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方东亚 郑亚凤

方东亚, 郑亚凤. 笋头膳食纤维复合酶法改性工艺优化及其理化特性评价[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(3): 364-370. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.017
引用本文: 方东亚, 郑亚凤. 笋头膳食纤维复合酶法改性工艺优化及其理化特性评价[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(3): 364-370. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.017
FANG Dong-ya, ZHENG Ya-feng. Enzymatic Hydrolysis for Producing Dietary Fibers from Bamboo Shoot Byproduct[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(3): 364-370. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.017
Citation: FANG Dong-ya, ZHENG Ya-feng. Enzymatic Hydrolysis for Producing Dietary Fibers from Bamboo Shoot Byproduct[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(3): 364-370. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.017


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.017

福建省高校青年自然科学基金重点项目 JZ160434


    方东亚(1994-), 女, 硕士研究生, 研究方向:农产品加工及贮藏(E-mail:fdongya@163.com)


    郑亚凤(1981-), 女, 教授, 研究方向:食品碳水化合物与营养(E-mail:zyffst@163.com)

  • 中图分类号: TS209

Enzymatic Hydrolysis for Producing Dietary Fibers from Bamboo Shoot Byproduct

  • 摘要:   目的  笋头是笋加工的主要副产物,是来源广泛且成本低廉的膳食纤维原料。传统的热水法制备的笋头膳食纤维由于纤维颗粒大,口感粗糙,在食品中添加应用易造成品质下降。为了推动笋头膳食纤维在食品加工中的应用,本文研究了复合酶法改性工艺对笋头膳食纤维的粒径及理化特性的影响。  方法  以热水法制备的笋头膳食纤维为原料,以纤维粒径为评价指标,通过单因素试验研究复合酶添加量、时间、温度和pH值对纤维粒径的影响。根据单因素结果,进行以Box-Behnken试验设计为基础的响应面优化试验。比较分析了改性前后笋头膳食纤维的理化特性变化。  结果  复合酶法改性笋头膳食纤维的最优工艺条件为:复合酶添加量0.20%(纤维素酶:木聚糖酶=1:1),温度47℃,pH 5.4,时间2.0 h。以优化后的复合酶解法处理的笋头膳食纤维的纤维粒径(D90)由(146.2±0.21)μm降低至(97.2±0.14)μm。相对于改性处理前的笋头膳食纤维,改性笋头膳食纤维的持水力、持油力和膨胀度分别提高1.30、2.16和1.64倍。  结论  经过工艺优化的复合酶法可显著减小笋头膳食纤维的纤维粒径,并显著提高纤维的持水力、持油力和膨胀度等理化性质。研究结果有利于推动笋头膳食纤维在功能食品加工中的应用。
  • 图  1  复合酶添加量对笋头膳食纤维粒径的影响

    Figure  1.  Effect of enzyme dosage on size of dietary fibers from BDF

    图  2  酶解pH对笋头膳食纤维粒径的影响

    Figure  2.  Effect of pH on size of dietary fibers from BDF

    图  3  酶解温度对笋头膳食纤维粒径的影响

    Figure  3.  Effect of temperature on size of dietary fibers from BDF

    图  4  酶解时间对笋头膳食纤维粒径的影响

    Figure  4.  Effect of hydrolysis time on size of dietary fibers from BDF

    图  5  不同因素的3D响应面

    Figure  5.  3D response surface contours on interaction of different factors

    表  1  响应面试验因素水平

    Table  1.   Factors and levels of response surface experiment

    Composite enzyme dosage/%
    pH for enzymolysis
    Temperature for enzymolysis/℃
    -1 0.15 4.5 40
    0 0.20 5.0 45
    1 0.25 5.5 50
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    表  2  响应面分析方案及试验结果

    Table  2.   Response surface design and experimental results

    Test number
    Composite enzyme dosages/%
    Temperature for enzymolysis/℃
    pH for enzymolysis
    Particle size/μm
    1 -1 0 1 141.0
    2 0 -1 1 143.6
    3 -1 1 0 117.4
    4 0 0 0 103.2
    5 1 0 1 128.6
    6 0 -1 -1 131.5
    7 0 0 0 102.1
    8 0 1 -1 106.8
    9 1 -1 0 141.6
    10 0 0 0 102.3
    11 1 0 -1 111.5
    12 1 1 0 112.3
    13 -1 -1 0 138.5
    14 -1 0 -1 113.0
    15 0 0 0 106.6
    16 0 1 1 123.4
    17 0 0 0 103.5
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    表  3  响应面方差分析二次模型方差分析

    Table  3.   ANOVA for response surface model analysis of variance

    Variance source
    Quadratic sum
    Degree of freedom
    Mean square
    Probe>F 显著性
    模型Model 3675.54 9 408.39 41.92 < 0.0001 **
    复合酶添加量Composite enzyme dosages 31.6 1 31.6 3.24 0.1147
    酶解温度Temperature for enzymolysis 1135.26 1 1135.26 116.53 < 0.0001 **
    酶解pH pH for enzymolysis 680.8 1 680.8 69.88 < 0.0001 **
    AB 16.81 1 16.81 1.73 0.2304
    AC 29.7 1 29.7 3.05 0.1243
    BC 5.06 1 5.06 0.52 0.4944
    A2 469.09 1 469.09 48.15 0.0002 **
    B2 750.97 1 750.97 77.09 < 0.0001 **
    C2 374.42 1 374.42 38.43 0.0004 **
    残差Residue value 68.19 7 9.74
    失拟项Lack of fit 55.1 3 18.37 5.61 0.0645
    净误差Net error 13.09 4 3.27
    总离差Total deviation 3743.74 16
    注:若Probe>F值< 0.05,则表示该指标显著,用*表示;若Probe>F值< 0.01,则表示该指标极显著,用**表示;R2=0.7590,RAdj2=0.9584。
    Note: When Probe>F is below 0.05, the corresponding index is labeled with “*” to indicate significant difference. When Probe>F is below 0.01,the corresponding index is labeled with “**” to indicate extremely significant difference. R2=0.7590,RAdj2=0.9584.
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    表  4  纤维样品持水力、持油力和膨胀度比较

    Table  4.   Water and oil holding capacities and expansion of fiber samples

    Water binding capacity/(g·g-1)
    Oil binding capacity/(g·g-1)
    Swelling capacity/(mL·g-1)
    酶解前纤维Nativefiber 7.31± 0.12b 0.91± 0.09b 2.8 ± 0.11b
    酶解后纤维Modified fiber 9.51 ± 0.19a 1.97 ± 0.21a 4.6 ± 0.14a
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