A Report on Insect Infestation and Diseases on Blueberry Bushes in Fujian
目的 全面了解福建省蓝莓栽培中的病虫害发生及为害情况,为福建省蓝莓病虫害的有效防控提供参考依据。 方法 通过踏查和定期定点调查相结合的方法,于2016-2018年对福建省的4个蓝莓种植基地病虫害发生情况进行了系统调查。 结果 福建省为害蓝莓的病虫害有23种,其中病害7种,包含2种生理性病害和5种侵染性病害,2种生理性病害分别是红叶病和黄叶病,5种侵染性病害分别是僵果病、枝枯病、炭疽病、灰霉病和休克病毒病,其中休克病毒病为我国新发病害;虫害16种,分属4个目11个科,分别为梨剑纹夜蛾、铜绿丽金龟、云尺蛾、日本龟蜡蚧、黄刺蛾、黑腹果蝇、斑翅果蝇、暗黑鳃金龟、舞毒蛾、桃蚜、盗毒蛾、斜纹夜蛾、扁刺蛾、星天牛、桃红茎天牛和越橘巢蛾;23种病虫害中仅枝枯病和果蝇中度发生,其余病虫害均轻度发生。 结论 福建省蓝莓病虫害为害水平整体较轻,未发现为害严重的病虫害,枝枯病和果蝇是目前的主要病虫害,应引起足够重视。根据2种主要病虫害的发生特点,提出相应的防治建议。 Abstract:Objective Insect infestation and diseases on the cultivated blueberry bushes in Fujian were investigated. Method A systematic survey and continued observation at 4 blueberry orchards in the province was conducted in 2016-2018 for the analysis. Result Two physiological and 5 infectious distinctive diseases and 16 pest insects were identified. The physiological diseases included the red leaf and chlorosis; and, the infectious ones, the mummy berry, stem blight, anthracnose, gray mould and shock virus disease. The shock virus disease was newly found in China. The 16 pest insects identified were Acronycta rumicis, Anomala corpulenta, Buzura thibetaria, Ceroplastes japonicus, Cnidocampa flavescens, Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila suzukii, Holotrichia parallela, Lymantria diaper, Myzus persicae, Porthesia similis, Spodoptera litura, Thosea sinensis, Anoplophora chinensis, Aromia bungii and Sardoscelis sphenias. They belonged to 11 families in 4 orders. The stem blight and Drosophila sp. induced a moderate damage to the blueberry bushes, while the remainders a mild harm. Conclusion Overall, the insect infestation and diseases had been relatively mild without serious concerns for the orchards in Fujian. At present, only the stem blight disease and Drosophila sp. required special attention and warranted appropriate measures for prevention and control of a possible widespread epidemic. -
Key words:
- blueberry /
- insect infestation and diseases /
- investigation /
- Fujian
表 1 福建省蓝莓病害名录
Table 1. Blueberry diseases in Fujian
Pathogen scientific name主要危害部位
Damage part分布地区
Damage degree僵果病 Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi 果实 新泉、沙溪、大湖、寿山 + 枝枯病 Phomopsis sp. 枝条 新泉、沙溪、大湖、寿山 + + 炭疽病 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 叶、嫩枝 新泉、大湖 + 灰霉病 Botrytis cinerea 花、叶、果实 新泉、沙溪、大湖、寿山 + 休克病毒病 Blueberry shock virus,BlShV 花、叶 大湖 + 红叶病 生理病害(缺镁) 叶 新泉、大湖、寿山 + 黄叶病 生理病害(缺铁) 叶 大湖 + 表 2 福建省蓝莓虫害名录
Table 2. Pest insects on blueberry in Fujian
Insect pests拉丁学名
Scientific name主要危害部位
Damage part分布地区
Damage degree梨剑纹夜蛾 Acronycta rumicis 叶 新泉、寿山 + 铜绿丽金龟 Anomala corpulenta 根、叶 新泉、大湖、寿山 + 云尺蛾 Buzura thibetaria 叶 大湖、寿山 + 日本龟蜡蚧 Ceroplastes japonicus 枝条、茎 新泉、大湖 + 黄刺蛾 Cnidocampa flavescens 叶 新泉 + 黑腹果蝇 Drosophila melanogaster 果实 沙溪、大湖、寿山 + + 斑翅果蝇 Drosophila suzukii 果实 沙溪、大湖、寿山 + + 暗黑鳃金龟 Holotrichia parallela 根、叶 新泉、寿山 + 舞毒蛾 Lymantria diapar 叶 新泉、大湖 + 桃蚜 Myzus persicae 新梢、叶 新泉 + 盗毒蛾 Porthesia similis 叶 大湖、寿山 + 斜纹夜蛾 Spodoptera litura 叶 新泉、大湖 + 扁刺蛾 Thosea sinensis 叶 新泉 + 星天牛 Anoplophora chinensis 茎 大湖、寿山 + 桃红茎天牛 Aromia bungii 茎 新泉 + 越橘巢蛾 Sardoscelis sphenias 幼嫩茎尖 新泉、沙溪、大湖、寿山 + -
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