Effects of Microbial Fertilizers on Growth and Defense-related Enzymes of Continuously Cropped Cucumbers
摘要: 为探明微生物菌肥与连作黄瓜生长及相关防御性酶的关系,在黄瓜连作土壤中添加4种不同的微生物菌肥,研究微生物菌肥处理土壤对黄瓜不同时期的生长和其叶片防御性酶活性的影响。结果表明,4种微生物菌肥均能不同程度促进连作黄瓜的生长,黄瓜各个生长时期叶片的过氧化物酶的活性增强,多酚氧化酶和苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性呈现先增后降的趋势,微生物菌肥在一定程度上能够诱导黄瓜的系统抗病性。Abstract: Various microbial fertilizers were applied on the soil that grew continuous crops of cucumbers. The growth and the activities of defense-related enzymes of the cucumbers cultivated on the ground applied with 4 different microbial fertilizers were monitored. All tested fertilizers promoted the growth in varying degrees. With the fertilization, POD activities in the cucumber leaves at different developmental stagesincreased, while PPO and PAL activitiesraised initially followed by a decline. The microbial fertilizersseemed to induce a systemicresistance to diseasesin the cucumber plants.
Key words:
- cucumber /
- microbial fertilizer /
- continuous cropping /
- defense-related enzymes
表 1 4种微生物菌肥参数
Table 1. Information on four microbial fertilizers
名称 主要菌群 性状 活菌数 绿士达生根菌肥 枯草芽孢杆菌、生根放线菌、康氏木霉菌、巨大芽孢杆菌 土黄色粉剂 枯草芽孢杆菌≥2.0亿个·g-1、生根放线菌≥4亿个·g-1、康氏木霉菌≥2.0亿个·g-1、巨大芽孢杆菌≥2.0亿个·g-1 柏威霉素微生物菌剂 胶质芽孢杆菌、地衣芽孢杆菌、放线菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、圆褐固氮菌 深褐色粉剂 有效活菌数≥2.0亿个·g -1 绿都菌剂1号解淀粉芽孢杆菌 解淀粉芽孢 黑褐色粉剂 有效活菌数≥100亿个·g -1 重茬120沃根微生物菌肥 枯草芽孢杆菌、细黄莲霉素 粉红色粉剂 有效活菌数≥2000万个·g -1 表 2 不同微生物菌肥处理土壤对黄瓜生长的影响
Table 2. Effect of microbial fertilizerson growth of cucumbers
取样时期 处理 株高
/cm2幼苗期 J1 36.1±1.2a 3.56± 0.31a 3.23± 0.07a 177.7± 13.2a J2 35.1±1.1a 3.24± 0.52ab 3.07± 0.12a 217.3± 9.3a J3 34.1±0.9a 2.96± 0.26b 2.88± 0.09b 159.6± 5.4b J4 28.6±1.1b 2.33± 0.43c 2.99± 0.11b 150.0± 7.7bc CK1 27.2±1.4b 2.04± 0.28cd 2.06± 0.08c 112.9± 3.6c CK2 22.5±0.8c 1.86± 0.41d 2.37± 0.09bc 123.9± 9.7c 抽蔓期 J1 138.8±1.7ab 5.20± 0.57ab 5.13± 0.11a 368.9± 12.5b J2 143.9±1.9a 5.72± 0.32a 5.75± 0.09a 361.8± 18.2b J3 128.4±1.8ab 4.78± 0.36b 4.13± 0.14b 419.6± 19.2a J4 123.0±2.1b 4.15± 0.29b 4.48± 0.13b 333.4± 15.4bc CK1 82.7±1.5c 4.04± 0.33bc 3.47± 0.07c 296.7± 11.7d CK2 95.3±1.6c 3.74± 0.41c 3.88± 0.09c 304.6± 9.8c 开花坐果期 J1 176.9±2.2a 7.54± 0.082a 13.48± 0.15ab 717.3± 26.1a J2 161.5±2.3a 7.00± 0.63a 14.43± 0.23a 593.8± 21.3b J3 156.7±1.9ab 6.20± 0.19ab 12.60± 0.17b 636.6± 7.4b J4 160.1±1.6a 6.58± 0.28a 11.24± 0.14c 683.3± 10.2ab CK1 140.4±1.8b 5.68± 0.42b 10.74± 0.09c 576.7± 14.5bc CK2 132.1±1.9b 5.16± 0.31b 10.27± 0.10c 529.4± 13.6c 盛果期 J1 188.5±1.8a 8.37± 0.63a 17.78± 0.32a 797.3± 25.7a J2 176.5±2.1a 8.02± 0.45a 16.90± 0.26ab 693.8± 20.3b J3 172.1± 2.3a 7.75± 0.59ab 17.45± 0.35a 706.6± 19.6b J4 179.9± 2.2a 7.61± 0.62ab 16.28± 0.19b 743.3± 18.7a CK1 169.± 2.1ab 6.70± 0.48b 14.34± 0.17c 606.7± 23.1c CK2 156.1± 1.9b 7.02± 0.31b 15.75± 0.11b 659.4± 17.2bc 注:同列数据后不同小写字母表示差异达显著(P < 0.05)水平。 -
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