Breeding of Grain-Sprout Dual-Utility Barley, Fudamai No. 2
目的 为促进大麦品种更新换代,满足种植业结构调整新需求,通过秋水仙素诱变育种选育出粒苗兼用型皮大麦新品种供推广种植。 方法 2003年冬季采用秋水仙素溶液处理分蘖盛期的闽诱3号植株,2004年春季从其诱变后代变异群体中筛选优势单株为母本与父本莆大麦5号杂交,进行多年多点系谱选育,选育出粒苗兼用型皮大麦新品种福大麦2号。 结果 2012-2014年连续2年参加福建省区试,第1年平均产量4 450.58 kg·hm-2,比对照品种(福大麦1号,下同)增产5.6%,增产达到极显著水平;第2年平均产量4 612.95 kg·hm-2,比对照品种增产5.2%,增产达到极显著水平;对白粉病、赤霉病和锈病的抗性都达到中抗以上水平,抗病性综合表现与对照品种相当。2014-2015年参加生产试验,平均产量4 662.95 kg·hm-2,比对照品种增产6.29%。2015年进行麦苗产量测产试验,福大麦2号的鲜麦苗产量为24 084.75 kg·hm-2,比对照品种增产8.42%;氨基酸总量为22.65 g·hg-1,比对照品种多9.0%;维生素C和蛋白质含量与对照品种相当。 结论 福大麦2号分蘖力强,再生性好,有效穗数多,穗长粒大,籽粒产量高,抗病性较强,是具有推广价值的皮大麦新品种;其麦苗产量高、品质好,是作为加工麦苗粉或麦苗汁等保健食品的理想原料。该品种适宜在福建省及相似生态区推广种植。 Abstract:Objective To develop a barley variety with the grains suitable either for food as it or for sprout production to meet the marketing demand. Method In the winter of 2003, the colchicine mutagenesis breeding method was employed to treat Minyou No. 3 during tiller development period. In the following spring, desirable mutants were crossed as female plant with the male Pudamai No. 5. The new hybrid barley was then cultivated after years of pedigree breeding to arrive at the finalized cultivar, Fudamai No. 2. Result In 2012-2014 district production trials in Fujian, Fudamai No. 2 delivered an average annual yield of 4 550.58 kg·hm-2 in the first year which was 5.6% higher than that of the reference, Fudamai No. 1, and 4 612.95 kg·hm-2 for the second year with a 5.2% increase over the reference (both at significant differences). Like the reference, the new variety exhibited above moderate resistances to the powdery mildew, scab, and rust. In the 2015 production trial, an average yield of 4 662.95 kg·hm-2 was obtained which represented a 6.29% increase over that of the reference. During the same year, the yield of fresh barley sprouts from Fudamai No. 2 in a trial was 24 084.75 kg·hm-2 representing an 8.42% increase over that of control. As compared with the reference, the sprouts contained 22.65 g·hg-1 of amino acids (an increase of 9%) and same levels on vitamin C and protein. Conclusion Fudamai No. 2 was strong in tiller generation, robust in renewable capability, productive on panicles, long on spike length, high in grain yield, and strong resistance to diseases with a promising commercial value. The sprouts from the seeds had the desirable quality of high yield and nutritional quality for marketing and/or processing as a health food product, such as fresh barley sprouts, sprout powder or juice. This new variety was deemed suitable for extended cultivation in Fujian and regions of similar ecological conditions. -
Key words:
- Fudamai No. 2 /
- grain-sprout type /
- colchicine /
- mutation breeding
表 1 新品系籽粒产量比较
Table 1. Grain yields of new lines of barley
Strain(variety)重复Regulation 平均
Average比CK1 Than CK1 比CK2 Than CK2 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 增产
Regulation/(kg·hm-2)增产率Rate of production increase/% 增产
Regulation/(kg·hm-2)增产率Rate of production increase/% 系1Xi1 4920 4770 4875 4855 480 10.97** 530 12.25** 系2 Xi2 4665 4590 4605 4620 245 5.60* 295 6.80** 系3 Xi3 4545 4635 4530 4570 195 4.46* 245 5.66* 闽诱3号Minyou3hao(CK1) 4320 4395 4410 4375 莆大麦5号Pudamai5hao(CK2) 4380 4275 4320 4325 注:*为增产显著,**为增产极显著。
