Effect of Planting Density on Absorption, Distribution and Utilization of 15N by Flue-cured Tobacco
摘要: 以烤烟品种K326为材料,设置D1(16 592株·hm-2)、D2(18 182株·hm-2)、D3(20 202株·hm-2)3个种植密度处理,采用15N标记技术,研究烤烟对氮素吸收与分配的特点,以及种植密度的调节效应,结果表明:圆顶期烟株各部位吸收的肥料氮(Ndff)比例表现为下部叶>中部叶>茎秆>上部叶>根系,说明在圆顶期烟株下部叶和中部叶对来自肥料的15N的征调能力较强,但随着烟株的发育和成熟衰老,各部位对肥料氮的吸收征调能力逐渐下降。种植密度对烟株不同部位的Ndff比例具有显著影响,增加种植密度提高了圆顶期各部位的Ndff比例,但到了中后期,随着种植密度增大,烟株的Ndff比例明显下降,表明种植密度过大,不利于烟株生育中后期维持对氮素的征调能力。烟株各部位的15N分配率,圆顶期表现为下部叶>中部叶>上部叶>茎秆>根系,烟株吸收的15N平均76.95%分配到叶片、15.36%分配到茎秆、7.68%分配到根系,表明在生长发育前期烟株吸收的15N大部分向叶片分配,在D2处理的种植密度下烟株圆顶期15N向根、茎的分配率较高,有利于根、茎发育,形成健壮植株;在下部、中部叶片成熟采收后,叶片中的15N分配率降低,根、茎中的15N分配率上升,但直到生育后期仍以叶片的分配率较高。总体上氮肥利用率随着生育进程而降低,但各个时期均以D2处理的氮肥利用率最高,生育后期D2处理、D3处理之间的差异不显著。在试验设置的种植密度处理中,随着种植密度增大,烟叶产量增加,但上等烟的比例明显降低,以D2处理的单位面积产值最高,其后依次为D3处理和D1处理,说明适宜的种植密度为18 182株·hm-2,其对氮肥的利用率,以及烤烟品质和生产效益均较高。Abstract: Characteristics of nitrogen absorption, utilization and distribution as well as effect of planting density, of flue-cured tobacco were studied using a 15N tracer. The experiment employed K326 (a cultivar of Nicotiana tabacum) for the cultivation with 3 planting densities, i.e., D1 (16 592 plants·hm-2), D2 (18 182 plants·hm-2) and D3 (20 202 plants·hm-2).The results showed that nitrogen derived from fertilizer(Ndff, %) in different parts of a plant was in the order of lower leaves > middle leaves > stem > upper leaves > roots at round top stage. It was indicated that lower and middle leaves had higher ability to absorb and transport nitrogen fertilizer. However, with the development and maturity of tobacco plants, the ability of various parts to absorb and transport nitrogen fertilizer was gradually reduced.Planting density had significant effect on the Ndff ratio in different parts of the tobacco plant. Increment of planting density increased the proportion of Ndff in all parts at round top stage. However, in the middle and late period, with the increase of planting density, the Ndff ratio of tobacco plants decreased significantly, indicating that when the planting density was too large, it was not conducive to maintain the ability to absorb nitrogen in the late growth stage of tobacco plants.The 15N distribution rate of different parts was in the order of lower leaves > middle leaves > upper leaves > stem > roots at round top stage. On average, 76.95% of 15N were shown in leaves, 15.36% in the stems, and 7.68% in the roots. Harvesting the lower and middle leaves decreased the proportion of 15N in the leaves while increased those in the stems and roots. Comparatively, the 15N distribution to the roots and stem was higher than to the leaves under D2 resulting in a stronger plants.The nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUE) of flue-cured tobacco decreased as the plant aged. NUE of plants grown under D2 was the highest in various periods among all treatments, but the difference between D2 and D3 was not significant in the late growth period. As the planting density was raised, the tobacco leaf yield increased, but the percentage of high-grade leaves decreased significantly. The output value per unit area of D2 was the highest, followed by D3 and D1.
