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闫翠香 邵小明

闫翠香, 邵小明. 德兴覆盆子花芽分化及开花物候期观察[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(3): 319-325. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.010
引用本文: 闫翠香, 邵小明. 德兴覆盆子花芽分化及开花物候期观察[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(3): 319-325. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.010
YAN Cui-xiang, SHAO Xiao-ming. Phenology and Morphology of Flower Bud Differentiation of Dexing Raspberry Bushes[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(3): 319-325. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.010
Citation: YAN Cui-xiang, SHAO Xiao-ming. Phenology and Morphology of Flower Bud Differentiation of Dexing Raspberry Bushes[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(3): 319-325. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.010


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.03.010

科技部富民强县资助项目 国科发农[2012]745号

浙江农林大学暨阳学院人才启动项目 JYRC201614


    闫翠香(1981-), 女, 博士, 讲师, 研究方向:植物生态与植物资源(E-mail:yancx@zafu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: S718.3

Phenology and Morphology of Flower Bud Differentiation of Dexing Raspberry Bushes

  • 摘要:   目的  了解德兴覆盆子(掌叶覆盆子)花芽分化的形态过程及其开花物候期,为调控其花芽分化,提高德兴覆盆子的果实产量和品质提供理论依据。  方法  采用野外定点定期观测和石蜡切片法分别对德兴覆盆子的物候期和花芽分化过程的形态学进行研究。  结果  德兴覆盆子的物候期分为萌动期(芽萌动、芽膨大、芽开放)、展叶期、开花期(现蕾、始花、盛花、末花)、果实发育期(坐果、果实膨大、果实成熟、种子成熟)、结果老枝枯死期、新枝花芽形态分化期、落叶期(始落、末落)、休眠期。其中花芽形态分化期为8月初至11月中下旬,8~9月份为花芽形态分化前期,10月初花芽分化出萼片原基,10月中旬分化出花瓣原基,11月初分化出雄蕊原基,11月中旬分化出雌蕊原基,且芽体生长逐渐缓慢,进入休眠期。  结论  与多数悬钩子属植物不同,德兴覆盆子花芽寒冬休眠之前已完成形态分化,其花芽分化过程外部形态特征与内部发育存在对应关系,利用其对应关系可简单快速判断花芽分化时期,预估花期。
  • 图  1  德兴覆盆子花芽形态分化

    注:A.形态分化前期;B~E.萼片原基分化期;F~G.花瓣原基分化,花托继续膨大;H~K.雄蕊原基分化;I~L.雌蕊原基分化期。A, G, J, K, L.标尺=200 μm;B, H.标尺=500 μm;C, D.标尺=50 μm;E, F, I.标尺=100 μm。V.生长锥;Se.萼片原基;Pe.花瓣原基;St.雄蕊原基;Pi.雌蕊原基。

    Figure  1.  Morphological flower bud differentiation of Dexing raspberry bushes

    Note:A=morphological differentiation at early stage; B-E=sepal primordia differentiation phase; F-G=petal primordia differentiation phase, receptacle enlargement continued; H-K=stamen primordia differentiation phase; I-L=pistil primordia differentiation phase. A, G, J, K, L with scale bar=200 μm; B, H with scale bar=500 μm; C, D with scale bar=50 μm; E, F, I with scale bar=100 μm. V=vegetative cone; Se=sepal primordium; Pe=petal primordium; St=stamen primordium; Pi=pistil primordium.

    图  2  混合芽发育的外部形态特点


    Figure  2.  External morphology of mixed bud differentiation of Dexing raspberry bushes

    Note:A-B=pre-differentiation; C=sepal differentiation phase; D=petal differentiation phase; E=stamen and pistil differentiation phase; F=bud scale open.

    表  1  德兴覆盆子物候期(2013-2014)

    Table  1.   Phenological phases of Dexing raspberry bushes (2013-2014)

    Agronomic characteristics
    2013 2014 持续时间
    Duration time/d
    萌动期Sprouting 芽萌动 02-08~02-14 02-11~02-17 7
    芽膨大 02-15~02-19 02-18~02-21 4~5
    芽开放 02-20~02-26 02-22~02-28 7
    展叶期Leaf extending phase - 02-27~03-04 03-01~03-06 6
    开花期Blooming phase 现蕾 03-05~03-14 03-07~03-16 10
    始花 03-15~03-19 03-17~03-24 5~7
    盛花 03-20~03-26 03-25~03-29 5~7
    末花 03-27~03-29 03-30~03-31 2~3
    果实发育期Fruit developing phase 坐果 03-30~04-02 04-01~04-06 4~6
    果实膨大期 04-03~04-26 04-07~04-28 22~24
    坐果成熟 04-27~05-09 04-29~05-10 12~13
    种子成熟 05-10~05-12 05-11~05-15 3~5
    结果老枝枯死期Two-year-old banching withering phase - 6月至7月 6月至7月 60
    新枝花芽形态分化期Flower bud differentiating phase - 8月至11月 8月至11月 60
    落叶期Leaf falling phase 始落 10月中旬 10月中旬 70
    末落 12月末 12月末
    休眠期Dormant phase - 12月至次年2月 12月至次年2月 70
    Note:Leaf extending phase (25% of sprouted buds showed a 1st leaf in plant); bud-showing phase (75% of branches on plant showed flower buds); flowering phase (5% of flower buds on plant started blooming); full blooming phase (75% of flowers bloomed on plant); end of flowering (90% of flowers on plant had bloomed).
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    表  2  德兴覆盆子混合芽分化过程外部形态特征与内部发育对应关系

    Table  2.   Correlation between external morphology and interior structure of Dexing raspberry bushes during mixed bud differentiation

    External morphology
    Interior structure
    08~09 1.5×0.1 芽通体呈绿色,瘦小 形态分化前期
    10-01 3.4×1.1 芽鳞呈覆瓦状排列,芽鳞开始由绿色转为暗红色,肉眼看不到芽轴顶端的生长分化 萼片原基分化期
    10-16 4.5×1.3 芽外变化不大,整个芽继续长大 花瓣原基分化期
    11-01 6.7×1.4 芽外变化不大,整个芽继续长大 雄蕊原基分化期
    11-16 7.1×1.6 此时芽生长缓慢,尚未显露角线 雌蕊原基分化期
    翌年2月 9.8×1.9 芽鳞片开始分离,开始显露淡绿色的角线 花准备开放
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