Empty Bud Symptom on Pear Trees
摘要: 2017年福建梨空芽现象发生总面积达14 951.4 hm2,产量损失达5.97万t;空芽现象自花芽开始萌动至显蕾期随着时间的推移逐渐加重;受害植株花期延长5 d以上,其单株花序数、单花序花朵数、单果序结果数与正常植株差异达到极显著水平,分别减少71.02%、55.07%和53.85%;受害花芽症状表现为无梢无花、有梢无花、有花无梢和有梢少花4种类型;不同品种间空芽发生率存在较大差异,避雨栽培、海拔较低、早期落叶发生重的梨园极显著高于对应梨园。对受害梨园空芽发生情况进行田间定点观测,并进行空芽枝条的室内病原、虫原镜检观察分析,送检鉴定的梨空芽样品中,普遍检出包括拟茎点霉、炭疽菌等多种病原,少量空芽中检出存有植食性跗线螨;空芽现象为近年来南方梨树上出现的一种梨花芽衰败现象,症状因芽受害程度不同表现有4种类型,发生程度因品种、栽培模式、海拔高度、早期落叶轻重不同而存在明显差异,初步分析发生诱因为以拟茎点霉为主的致病菌危害所致。本研究探明梨花芽空芽现象的发生规律,分析可能的诱因,为制定梨空芽的合理防控技术措施提供理论依据。Abstract: In search for a means to prevent and control the recently wide-spread empty bud incidents on the pear trees in southern China, the regularity and cause of the disease were investigated. Interviews and field trips at 5 major pear-growing counties including Jianning, Qingliu, Mingxi, Jianou, and Dehua in Fujian, were conducted. And the pathogen isolation, insect dissection and microscopic observation on the collected samples were performed in the laboratory. In 2017, the infected area in the country totaled 14 951.4 hm2 with an estimated loss on fruit yield of 597 000 tons. The disease gradually worsened starting from the floral bud sprouting and flowering periods of the plants. On the affected plants the florescence was prolonged for more than 5d, and the number of inflorescence per plant, flowers per inflorescence, and fruits per infructescence decreased by 71.02%, 55.07% and 53.85%, respectively, as compared to a normal tree, at an extremely significant difference level. The symptoms shown on a plant could be (a) with no new shoots nor flowers, (b) with only new shoots but no flowers, (c) with only flowers but no new shoots, or (c) with new shoots and scant flowers. Significant differences on the occurrence of the empty bud incidents were observed among different varieties. The disease occurred extremely significantly more frequently at orchards that used rain shelters, were located at low altitude, and/or had pear trees that experienced severe early defoliation. Under a microscope, phomopsis, Colletotrichum and 3 other pathogens, as well as the phytophagous tarsonemid mites, were found on the samples of the diseased plants. Serious decline and death of floral buds on the pear trees were resulted in recent years. However, at present the infection could only be preliminarily determined to be phomopsis.
Key words:
- pear /
- empty bud /
- symptom /
- regularity /
- pathogen
表 1 空芽现象发生等级划分标准
Table 1. Five levels of occurrence of empty bud incidents on pear trees
等级 重 较重 中 较轻 轻 空芽率/% ≥50 35~49 20~34 5~19 <5 表 2 2017年福建省梨空芽现象发生情况
Table 2. Occurrence of empty bud incidents on pear trees in Fujian in 2017
县(市) 梨总面积/hm2 空芽发生面积/hm2 损失产量/t 发生总面积 发生程度中 发生较重 建宁县 6994.7 4346.7 1521.7 228.3 11412.8 清流县 1013.3 456.0 205.2 40.0 1846.8 明溪县 691.4 518.6 389.0 175.1 1675.9 建瓯市 269.7 229.3 194.9 120.8 1754.1 德化县 2471.4 1779.4 1245.8 685.2 11212.2 其他 11208.0 7621.4 4420.4 1547.1 31826.9 合计 22648.5 14951.4 7977.0 2796.5 59728.7 表 3 2017年梨空芽现象发生率变化趋势
Table 3. Occurrence trend of empty bud incidents on pear trees in 2017
时间/(月-日) 01-19 01-29 02-08 02-18 02-28 03-10 03-20 03-30 空芽率/% 10.67 13.32 18.72 22.18 38.42 65.28 82.51 87.23 表 4 翠玉梨空芽受害植株整体症状表现情况
Table 4. Symptoms observed on diseased plants
表 5 避雨栽培与露地栽培梨园之间空芽发生程度差异分析
Table 5. Occurrence of empty bud incidents on pear trees grown in rain-shelter and open-field
栽培模式 空芽发生率/% 翠玉 黄花 新玉 翠冠 避雨栽培 81.50Aa 42.41Aa 46.62Aa 6.02Bb 露地栽培 52.34Bb 27.10Bb 36.78Bb 25.32Aa 表 6 不同海拔区域梨园空芽发生率度差异分析
Table 6. Occurrence of empty bud incidents on pear trees grown in orchards at different altitudes
海拔高度/m 空芽发生率/% 翠玉 黄花 翠冠 350 52.22Aa 26.17Aa 6.26 Aa 450 38.08Bb 10.11Bb 2.02 Bb 550 31.91Bc 9.45Bb 2.45 Bb 表 7 早期落叶轻重不一梨园空芽发生率差异分析
Table 7. Occurrence of empty bud incidents on pear trees in orchards experienced with early defoliation
上年早期落叶程度 空芽发生率/% 翠玉 黄花 翠冠 轻 32.50Cc 14.42 Cc 3.06 Cc 中 53.87Bb 23.55 Bb 19.63 Bb 重 67.88Aa 37.90 Aa 36.00 Aa 表 8 植物组织分离法所得分离物组分数量与比例
Table 8. Number and proportion of separated components on a pear plant
样品数 分离物组分总数 拟茎点霉菌 链格孢菌 炭疽菌 青霉菌 葡萄座腔菌 其他 数量 比例/% 数量 比例/% 数量 比例/% 数量 比例/% 数量 比例/% 数量 比例/% 14 69 3 4.3 2 2.9 5 7.2 16 23.2 8 11.6 35 50.7 注:其他指未长出菌落或被细菌污染的分离物。 -
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