表 1 种植密度对烟株不同部位Ndff(%)的影响
Table 1. Effect of planting density on Ndff in various parts of a tobacco plant
时期 部位 Ndff/% D1 D2 D3 圆顶期 上部叶 16.23±0.38c 22.29±0.35b 29.06±0.82a 中部叶 18.01±0.42c 23.99±0.426b 32.24±0.23a 下部叶 20.04±0.33c 24.09±0.72b 34.50±0.45a 茎秆 16.66±0.65c 22.68±0.63b 30.26±0.73a 根系 15.73±0.47c 20.54±0.23b 22.59±0.41a 全株 15.55±0.34c 17.18±0.19b 23.16±0.42a 下部叶采收后 上部叶 16.52±0.42c 20.33±0.34b 27.66±0.02a 中部叶 16.40±0.35c 19.29±0.36b 25.90±0.43a 茎秆 15.30±0.48c 16.14±0.27b 21.54±0.52a 根系 13.22±0.16c 15.31±0.18a 13.71±0.29b 全株 15.43±0.35b 16.82±0.23a 15.86±0.41b 中部叶采收后 上部叶 15.35±0.43a 15.45±0.31a 15.32±0.45a 茎秆 16.23±0.38c 22.29±0.35b 29.06±0.82a 根系 18.01±0.42c 23.99±0.426b 32.24±0.23a 全株 20.04±0.33c 24.09±0.72b 34.50±0.45a 注:同行数据后不同小写字母表示不同密度处理间差异达到5%显著水平。表 2~4同。 表 2 不同种植密度处理烟株各部位的15N分配率
Table 2. Effect of planting density on distribution of 15N in various parts of a tobacco plant
(单位/%) 时期 部位 D1 D2 D3 圆顶期 上部叶 14.21±1.01b 13.93±0.79b 18.37±1.13a 中部叶 31.11±1.56a 26.15±1.29b 25.67±1.03b 下部叶 33.94±1.51a 33.60±1.48a 33.88±1.24a 叶片总计 79.26±3.04a 73.68±2.17b 77.92±1.83a 茎秆 12.48±0.92b 16.61±1.17a 17.00±1.09a 根系 8.26±0.52a 9.71±0.45a 5.08±0.36b 下部叶采收后 上部叶 21.29±1.55c 25.57±1.38b 30.10±1.61a 中部叶 38.16±1.97ab 41.87±2.04a 35.99±1.19b 叶片总计 59.45±2.34b 67.44±3.29a 66.09±2.61a 茎秆 20.31±1.37a 20.07±1.45a 20.61±1.22a 根系 20.24±2.23a 12.49±1.16b 13.30±1.28b 中部叶采收后 上部叶 36.87±1.68b 38.19±1.32ab 40.91±2.08a 茎秆 36.81±1.93ab 37.61±2.14a 33.98±1.76b 根系 26.32±1.21a 24.20±1.34a 25.11±1.09a 表 3 不同种植密度处理氮肥的利用率
Table 3. Effect of planting density on NUE of flue-cured tobacco
(单位/%) 时期 D1 D2 D3 圆顶期 18.54±1.17c 35.64±2.35a 29.11±1.63b 下部叶采收后 10.90±0.68b 24.76±1.34a 21.45±1.82a 中部叶采收后 6.55±0.87b 9.83±1.04a 9.19±1.31a 表 4 不同种植密度处理烤烟产量、产值及上等烟比例
Table 4. Yield, output and proportion of high-grade tobacco leaves of flue-cured tobacco plants by treatments
项目 D1 D2 D3 产量(kg·hm-2) 2071.5 ± 63.5b 2215.9±41.1a 2308.3±51.8a 产值(元·hm-2) 518.6±746.5c 58129.8±862.7a 55610.4±907.3b 上等烟比例(%) 39.7±0.74a 37.3±1.12a 31.2±0.69b -
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