Effect of Restricted Rooting on Greenhouse Cultivation of Nectarine
摘要: 为研究限根栽培对设施油桃植株特性的影响,以离核甜、中油13号2个油桃品种为试验材料,设置3种限根栽培处理(环形限根、两侧限根、容器限根),以正常生长(不限根栽培)为对照(CK)。结果表明:3种限根方法对油桃的株高、冠幅均有限制作用,叶片可溶性固形物、叶绿素含量、叶片气孔导度均比CK增加。3种处理的新枝抽发数量、成枝率、坐果率相较CK均有所下降;两侧限根、环形限根能增加每枝条花朵数量,而容器限根则显著降低叶长、叶厚、叶面积。综合各项指标,两侧限根较适宜设施油桃限根栽培,对2个油桃品种的株高、冠幅限制作用明显,促进花芽分化,坐果率与CK差异不显著,果实数量较CK增加,其叶片的长度、宽度、厚度、叶面积均接近于CK。Abstract: Effect of cultivation of nectarine with restricted rooting in greenhouse on the plant characteristics was studied. Three treatments on root growth, i.e., circular root-restriction (TA), bilateral root-restriction (TB), and container root-restriction (TC) along with a cultivation without restriction (CK), were imposed on the plants of two cultivars, Freestone Sweet and Zhongyou 13.The results showed that the restricted rooting treatments had a limiting effect on the plant height or crown width. However, they resulted in higher soluble solids and chlorophyll contents and a greater leaf stomatal conductance of the plants than those of CK. The number of new shoots, percent branch formation, and fruit setting rate of the treated plants were lower than those of CK. Compared with CK, TA and TB produced more flowers per branch, while TC significantly reduced the length, thickness and area of the leaves. In all, TB significantly restricted the extension on the plant height and crown width of the two cultivars but maintained similar measurements on the length, width, thickness and area of leaves to those of CK.It enhanced the flower bud differentiation, while exerted no significant effect on the fruit setting rate, yet increased the number of fruits as compared to CK.Thus, the bilateral root-restriction appeared to be an appropriate maneuver on rooting to improve nectarine plant growth in a greenhouse.
表 1 限根对设施油桃植株整体长势的影响
Table 1. Effect of restricted rooting on overall growth of nectarine plants in greenhouse
品种 处理 株高增长率
/%离核甜 CK 12.6±2.2a 41.5±24.7a 0.66±0.15a A 8.7±1.0a 6.6±3.4c 1.25±0.13a B 7.7±1.1a 19.4±7.7b 2.26±0.97a C 3.9±0.5a 11.0±5.1bc 2.52±0.86a 中油13号 CK 36.6±4.7a 67.5±10.6Aa 10.82±4.11a A 31.9±6.8ab 51.4±21.6ABa 3.24±1.15a B 33.8±10.0ab 46.1±24.9ABa 5.53±3.56a C 10.0±6.8b 8.7±4.0Bb 3.12±1.98a 注:不同小写、大写字母分别代表SSR检验差异显著(P < 0.05)或差异极显著(P < 0.01),表 2~5同。 表 2 限根栽培对设施油桃枝条性状的影响
Table 2. Effect of restricted rooting cultivation on branching of nectarine plants in greenhouse
品种 处理 二年生枝条粗度
