Optimized Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Benihoppe Strawberry
摘要: 为进一步优化红颜草莓组培快繁体系,以红颜草莓匍匐茎尖为外植体,筛选最佳灭菌时间,并通过正交试验设计,研究培养基及植物生长调节剂对不定芽诱导、增殖、生根的影响。结果显示:最佳灭菌处理为75%酒精消毒30 s,0.1% HgCl2消毒7 min,成活率可达90%。对芽诱导的影响作用为基本培养基> 6-BA > IBA > NAA,筛选出最佳不定芽诱导培养基为MS+6-BA2.0 mg·L-1+NAA0.3 mg·L-1+IBA0.3 mg·L-1,诱导率92%。增殖阶段3种植物生长调节剂对试管苗的影响力为6-BA > GA3 > IBA,最佳增殖培养基为MS+6-BA0.50 mg·L-1+IBA0.08 mg·L-1+GA30.10 mg·L-1,增殖系数13.97。生根培养阶段,对生根指数的影响力为基本培养基> IBA >蔗糖,最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+蔗糖30 g·L-1+IBA0.4 g·L-1,生根指数为35.40。最佳移栽基质为草炭土:珍珠岩=1:1,成活率为93.33%。本试验采用的植物生长调节剂种类及浓度进一步提高了红颜草莓组培诱导率和增殖率,获得了良好的生根指数和移栽成活率,进一步优化了红颜草莓的快繁体系。Abstract: To optimize the tissue culture and rapid propagation of Benihoppe strawberry, effects of basic medium and plant growth regulators on the induction, proliferation and rooting of the adventitious buds were studied. The results showed that the disinfection of the strawberry stem tips with 75% alcohol for 30 s and 0.1% HgCl2 for 7 min satisfactorily rendered a survival rate of the tissue up to 90%. The bud induction was affected by the following factors in the order of basic medium > 6-BA > IBA > NAA. The best medium for the highest induction rate of 92%consisted of MS+ 6-BA 2.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.3 mg·L-1+IBA 0.3 mg·L-1. The effects of the 3 plant growth regulators in the proliferation stage ranked 6-BA > GA3 > IBA with the optimal medium containing MS+6-BA 0.50 mg·L-1+IBA 0.08 mg·L-1+GA30.10 mg·L-1 resulting in a proliferation coefficient of 13.97. For the rooting, the effects were found to be in the order of basic medium > IBA > sucrose, and the optimal medium to be 1/2 MS+sucrose 30 g·L-1+IBA 0.4 g·L-1 to yield a rooting index of 35.40. The best basic medium was peat:perlite at 1:1 ratio that provided a seedling survival rate of 93.33%.The plant growth regulator and concentration used in this experiment further improved the induction and proliferation of Benihoppe strawberry, and obtained a good rooting index and seedling survival rate, and further optimized the rapid propagation system of Benihoppe strawberry.
Key words:
- Fragaria×ananassa /
- stem tip /
- proliferation /
- vitrification /
- rooting index
表 1 灭菌处理结果
Table 1. Results of disinfection treatment
处理 75%酒精灭菌时间/s 0.1%HgCl2灭菌时间/min 成活率/% 1 20 5 45 2 20 7 75 3 20 9 40 4 30 5 55 5 30 7 90 6 30 9 50 表 2 初代培养正交试验结果
Table 2. Orthogonal experiment results on primary culture
