Cu and Zn Accumulations in Myriophyllum spicatum for Purification of Pig Farm Biogas Slurry
摘要: 采用室外水培试验,研究在不同水力停留时间(20、40、60d),狐尾藻对生猪养殖场沼液Cu、Zn的富集能力。结果表明:当水力停留时间为60 d时,狐尾藻生物量最大,可达1 475.00 g,是对照组的7.40倍,其对沼液Cu、Zn的积累量也最大,分别为7.66 mg·kg-1和64.18 mg·kg-1,且狐尾藻对Zn的富集能力大于Cu;当水力停留时间为40 d时,狐尾藻对沼液的净化效果最好,CODCr、氨氮和总磷去除率分别可达92.40%、92.03%、74.39%。试验结束后,狐尾藻体内有机质、氮、磷、钾含量,相比对照组分别提高7.62%~12.57%、30.62%~69.38%、5.88%~12.94%和3.85%~21.15%;狐尾藻体内Cu、Zn含量分别为:6.76~10.78、77.63~130.60 mg·kg-1,符合GB26419-2010及我国农业行业标准NY929-2005。因此狐尾藻富集沼液Cu、Zn收割后可以作为青饲料加以利用,净化沼液同时避免二次污染。Abstract: The ability of Myriophyllum spicatum to absorb and accumulate Cu and Zn from pig farm biogas slurry was studied. Hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 20, 40 and 60 d were applied for the plants in the study. It was found that the maximum biomass of the plants in 40 d of HRT reached 1 475.00 g, which was 7.40 times higher than that of control. More importantly, the Cu and Zn accumulations in the plants were 7.66 mg·kg-1 and 64.18 mg·kg-1, respectively, which were significantly greater than those in control. The metal removal from the slurry by the plants was at the highest levels when 40 d HRT was applied as well. The reductions on COD, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus on the slurry were 92.40%, 92.03% and 74.39%, respectively. After the HRT test the plants had increases of 7.62%-12.57% on organic matters, 30.62%-69.38% on N, 5.88%-12.94% on P, and 3.85%-21.15% on K, as well as contents of 6.76-10.78 mg·kg-1 of Cu and 77.63-130.60 mg·kg-1 of Zn. The increases of metal contents met the levels set forth by the national GB26419-2010 and the Agricultural Industry Standard of NY929-2005. Furthermore, the harvested M. spicatum could be used for fodder to effectively avoid the concern of secondary pollution after the biogas slurry purification.
Key words:
- Myriophyllum spicatum /
- accumulation /
- biogas slurry /
- Cu /
- Zn
表 1 狐尾藻主要成分含量指标
Table 1. Chemical composition of M. spicatum
含水率/% 有机质/% 全氮/% 全磷/% 全钾/% Cu/(mg·kg-1) Zn/(mg·kg-1) 90 69.23 3.95 0.82 1.53 3.12 66.42 表 2 供试沼液的特性
Table 2. Characteristics of biogas slurry used for experiment
沼液水质指标 COD/(mg·L-1) DO/(mg·L-1) NH4+-N/(mg·L-1) TP/(mg·L-1) Cu/(mg·kg-1) Zn/(mg·kg-1) pH 含量 4165 3.15 983.75 18.98 52.44 250.08 7.42 -
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