Bacillus Strains for Efficient Ammonium Nitrogen and Nitrite Removals on Frog Aquaculture Pond
摘要: 为修复养蛙池塘水体环境,根据菌株对蛙塘中氨氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝酸盐(NO2--N)的去除率及其产酶能力,从实际蛙塘水体中筛选高效去除池塘氨氮及亚硝酸盐的益生芽孢杆菌。结果表明,从实际养蛙池塘环境分离筛选的菌株B2能够高效去除养蛙塘水中的氨氮(NH4+-N)和亚硝酸盐(NO2--N),其在5 d内对氨氮和亚硝酸盐的去除率分别达到64.56%和36.39%,同时在好氧和厌氧条件下具备较好的产酶能力,符合养蛙池塘环境的实际情况。生理生化特性以及16S rDNA序列比对结果表明,菌株B2为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。菌株B2降解氨氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝酸盐(NO2--N)的最适温度为25~35℃,最适pH值为6~8。Abstract: To effectively detox the water in a frog aquaculture pond, Bacillus bacteria capable of degrading NH4+-N and NO2--N were collected from the ponds for screening and evaluation. Strain B2 was selected from 15 isolated candidates for this study based upon its superior nitrogen removal and enzyme producing capabilities. It showed 64.56% reduction on NH4+-N and 36.39% on NO2--N in 5 days and adequately produced functional enzymes under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions that might present in a frog pond. The physiological and biochemical characteristics and the 16S rDNA sequence of B2 confirmed it to be a strain of Bacillus subtilis. The optimum conditions for NH4+-N and NO2--N degradation by B2 ranged from 25℃ to 35℃ at pH 6 to 8. Further study to identify and finetune the application is in order.
Key words:
- frog aquaculture /
- organic matters /
- Bacillus /
- isolation and screening
表 1 初筛菌株对实际蛙塘水中氨氮(NH4+-N)和亚硝酸盐(NO2--N)降解率
Table 1. Degradation rates of NH4+-N and NO2--N in frog pond water by Bacillusstrains
菌株编号 NH4+-N降解率/% NO2--N降解率/% B1 50.38±1.21d 12.63±1.29d B2 64.56±2.52a 36.79±0.93a B3 13.22±1.28e 5.59±0.35ef B5 14.91±0.63e 10.49±1.82d B6 14.06±1.30e 6.10±0.18e B8 15.58±1.07e 6.72±0.55e B10 54.72±0.86b 10.78±1.02d B11 51.47±1.30cd 28.67±1.19b B13 54.18±1.68bc 24.39±1.00c 空白对照 7.43±0.29f 3.88±0.25f 注:同列数据后不同字母者表示差异显著(P < 0.05, n=3),相同字母表示差异不显著(P > 0.05)。 表 2 复筛各株芽孢杆菌在好氧/厌氧条件下的产酶能力
Table 2. Enzyme producing capability of Bacillcus strains under aerobic or anaerobic condition
菌株编号 蛋白酶(R/r) 淀粉酶(R/r) 纤维素酶(R/r) 脂肪酶(R/r) 好氧 厌氧 好氧 厌氧 好氧 厌氧 好氧 厌氧 B1 2.18 ― 1.68 1.54 2.87 ― ― ― B2 4.83 2.37 2.85 1.38 3.66 1.54 2.18 1.88 B10 3.16 1.48 1.54 ― 1.83 ― ― ― B11 2.37 1.25 3.02 ― ― ― 1.64 1.64 B13 2.98 1.33 3.14 1.16 ― ― ― ― 注:细菌产酶能力以细菌产生的透明水解圈直径大小(R)与菌落直径大小(r)的比值表示,―表示水解圈不清晰或无。 表 3 菌株B2生理生化特性
Table 3. Physiological and biochemical characteristics of B2
项目 结果 过氧化氢酶 + 甲基红(M.R)试验 + 乙酰甲基甲醇(V.P)试验 + 淀粉水解 + 硝酸盐还原 + 明胶 + 蔗糖 + 乳糖 - 木糖 - 阿拉伯糖 + -
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