处理 基础培养基 6-BA/(mg·L-1) NAA/(mg·L-1) IBA/(mg·L-1) 诱导率/% 1 1(MS) 1(0.5) 1(0.1) 1(0.1) 81.33±4.62b 2 1 2(1.0) 2(0.2) 2(0.2) 90.67±2.31a 3 1 3(2.0) 3(0.3) 3(0.3) 92.00±4.00a 4 2(WPM) 1 2 3 61.33±4.62c 5 2 2 3 1 62.67±4.62c 6 2 3 1 2 68.00±4.00c 7 3(B5) 1 3 2 44.00±4.00d 8 3 2 1 3 46.67±4.62d 9 3 3 2 1 50.67±2.31d K1 88.00 62.22 65.33 64.89 K2 64.00 66.67 67.56 67.56 K3 47.11 70.22 66.22 66.67 R 40.89 8.00 2.23 2.67 注:不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著。表 4、6、8同。 表 4 继代增殖正交试验结果
Table 4. Orthogonal test results of successive multiplication
处理 6-BA/(mg·L-1) IBA/(mg·L-1) GA3/(mg·L-1) 增殖系数 长势 1 1(0.2) 1(0.02) 1(0.05) (5.90±0.26)f - 2 1 2(0.05) 2(0.10) (6.07±0.15)f - 3 1 3(0.08) 3(0.20) (6.33±0.32)f + 4 2(0.5) 1 2 (9.23±0.47)e ++ 5 2 2 3 (11.33±1.72)cd ++ 6 2 3 1 (13.97±0.74)a ++ 7 3(0.8) 1 3 (13.37±0.38)ab ++△ 8 3 2 1 (12.40±0.87)bc +△ 9 3 3 2 (10.67±0.47)d -△ K1 6.10 9.50 10.76 K2 11.51 9.93 8.66 K3 12.15 10.32 10.34 R 6.05 0.39 2.10 注:-为芽长势弱,+为芽长势一般,++为芽长势健壮,△为苗有玻璃化。 表 6 生根阶段正交试验结果
Table 6. Orthogonal experiment results on rooting
处理 基本培养基 蔗糖/(g·L-1) IBA/(mg·L-1) 生根率/% 平均生根数/根 平均根长/cm 生根指数 1 1(1/4MS) 1(20) 1(0.10) 73.33±3.34c 2.27±0.15e 3.37±0.15d 6.81±0.15e 2 1 2(30) 2(0.20) 76.67±3.34c 3.47±0.25d 3.60±0.17d 9.58±1.26de 3 1 3(40) 3(0.40) 71.11±1.92c 3.70±0.43d 4.37±0.15c 11.53±2.00d 4 2(1/2MS) 1 2 95.56±5.09ab 6.00±0.30b 4.67±0.15bc 26.77±1.93c 5 2 2 3 100.00±0.00a 6.67±0.15a 5.57±0.42a 35.40±3.18a 6 2 3 1 95.56±1.93ab 5.43±0.15c 5.90±0.36a 32.05±2.07ab 7 3(MS) 1 3 96.67±3.34ab 6.07±0.25b 5.47±0.31a 32.03±1.91ab 8 3 2 1 92.23±5.09b 5.43±0.25c 4.97±0.31b 24.87±1.31c 9 3 3 2 93.33±3.34b 5.83±0.31bc 5.73±0.15a 31.20±1.73b K1 9.31 21.87 21.24 K2 31.41 23.28 22.52 K3 29.37 24.93 26.32 R 22.10 3.06 5.08 注:R为生根指数的极差值。 表 8 不同基质对草莓成活率的影响
Table 8. Effect of basic medium on survival rate of strawberry
处理 基质 成活率/% 1 营养土 53.33±0.58b 2 营养土:珍珠岩=1: 1 83.33±1.53a 3 草炭土 80.00±1.00a 4 草炭土:珍珠岩=1: 1 93.33±0.58a 表 3 草莓茎尖不定芽诱导的方差分析
Table 3. Variance analysis on adventitious bud induction of strawberry stem tips
因素 Ⅲ型平方和 自由度 均方 F Sig. 基本培养基 7599.407 2 3799.704 237.481 0.000 6-BA 289.185 2 144.593 9.037 0.002 IBA 33.185 2 16.593 1.037 0.375 NAA 22.519 2 11.259 0.704 0.508 误差 288.000 18 16.000 表 5 草莓丛生芽增殖的方差分析
Table 5. Variance analysis on strawberry bud proliferation
因素 Ⅲ型平方和 自由度 均方 F Sig. 6-BA 198.650 2 99.325 66.146 0.000 IBA 3.045 2 1.523 1.014 0.381 GA3 22.294 2 11.147 7.423 0.004 误差 30.03 20 1.502 表 7 草莓生根指数的方差分析
Table 7. Variance analysis on rooting index
因素 Ⅲ型平方和 自由度 均方 F Sig. 培养基 2685.408 2 1342.704 197.442 0.000 蔗糖 42.067 2 21.034 3.093 0.068 IBA 125.476 2 62.738 9.226 0.001 误差 136.010 20 6.801 -
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