Spatial Layout for Permanent Essential Farmlands Around Fuzhou
摘要: 以福州市周边永久基本农田为例,从划定的永久基本农田的耕地质量、空间形态、生态环境和空间规划4个方面构建指标体系,采用多因素综合评价法和核密度估计模型分析福州市周边永久基本农田空间布局特征。结果表明:福州市城市周边永久基本农田空间布局合理性综合指数在70.48~98.20,其中,一到五级合理区的永久基本农田分别占划入永久基本农田面积的60.18%、8.72%、7.14%、20.54%、3.43%,空间布局呈现"四周密中间疏,南边密北边疏"的特征,空间布局趋于合理。Abstract: Appropriate planning of the spatial layout for permanent essential farmlands in a municipality not only contributes to the sustainable economic development but also warrants adequate ecological protection for the community. This article presents a proposal for the areas around Fuzhou. The multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method and the nuclear density model were applied to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of the essential farmlands with respect to land quality, spatial form, ecology and spatial planning. Under the proposal, the overall evaluation indicator ranges between 70.48 and 98.20. The Grade I to Grade IV in the region account for 60.18%, 8.72%, 7.14%, 20.54% and 3.43%, respectively, of the total farmland. The proposed spatial arrangement for the farmlands makes the distribution sparse in the central and the northern, while dense in the outskirt and the southern, areas around the city.
Key words:
- permanent essential farmland /
- spatial layout /
- Fuzhou
表 2 定性指标及分值标准
Table 2. Qualitative indices and scoring standards
指标层 分级 分值 生物多样性 优良 0.8 一般 0.6 差 0.4 多规合一性 吻合 0.8 较吻合 0.6 、 不吻合 0 表 1 评价指标体系、权重及说明
Table 1. System, weight and description of evaluation indices
目标层 准则层 指标层 指标性质 权重 永久基本农田空间布局合理性评价 耕地质量 耕地质量等别 定量型 0.15 空间形态 田块规整度 定量型 0.10 连片度 定量型 0.12 与城市中心距离 定量型 0.11 生态环境 生境质量指数 定量型 0.15 生物多样性 定性型 0.17 空间规划 多规合一性 定性型 0.20 表 3 永久基本农田布局合理性等级分布
Table 3. Distribution of graded rationality of spatial layout on permanent essential farmlands
合理性等级 面积/hm2 占比/% 一级 2322.61 60.18 二级 336.5 8.72 三级 275.6 7.14 四级 792.6 20.54 五级 132.3 3.43 -
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