297号);贵州省教育厅创新群体重大研究项目(黔教合KY字[2017]033)、黔教合KY字[2018]015);农业农村部杂粮加工重点实验室开放基金(2018CC13);贵阳市科技计划项目(筑科合同[2019]11-6号)




  • 中图分类号: S 517

Effects of Phosphate Fertilization on Soil Fertility and Plant Morphology, Grain Yield and Quality of Fagopyrum esculentum

  • 摘要:   目的  明确磷肥用量对甜荞根系形态、产量形成和籽粒品质的影响。  方法  以甜荞品种丰甜1号为试验材料,设置不施磷(CK,0 kg·hm−2)、低磷(LP,35 kg·hm−2)、中磷(MP,70 kg·hm−2)和高磷(HP,105 kg·hm−2)4个处理,研究磷肥用量对丰甜1号根际土壤速效养分、根系形态、最终产量和籽粒品质的影响。  结果  根际土壤的速效氮、速效磷、速效钾和有机质含量随磷肥用量的增加而呈先增加后降低的趋势,均以中磷(MP)处理时达最大;根际土壤pH则随磷肥用量的增加表现为持续下降。丰甜1号的根系总长度、根系体积、根系表面积以MP处理显著高于其他处理,磷肥处理间的根系平均直径无显著差异。丰甜1号的株高等植物学性状和产量随磷肥用量的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,均以MP处理最大,其中MP处理时的产量为对照(CK)处理的1.43倍。丰甜1号籽粒中的品质随磷肥用量的增加呈先增后降的趋势,黄酮含量以CK处理最大,高磷(HP)处理最低。  结论  中等用量的磷肥处理(70 kg·hm−2)能促进甜荞生长、提高产量和品质。
  • 表  1  磷肥用量对根际土壤养分及pH值的影响

    Table  1.   Effects of P fertilizations on nutrients and pH in rhizosphere soil

    Available nitrogen/(mg·kg−1)
    Available phosphorus/(mg·kg−1)
    Available potassium/(mg·kg−1)
    Organic matter /%
    CK 125.61 d 62.80 d 74.67 c 4.014 c 6.89 a
    LP 211.39 c 75.39 b 92.16 b 4.102 c 6.38 b
    MP 301.37 a 92.28 a 101.30 a 4.568 a 6.02 c
    HP 249.30 b 71.21 c 92.41 b 4.309 b 5.50 d
    Note: there are significant differences in continuous cropping at different levels on the 0.05 level in the same column. The same below.
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    表  2  磷肥对根系形态指标的影响

    Table  2.   Effects of P fertilizations on root morphology of FT1

    处理 Treatment 根系总长度 Length /cm 根系表面积 Surface area /cm2 根系体积 Volume /cm3 根系平均直径 Average diameter /mm
    CK 190.23 d 30.22 d 1.08 c 0.85 a
    LP 232.61 b 38.91 c 1.10 c 0.89 a
    MP 267.52 a 43.87 a 1.61 a 0.90 a
    HP 221.10 c 40.15 b 1.42 b 0.86 a
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    表  3  磷肥对甜荞植物学性状及产量的影响

    Table  3.   Effects of P fertilizations on agronomic traits and grain yield of FT1

    Plant height/cm
    Main stem node number
    Branch number of main stem
    1- to 2- internode length/cm
    1- to 2- internode diameter/mm
    CK 51.07 d 5.72 b 3.28 a 10.66 c 5.14 b 970.65 d
    LP 66.29 c 6.03 a 3.56 a 10.72 c 6.92 a 1162.38 b
    MP 73.17 a 6.12 a 3.71 a 13.37 a 7.11 a 1389.81 a
    HP 70.32 b 6.09 a 3.58 a 11.96 b 5.28 b 1029.62 c
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    表  4  根系形态、农艺性状及产量间的相关性分析

    Table  4.   Correlations among agronomic traits, root morphology and grain yield of FT1

    Surface area
    Average diameter
    株高 Plant height 1-2节节间长度
    1-2 internode length
    1-2 internode coarseness
    main stem node number
    Branch number of main stem
    Surface area
    0.798** 1
    0.552* 0.938** 1
    Average diameter
    0.218 0.219 0.127 1
    Plant height
    0.821** 0.691* 0.439 0.169 1
    1-2 internode length
    0.573* 0.437 0.591* 0.173 0.669* 1
    1-2 internode coarseness
    0.809** 0.668* 0.471 0.332 0.873** 0.692* 1
    Main stem node number
    0.437 0.459 0.386 0.108 0.792** 0.491 0.668* 1
    Branch number of
    main stem
    0.883** 0.861** 0.681* 0.213 0.786** 0.486 0.753** 0.572* 1
    0.868** 0.599* 0.430 0.186 0.928** 0.475 0.926** 0.446 0.698* 1
    Note:*significance respectively at 0.05 probability levels. **significance respectively at 0.01 probability levels.
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    表  5  肥料处理对甜荞营养保健成分的影响

    Table  5.   Effects of P fertilizations on nutrients and functional ingredients in buckwheat

    Protein /%
    TDF /%
    Flavonoid /%
    Rutin /(μg·mL−1)
    Tuercitrin /(μg·mL−1)
    Kaempferol (mg·mL−1)
    CK 13.21 d 11.37 c 0.171 a 0.32 c 0.73 b 0.19 d
    LP 17.96 c 12.03 c 0.143 b 0.50 a 0.82 a 0.32 b
    MP 24.39 a 18.20 a 0.147 b 0.58 a 0.86 a 0.40 a
    HP 19.67 b 16.38 b 0.106 c 0.41 b 0.76 b 0.25 c
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