/mm离核甜 CK 3.32±2.81a 3 42.0±2.0Aa 0.675±0.029Aa 23.18±2.11a A 2.80±0.37a 4 32.3±2.5Bb 0.218±0.043Bb 23.55±3.63a B 3.34±0.79a 5 34.7±1.5ABb 0.240±0.040Bb 23.06±13.51a C 2.54±1.39a 3 33.0±4.4Bb 0.192±0.030Bb 25.19±2.21a 中油13号 CK 5.73±3.73a 4 66.3±8.0Aa 0.547±0.071Aa 35.57±3.78Aa A 4.54±3.93a 2 65.7±4.0Aa 0.287±0.063Bb 30.53±3.79Aab B 4.02±2.58a 4 64.3±10.5Aa 0.198±0.085Bb 29.22±4.02Ab C 4.31±1.73a 4 39.3±2.5Bb 0.186±0.063Bb 29.59±5.26Ab 表 3 限根对设施油桃叶片性状的影响
Table 3. Effect of restricted rooting cultivation on leaves of nectarine plants in greenhouse
品种 处理 叶长
/%离核甜 CK 117.3±2.5Aa 23.2±2.1a 0.314±0.037Bb 26.33±1.63Aa 3.60±0.36Bb 33.90±4.38Bb 38.87±21.44a A 107.4±8.9ABa 23.6±3.6a 0.411±0.009Aa 24.12±3.02ABa 4.83±0.16Aa 36.98±2.43ABab 38.86±33.85a B 113.0±12.1ABa 23.1±13.5a 0.324±0.029Bb 24.42±6.04ABa 4.93±0.16Aa 36.82±1.47ABab 40.63±9.34a C 88.9±7.4Bb 25.2±2.2a 0.235±0.015Cc 16.14±0.45Bb 4.50±0.36Aa 39.82±2.07Aa 32.47±29.67a 中油13号 CK 112.9±6.0Aa 31.3±1.3Aa 0.295±0.057ABa 22.93±2.40Aa 3.65±0.50Ab 33.05±3.03Ab 32.35±2.66Aa A 113.5±6.6Aa 32.6±1.4Aa 0.349±0.050Aa 23.92±1.89Aa 4.80±0.14Aa 35.23±2.61Aab 17.09±16.04ABab B 110.7±5.4Aa 29.3±3.5Aa 0.298±0.017ABa 21.03±2.83Aa 4.90±0.14Aa 38.11±3.36Aa 31.61±11.29Aa C 83.7±10.1Bb 22.1±1.4Bb 0.187±0.064Bb 12.56±0.74Bb 4.45±0.50Aab 39.12±5.44Aa 12.00±5.60Bb 表 4 限根对设施油桃光合特性的影响
Table 4. Effect of restricted rooting cultivation on photosynthesis of nectarine plants in greenhouse
品种 处理 净光合速率Pn
/ (mol·m-2·s-1)离核甜 CK 11.48±0.19Aa 1.09±0.12Bb 333.0±2.4Bc 0.07±0.104b A 11.41±0.15ABa 2.25±0.09Aa 333.8±3.3ABbc 0.18±0.02a B 11.36±0.21ABa 1.73±0.71ABab 337.7±1.0ABab 0.13±0.10ab C 11.18±0.10Bb 1.68±0.18ABab 339.7±1.2Aa 0.13±0.01ab 中油13号 CK 11.34±0.10a 1.53±0.73Bb 329.7±7.4Aa 0.09±0.05b A 11.46±0.25a 2.86±0.76ABab 325.7±1.6Aa 0.17±0.08ab B 11.48±0.17a 1.69±0.39Bb 329.2±3.8Aa 0.10±0.03ab C 11.50±0.16a 3.92±0.75Aa 326.1±1.3Aa 0.23±0.07a 表 5 限根栽培对设施油桃开花坐果性状的影响
Table 5. Effects of restricted rooting cultivation on flowering and fruit setting of nectarine plants in greenhouse
品种 处理 持续天数/d 花数量
/%露红期 半开期 盛开期 萎蔫期 离核甜 CK 3 3 1 11 36.0±26.5b 28.2±5.5a 17.85±1.03a A 3 2 2 14 42.7±15.7b 25.7±5.7a 15.83±10.56a B 4 3 3 6 72.0±43.3a 28.7±8.6a 16.67±13.03a C 2 2 3 16 13.3±5.5c 24.4±1.7a 5.23±2.33b 中油13号 CK 5 3 3 7 21.0±1.5ab 33.0±4.7Aa 19.15±2.50a A 4 2 1 6 28.0±8.7ab 24.3±4.8ABb 14.39±7.99a B 4 2 4 6 30.0±10.6a 25.1±6.1ABab 17.09±11.41a C 3 2 2 7 11.0±3.0b 22.4±4.7Bb 5.11±2.53b 注:①露红期:从花蕾顶端开裂、露出粉色花瓣至萼片松开直立,花瓣露出部分与萼片等长;②半开期:从萼片外翻、花瓣仍合拢但可见雄雌蕊至花瓣完全张开;③盛开期:从花瓣完全张开至花丝颜色加深弯曲;④萎蔫期:从花药柱头萎蔫至花瓣凋谢[11]。 -
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