Low-temperature Tolerances of Moringa spp. Determined by a Logistic Model
摘要: 以3个品种辣木嫩梢为试材,通过测定不同低温胁迫下电解质渗出率的变化规律,应用Logistic方程建立回归方程,确定其低温半致死温度(LT50),以此来判断不同品种辣木抗寒性强弱。研究结果表明,在低温胁迫下,随着辣木嫩梢处理温度的降低,电解质渗出率总体呈逐渐升高趋势,其中8 h和16 h低温处理的辣木电解质渗出率曲线均呈"S"形,满足Logistic方程拟合要求,计算出的低温半致死温度(LT50)由低到高分别为‘狭瓣辣木’、‘PKM1’、‘多油辣木’,由此可确定辣木抗寒能力由强到弱依次为‘狭瓣辣木’ > ‘PKM1’ > ‘多油辣木’。
- 辣木 /
- Logistic方程 /
- 半致死温度(LT50) /
- 抗寒性
Abstract: Young shoots from three varieties of Moringa plants were used to determine their low-temperature tolerances. The electrolyte leakage rates of the leaves under cold stress were fitted in a logistic equation to calculate the semi-lethal temperature (LT50) for the plants. The leakage rates were found to increase with decreasing temperature. When the low-temp treatments last 8 or 16 hours, the rate curves appeared in S-shape and fitted the model, LT50 were obtained. The calculated LT50 for the three cultivars decreased in the order of Moringa stenopetala > PKM1 > Moringa oleifera, indicating their abilities to resist low temperatures.-
Key words:
- Moringa spp. /
- logistic equation /
- semi-lethal temperature /
- cold tolerance
表 1 不同辣木品种的Logistic方程和低温半致死温度(LT50)
Table 1. Logistic equation and LT50 of 3 Moringa spp. cultivars
品种 处理时间/h 方程参数 Logistic方程 拟合度R2 LT50(℃) a b 狭瓣辣木 8 5.9649 -0.2345 y=100/(1+5.9649e0.2345t) 0.9195 -7.62 PKM1 8 6.0830 -0.2490 y=100/(1+6.0830e0.2490t) 0.9253 -7.25 多油辣木 8 4.5037 -0.2299 y=100/(1+4.5037e0.2299t) 0.9270 -6.57 狭瓣辣木 16 3.0514 -0.1969 y=100/(1+3.0514e0.1969t) 0.8159 -5.67 PKM1 16 2.8488 -0.2201 y=100/(1+2.8488e0.2201t) 0.8201 -5.21 多油辣木 16 2.3898 -0.2100 y=100/(1+2.3898e0.2100t) 0.8600 -4.15 -
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