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姜帆 陈秀萍 郑少泉

姜帆, 陈秀萍, 郑少泉. 基于无患子科ITS序列探讨龙荔的系统发育[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(1): 35-39. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.006
引用本文: 姜帆, 陈秀萍, 郑少泉. 基于无患子科ITS序列探讨龙荔的系统发育[J]. 福建农业学报, 2019, 34(1): 35-39. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.006
JIANG Fan, CHEN Xiu-ping, ZHENG Shao-quan. ITS-based Phylogeny of Dimocarpus confinis[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(1): 35-39. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.006
Citation: JIANG Fan, CHEN Xiu-ping, ZHENG Shao-quan. ITS-based Phylogeny of Dimocarpus confinis[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 34(1): 35-39. doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.006


doi: 10.19303/j.issn.1008-0384.2019.01.006

福建省科技计划项目——省属公益类科研院所基本科研专项 2015R104-8

国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项 CARS-32-06

福建省农业科学院创新团队 STIT2017-1-4

福建省农业科学院青年英才计划 C2017-04


    姜帆(1977-), 男, 副研究员, 主要从事龙眼枇杷种质资源、育种和品质生物技术研究(jiangfan006@126.com)


    郑少泉(1964-), 男, 研究员, 主要从事果树育种、种质资源与品质生物技术研究(E-mail:zsq333555@163.com)

  • 中图分类号: S667.2

ITS-based Phylogeny of Dimocarpus confinis

  • 摘要:   目的  利用无患子科间隔转录区序列(ITS)探讨了龙荔的系统发育地位。  方法  通过无患子科27个属62个种ITS序列信息序列比对和系统发育分析,探讨龙荔和龙眼、荔枝之间的系统进化关系。  结果  基于ITS序列信息可以清楚区分无患子科内不同的种属,其属间ITS序列相似度为(91.0±4.4)%、种间为(96.3±2.8)%。龙荔与龙眼、荔枝之间的ITS序列同源性均为92%,低于龙眼与荔枝间的同源性(93%),但高于和红毛丹的同源性(91%),其ITS序列中有4.5%的碱基位点与龙眼和荔枝均不同,主要表现为T和C互换、A和G互换,共占序列差异位点的56.5%。以韶子属红毛丹为外类群的系统发育树显示,龙荔、荔枝、龙眼之间的进化发育明显,龙荔最早自成分支,其次是荔枝,最后是龙眼。  结论  ITS序列信息分析结果支持龙荔作为独立属的分类可能。
  • 图  1  无患子科27个属的ITS聚类

    Figure  1.  ITS homology of 27 genera

    图  2  龙荔和龙眼、荔枝之间的同源性比较

    Figure  2.  Homology between longli and longan or ltichi

    图  3  龙荔和龙眼、荔枝之间的种系进化树

    注:NJ法,自展1 000次。Note:Neighbour joining method, boot strapping 1 000 times.

    Figure  3.  Phylogeny tree of longli, longan and ltichi

    表  1  ITS序列分析用植物材料

    Table  1.   Plant materials employed for ITS analysis


    Genebank number
    1 毛花槭Acer erianthum EU720501.1
    2 糖槭Acer saccharum EU720502.1
    3 Beguea apetala EU720512.1
    4 Beguea apetala EU720491.1
    5 Cupania dentata EU720523.1
    6 Cupania hirsuta EU720521.1
    7 Cupania rubiginosa EU720481.1
    8 Cupania scrobiculata EU720524.1
    9 Cupaniopsis anacardioides EU720438.1
    10 Cupaniopsis flagelliformis EU720432.1
    11 Deinbollia macrocarpa EU720503.1
    12 Deinbollia oblongifolia EU720427.1
    13 Deinbollia pervillei EU720395.1
    14 车桑子Dodonaea madagascariensis EU720518.1
    15 车桑子Dodonaea viscosa EU720536.1
    16 车桑子Dodonaea viscosa EU720519.1
    17 Elattostachys EU720538.1
    18 Elattostachys nervosa EU720455.1
    19 Elattostachys sp. EU720529.1
    20 Eriocoelum kerstingii EU720539.1
    21 Eriocoelum microspermum EU720540.1
    22 Filicium decipiens
    23 Filicium longifolium EU720466.1
    24 Filicium thouarsianum EU720541.1
    25 Guioa microsepala EU720493.1
    26 Guioa semiglauca EU720546.1
    27 Guioa villosa EU720458.1
    28 Lepiderema hirsuta EU720544.1
    29 Lepiderema pulchella EU720435.1
    30 鳞花木Lepisanthes ferruginea EU720454.1
    31 鳞花木Lepisanthes rubiginosa EU720449.1
    32 滇赤才Lepisanthes senegalensis EU720446.1
    33 Llagunoa mollis EU720492.1
    34 Llagunoa nitida EU720482.1
    35 Macphersonia chapelieri EU720486.1
    36 Macphersonia gracilis EU720459.1
    37 Mischocarpus exangulatus EU720550.1
    38 Mischocarpus grandissimus EU720437.1
    39 Mischocarpus pentapetalus EU720470.1
    40 Mischocarpus pyriformis EU720460.1
    41 Molinaea petiolaris EU720554.1
    42 Molinaea sp. EU720.510.1
    43 红毛丹Nephelium lappaceum EU720401.1
    44 Paranephelium macrophyllum EU720451.1
    45 Paranephelium xestophyllum EU720420.1
    46 Paullinia subauriculata EU720494.1
    47 Plagioscyphus aff. EU720555.1
    48 Sarcopteryx martyana EU720426.1
    49 Sarcopteryx reticulata EU720421.1
    50 Serjania communis EU720472.1
    51 Serjania glabrata EU720557.1
    52 Talisia angustifolia EU720558.1
    53 Talisia nervosa EU720474.1
    54 Talisia obovata EU720485.1
    55 Tina isaloensis EU720520.1
    56 Tina striata EU720509.1
    57 Toechima erythrocarpum EU720431.1
    58 Toechima plurinerve EU720452.1
    59 Toechima tenax EU720456.1
    60 Toechima erythrocarpum EU720431.1
    61 Toechima plurinerve EU720452.1
    62 Toechima tenax EU720456.1
    63 荔枝Litchi chinensis Yuan s.n. EU720400.1
    64 7811龙眼Dimocarpus longan vary 7811 EF532334.1
    65 石硖龙眼Dimocarpus longan vary shixia EF488973.1
    66 十月龙眼Dimocarpus longan varyshiyuelongyan EF532338.1
    67 云南8号龙眼Dimocarpus longan vary yunnan No8 EF532331.1
    68 贵州6号龙眼Dimocarpus longan vary guizhou No6 EF532333.1
    69 灵龙龙眼Dimocarpus longan varylinglong EF532329.1
    70 依多龙眼Dimocarpus longan varyEdor EF532337.1
    71 香枝龙眼Dimocarpus longan vary xiangzhilongyan /
    72 京龙眼Dimocarpus longan vary.jinglongyan /
    73 万隆安龙眼Dimocarpus longan vary Band-ungan EF532340.1
    74 青壳宝圆龙眼Dimocarpus longan.vary qingkebaoyuan EF488971.1
    75 龙荔Dimocarpus confinis EF532336.1
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