Application of Fermented Silage for Pigs at Growing Stage
摘要: 选用120头平均体重为(25.37±0.74)kg、体况较一致、健康的杜长大三元杂交生长猪,将其随机分为4组,每组3个重复,每个重复10头,分别为添加0%(对照组)、0.5%(处理组1)、1%(处理组2)和2.0%(处理组3)微生物发酵饲料进行饲喂试验,预试期7 d,正试期30 d。饲喂结束后测定分析其对生长猪的生长性能、肠道菌群和养分表观消化率的影响。试验结果表明,与对照组相比,3组试验组均能有效地降低生长猪腹泻率;在生长猪日粮中添加1%的微生物发酵饲料,显著提高生长猪生长性能,平均日增重提高了22.68%(P < 0.05),料重比降低了11.35%;直肠中乳酸杆菌的菌体数量提高57.06%(P < 0.05),而大肠杆菌菌数降低了20.81%;在营养表观消化率上,显著提高了总能、干物质、粗蛋白质和粗纤维上的消化率(P < 0.05)。由此可见,在饲粮中添加1%的微生物发酵饲料添加剂能够提高生长猪生长性能,改善肠道微生物菌群和提高饲料利用率。Abstract: The applicability of a fermented silage material for raising pigs at growing stage was studied. One-hundred-twenty healthy Duroc×Landrance×Rongchang crossbred piglets with an average body weight of 25.37±0.74 kg were randomly divided into 4 groups. Each triplicate group consisted of 10 piglets, which were fed with feed containing 0% (Control), 0.5% (T1), 1.0% (T2) or 2% (T3) of the fermented silage for 7 days in the pre-testing and 30 days in the experimentation feeding with a duplicate run. The results showed that the piglets in T2, as compared to Control, significantly improved the growth performance (P < 0.05) with an increase on the average daily weight gain by 17.66% and a reduction on the feed conversion ratio by 14.61% (P < 0.05), as well as an increase on the Lactobacillus count by 21.26% and a decline on Escherichia coli by 16.02%in the rectum of the piglets (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, the apparent digestibility on total energy, dry matters, crude protein, and crude fiber for the piglets also improved significantly (P < 0.05). It was concluded that a 1% addition of the fermented silage to the feed could enhance the growth performance, desirably regulate the intestinal flora, and improve the absorption and metabolism of nutrients for the piglets.
Key words:
- fermented silage /
- growing pigs /
- growth performance /
- intestinal flora /
- nutrient digestion
表 1 基础日粮的组成及营养水平
Table 1. Composition and nutritional level of basic diet
原料 配比
/%营养水平 含量 玉米 65 消化能/(MJ·kg-1) 13.4 豆粕 21 粗蛋白/% 18.0 麸皮 4 钙/% 0.7 预混料 10 磷/% 0.4 合计 100 赖氨酸/% 1.50 注:①预混料为每千克饲粮提供: VA 9 000 IU,VB1 2.0 mg,VB2 6.0 mg,VB6 3 mg,VB12 0.03 mg,VD3 1500 IU,VE 50 IU,VK3 2.5 mg,叶酸0.25 mg,烟酸15 mg,D-泛酸12.5 mg,生物素biotin 0.3mg,胆碱500 mg,Fe 100.0 mg,Cu (40 mg,Mn 40 mg,I 0.5 mg,Zn 100.0 mg,Se 0.30 mg。②营养水平为计算值。 表 2 微生物发酵饲料对生长猪生长性能的影响
Table 2. Effect of fermented silage addition on growth performance of piglets
表 3 微生物发酵饲料对生长猪腹泻率和直肠微生物菌落数量的影响
Table 3. Effects of fermented silage addition on diarrhea occurrence rate and count of rectal microflora in piglets
处理 腹泻率
(×107cfu·g-1)A组(CK) 1.33 a 1.63±0.32 a 1.97±0.16 a B组 0.67 b 2.18±0.23 b 1.80±0.11 b C组 0.56 b 2.56±0.19 ab 1.56±0.29 ab D组 0.56 b 2.27±0.13 b 1.75±0.21 b 表 4 微生物发酵饲料对生长猪饲料养分表观消化率的影响
Table 4. Effect of fermented silage addition on apparent nutrient digestibility of piglets
(单位/%) 处理 能量 干物质 粗蛋白质 粗纤维 钙 磷 A组CK) 78.28±5.93 a 82.61±3.87 a 80.67±2.96 a 59.75±3.27 a 61.83±3.92 a 63.28±2.81 a B组 82.91±4.29 b 85.91±5.19b 85.96±5.28 b 59.91±3.52 a 62.88±5.27 a 63.77±3.82 a C组 86.25±5.76 c 87.63±5.54 c 87.25±4.51 c 62.58±5.73 b 63.95±3.22 ab 65.22±3.17 b D组 85.81±3.91 b 88.39±2.84 c 88.72±5.74 c 63.37±3.89 b 62.75±0.21 a 65.38±5.25 b -
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