Growth of Fuqing Goats Raised under Different Husbandry Methods
摘要: 为研究不同饲养方式对福清山羊生长曲线的影响,分别测定了全圈养组(A组)、圈养+放牧组(B组)、放牧组(C组)条件下断奶福清山羊羯羊3月龄到12月龄的体重,并采用Von Bertalanffy、Gompertz和Logistic 3种非线性生长模型拟合其体重生长曲线。结果表明:12月龄B组山羊体重显著高于C组(P < 0.05),A组体重高于C组,二者差异不显著(P>0.05);随着日龄的增长各饲养方式的平均日增重和相对生长率均呈现下降趋势。Von Bertalanffy模型的拟合效果最优,预测A组、B组和C组的成熟体重分别为33.583、39.96和31.564 kg,拐点月龄分别为3.24、4.19和2.95,拐点体重分别为9.95、11.84、9.35 kg,B组拐点月龄明显长于A组和C组,前期快速生长时期长,表明圈养+放养是适合福清山羊育肥的饲养方式。Abstract: Body weights of 3 to 12 months old Fuqing goats raised under 3 different methods of husbandry were measured to analyze their growth patterns with Von Bertaanffy, Gompertz and Logisticmodels. At 12-month-old, the goats in Group B(fenced-in feeding and free-range grazing) weighed more than those in Group A(fenced-in feeding) followed by those in Group C(free-range grazing) with a significant difference between Group B and Group C. The average daily weight gain and the relative growth rate declined in all groups as the goats aged. The Von Bertalanffy model best fitted the growth patterns of the goats showing the mature body masses for Group A, B and C as 33.583, 39.96 and 31.564 kg, respectively. The deflection points on the curve for the age of Group A, B and C goats were 3.24, 4.19 and 2.95 month, respectively; while those for the body weight, 9.95, 11.84 and 9.35 kg, respectively. The results demonstrated the housing system, fenced-in feeding and free-range grazing, was suitable for the fatten product of Fuqing goats.
Key words:
- Fuqing goat /
- husbandry /
- growth and development
表 1 试验日粮组成及营养水平(干物质基础)
Table 1. Formulation and nutritional composition of experimental diet (DM basis)
项目 4~6月龄 7~9月龄 10~12月龄 A、B组 C组 A、B组 C组 A、B组 C组 精料 牧草 精料 牧草 精料 牧草 原料 天然牧草 100 100 100 玉米青贮/% 30 30 30 杂交狼尾草/% 30 30 30 玉米/% 18 45 25 62.5 23 57.5 大豆粕/% 10.3 25.75 4 10 2.5 6.25 麸皮/% 8.2 20.5 7.4 18.5 11 27.5 磷酸氢钙/% 1.1 2.75 1.2 3 1.15 2.875 食盐/% 0.5 1.25 0.5 1.25 0.5 1.25 小苏打/% 0.5 1.25 0.55 1.375 0.5 1.25 石粉/% 0.9 2.25 0.85 2.125 0.85 2.125 预混料①/% 0.5 1.25 0.5 1.25 0.5 1.25 合计/% 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 营养水平 消化能②/(MJ·kg-1) 6.39 12.52 6.39 12.50 6.33 12.35 粗蛋白/% 13.21 18.02 7.57 10.67 12.45 10.24 10.44 11.75 6.14 钙/% 0.86 1.79 0.98 0.79 1.72 0.95 0.74 1.66 1.02 磷/% 0.57 1.02 0.09 0.49 1.08 0.18 0.50 1.11 0.11 中性洗涤纤维/% 47.28 29.11 66.77 52.77 37.69 61.33 56.71 38.11 67.48 酸性洗涤纤维/% 27.67 11.75 41.97 29.61 13.94 39.66 31.31 13.46 42.15 注:①每千克预混料中含有:VA 200000 IU,VD 50000 IU,VE 500 IU,Fe 2 g,Cu 0.75 g,Zn 3 g,Mn 4 g,I 50 mg,Se 20 mg,Co 50 mg。②除消化能为计算值外,其他均为实测值。 表 2 拟合分析的3种非线性生长模型表达式及特征参数
