Nitrous Oxide Emission Estimation of Fujian Agricultural Activities Based on the IPCC Methods
摘要: 农用地和畜禽养殖是农业领域氧化亚氮(N2O)的重要排放源,估算省级农业活动N2O的排放量,分析不同排放源的主要控制因素,对当地低碳农业发展意义重大。基于福建省农业活动水平数据,采用IPCC方法,以2005年为基准年,估算了2005年、2010年和2015年福建省农业活动N2O排放量,结果表明:2005年、2010年和2015年福建省农业活动N2O排放总量分别为3.41万、3.35万和3.29万t,2015年和2010年分别比2005年减少3.52%和1.76%;与2005年相比,2015年和2010年农用地的N2O排放量分别减少1.67%和1.00%,畜禽养殖的N2O排放量分别减少16.67%和7.14%。结合前人研究结果提出:农用地N2O排放受作物品种、土壤条件、气候条件、田间管理措施以及人口因素等影响,其减排的关键是减少氮肥施用量;控制和减少畜禽养殖N2O排放量的关键是优化畜牧业结构,提高规模化养殖水平,改良畜禽品种,改进动物饲养和畜禽排泄物处理技术,从源头上实现畜牧业的清洁生产。Abstract: Farmland and livestock operations are the major sources of environmental nitrous oxide (N2O) emission generated from agricultural activities. Using the IPCC method, emission data were estimated and analyzed for 2005, 2010 and 2015 aiming to mitigate the pollution in Fujian. The N2O emissions from the agricultural activities in the province were 34 100 t in 2005, 33 500 t in 2010, and 32 900 t in 2015. Compared to 2005, they were 3.52% in 2015 and 1.76% in 2010 less, and the reductions on farmland emission were 1.67% in 2015 and 1.00% in 2010, while those on livestock emission, 16.67% in 2015 and 7.14% in 2010. It appeared that the N2O emission from farmlands was affected by the crops grown, soil conditions and fertilization practices on the land as well as the climate and resident population in the area, with nitrogen fertilizer application being the pivotal factor. For the livestock industry, optimizing husbandry structure, expanding operation scale, selecting appropriate breed, adopting advanced technology, and/or upgrading waste treatment program could benefit the pollution abatement effort.
Key words:
- agricultural activity /
- N2O emission /
- IPCC method /
- uncertainty analysis /
- Fujian Province
表 1 福建省主要农作物参数
Table 1. Factors involving N2O emission by main crops in Fujian
农作物 干重比 秸秆含氮率 经济系数 根冠比 水稻 0.86 0.008 0.489 0.13 花生 0.90 0.018 0.556 0.20 油菜籽 0.82 0.005 0.271 0.15 芝麻 0.90 0.013 0.417 0.20 甘蔗(茎) 0.32 0.004 0.750 0.26 烟叶 0.83 0.014 0.830 0.20 蔬菜 0.15 0.008 0.830 0.25 表 2 福建省农业活动氧化亚氮排放总量
Table 2. Total N2O emission from agricultural activities in Fujian
排放源 2005年 2010年 2015年 N2O排放量/万t CO2当量 N2O排放量/万t CO2当量 N2O排放量/万t CO2当量 农用地 2.99 926.90 2.96 917.60 2.94 911.40 动物粪便管理 0.42 130.20 0.39 120.90 0.35 108.50 总计 3.41 1057.10 3.35 1038.50 3.29 1019.90 注:N2O折合成CO2当量的系数是310。 -
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