Note:* is a significant increase in production, and ** is a very significant increase in production, per unit.表 2 福大麦2号在福建省区域试验中的产量表现
Table 2. Statistics on yield of Fudamai No. 2 at regional trials in Fujian
Rate of increase in yield/%比CK增产
Than CK±/%差异显著性
Significance of difference参试品种数量
Number of tested varieties位次
Rank0.05 0.01 福大麦2号Fudamai2hao 2013 4450.58 100 5.6 b B 5 4 2014 4612.95 100 5.2 b B 5 4 平均Average 4531.76 100 5.4 福大麦1号Fudamai1hao(CK) 2013 4215.23 d D 5 5 2014 4386.68 d D 5 5 平均Average 4300.96 表 3 福大麦2号丰产性及稳定性表现
Table 3. Yield and stability of Fudamai No. 2
Year丰产性分析Yield analysis 稳定性分析Stability analysis 小区产量
Plot yield效应值
Effect valueSd2 CV/% y=a+bx 福大麦2号Fudamai2hao 2013 5.9 0.2783 0.0040 1.0313 y4=1.4273 +1.18497x 2014 6.2 0.0483 50.020 1.5523 y4=2.5457 +1.39915x 平均Average 6.1 0.1633 0.0145 1.2918 福大麦1号Fudamai1hao(CK) 2013 5.6 -0.5200 0.0010 0.5817 y3=-0.2739 +0.96038x 2014 5.8 -0.3733 0.0110 1.7506 y3=-0.3108 +0.99000x 平均Average 5.7 -0.4467 0.006 1.1662 表 4 2015年福建省生产试验结果
Table 4. Yield of Fudamai No. 2 in Fujian Provincial Production Trial in 2015
Production test site产量Yield/(kg·hm-2) 比对照增产
Increase than CK±/%福大麦2号Fudamai2hao 福大麦1号Fudamai1hao(CK) 莆田秀屿区Xiuyu District, Putian 4792.35 4486.50 6.82 泉州泉港区Quangang District, Quanzhou 4786.95 4411.95 8.49 宁德蕉城区Jiaocheng District, Ningde 4246.25 4168.20 1.87 福州晋安区晋安District, Fuzhou 4826.25 4480.05 7.73 平均Average 4662.95 4386.68 6.29 表 5 2015年麦苗生产测产试验结果
Table 5. Production trial on barley sprouts in 2015
Production test site产量Yield/(kg·hm-2) 比对照增产
Increase than CK±/%福大麦2号Fudamai2hao 福大麦1号Fudamai1hao(CK) 莆田秀屿区Xiuyu District, Putian 24333 22833 6.57 泉州泉港区Quangang District, Quanzhou 23583 21750 8.43 宁德蕉城区Jiaocheng District, Ningde 23750 21833 8.78 福州晋安区Jin′an District, Fuzhou 24673 22453 9.89 平均Average 24084.75 22217.25 8.42 表 6 福大麦1号和福大麦2号的籽粒与麦苗营养成分
Table 6. Nutritional contents of grains and sprouts of Fudamai No. 1 and Fudamai No. 2
Nutrition composition籽粒Grain 麦苗Wheat Seedling 福大麦2号
Fudamai1hao(CK)维生素C Vitamin C/(mg·hg-1) 1.2 1.4 20.8 20.3 蛋白质Protein/(g·hg-1) 9.12 13.07 30.7 31.52 苯丙氨酸Phenylalanine/(g·hg-1) 0.63 0.64 1.38 1.53 亮氨酸Leucine/(g·hg-1) 0.84 0.88 2.09 1.87 异亮氨酸Isoleucine/(g·hg-1) 0.42 0.45 1.00 1.05 苏氨酸Threonine/(g·hg-1) 0.45 0.42 1.22 1.09 蛋氨酸Methionine/(g·hg-1) 0.17 0.12 0.36 0.24 精氨酸Arginine/(g·hg-1) 0.59 0.50 1.44 1.15 胱氨酸Cystine/(g·hg-1) 0.18 0.10 0.04 0.13 天门冬氨酸Aspartate/(g·hg-1) 0.72 0.71 2.14 2.38 缬氨酸Valine/(g·hg-1) 0.62 0.64 1.43 1.39 脯氨酸Proline/(g·hg-1) 1.21 1.23 1.21 1.23 酪氨酸Tyrosine/(g·hg-1) 0.36 0.25 0.80 0.41 丙氨酸Alanine/(g·hg-1) 0.49 0.51 2.21 0.69 组氨酸Histidine/(g·hg-1) 0.25 0.28 0.49 0.46 丝氨酸Serine/(g·hg-1) 0.49 0.52 1.03 0.91 谷氨酸Glutamate/(g·hg-1) 2.79 2.98 2.91 2.96 甘氨酸Glycine/(g·hg-1) 0.47 0.50 1.36 1.36 赖氨酸Lysine/(g·hg-1) 0.46 0.46 1.51 1.35 氨基酸总量Amino Acids/(g·hg-1) 11.14 11.19 22.62 20.75 表 7 区域试验抗病性表现
Table 7. Resistance of varieties at regional trails
Powdery mildew赤霉病
Rust disease福大麦2号
Fudamai2hao2013 R R R 2014 MR R R 平均Average MR R R 福大麦1号
Fudamai1hao(CK)2013 R MR R 2014 R R R 平均Average R MR R -
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