Table 2. Three nonlinear models and parameters for analyzing growth of Fuqing goats
模型 表达式 拐点体重 拐点月龄 Von Bertalanffy W = A(1- Be-Kt)3 8A/27 (ln3B)/K Gompertz W = Ae-bexp(-Kt) A/e (lnB)/K Logistic W = A/(1+Be-Kt) A/2 (lnB)/K 表 3 不同饲养方式福清山羊体重增长的影响
Table 3. Effect of husbandry methods on body weight of Fuqing goats
月龄 饲养方式 体重/kg 平均日增重/(g·d-1) 相对生长率/% 3 A组 9.32±1.37 - - B组 9.33±1.35 - - C组 9.34±1.35 - - 6 A组 15.98±1.79 73.96±6.40a 53.00±4.20a B组 15.83±1.81 72.30±5.90a 52.05±3.35a C组 15.39±1.81 67.30±5.82b 49.30±3.40b 9 A组 20.67±2.88ab 51.19±12.61b 25.28±3.26b B组 20.95±2.09a 56.89±5.74a 27.99±3.01a C组 19.60±2.23b 46.70±6.23c 24.07±2.13b 12 A组 25.09±4.60ab 49.04±20.51ab 18.48±6.10ab B组 26.03±3.10a 56.44±13.74a 21.35±4.36a C组 23.62±3.81b 44.67±19.38b 17.89±6.54b 注:同列数据后不同小写字母表示相同月龄之间差异显著(P<0.05)。 表 4 不同饲养方式下3种模型拟合参数
Table 4. Fitting parameters of three models for growth patterns of Fuqing goats raised under different husbandry methods
饲养方式 生长模型 A B K R2 拐点月龄 拐点体重/kg A组 Von Bertalanffy 33.583 0.533 0.145 0.999 3.24 9.95 Gompertz 31.711 2.079 0.180 0.998 4.06 11.67 Logistic 28.684 4.757 0.287 0.996 5.43 14.34 B组 Von Bertalanffy 39.960 0.542 0.116 0.999 4.19 11.84 Gompertz 36.476 2.136 0.153 0.999 4.96 13.42 Logistic 31.491 5.059 0.263 0.997 6.16 15.75 C组 Von Bertalanffy 31.564 0.505 0.141 0.998 2.95 9.35 Gompertz 29.894 1.940 0.174 0.998 3.81 11.00 Logistic 27.130 4.212 0.274 0.996 5.25 13.57 表 5 不同饲养方式下3种生长曲线模型体重估计值与实际值
Table 5. Observed and model-estimated body weights of Fuqing goats raised under different husbandry methods
饲养方式 生长模型 体重/kg 平均日增重/(g·d-1) 相对生长率/% 3月龄 6月龄 9月龄 12月龄 3~6月龄 6~9月龄 9~12月龄 3~6月龄 6~9月龄 9~12月龄 A组 实际值 9.32 15.98 20.67 25.09 74.0 52.1 49.1 52.6 25.6 19.3 Von Bertalanffy 9.44 15.74 21.02 25.01 70.0 58.7 44.3 50.0 28.7 17.3 Gompertz 9.44 15.65 21.01 24.95 69.0 59.6 43.8 49.5 29.2 17.1 Logistic 9.53 15.50 21.10 24.90 72.2 56.9 56.4 51.7 27.8 21.6 B组 实际值 9.33 15.83 20.95 26.03 68.1 62.7 52.4 49.2 30.7 20.1 Von Bertalanffy 9.40 15.53 21.17 25.89 67.6 63.8 51.9 48.6 31.2 19.8 Gompertz 9.46 15.54 21.28 25.95 67.2 46.8 44.7 48.9 24.1 18.6 Logistic 9.55 15.41 21.36 25.91 63.4 53 40.1 46.4 27.2 16.6 C组 实际值 9.34 15.39 19.60 23.62 62.7 53.7 39.8 45.9 27.6 16.5 Von Bertalanffy 9.46 15.17 19.94 23.55 74.0 52.1 49.1 52.6 25.6 19.3 Gompertz 9.46 15.10 19.93 23.51 70.0 58.7 44.3 50.0 28.7 17.3 Logistic 9.51 14.96 19.98 23.44 69.0 59.6 43.8 49.5 29.2 17.1 -
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