Isolation, Identification and Antibacterial Tests on Penicillium citrinum for Postharvest Shengzhou Plums
摘要: 嵊州桃形李果实营养丰富,但成熟于高温季节,采后易受霉菌感染;为了减少霉菌对嵊州桃形李采后的感染,鉴定致病霉菌种类并开展抑菌试验很有必要。本研究从发病的嵊州桃形李果实分离到一株致病霉菌,经形态学和分子生物学鉴定,并用施保功和苯甲·嘧菌酯进行室内抑菌试验,结果发现:分离到的致病菌为橘青霉Penicillium citrinum(TXL-03),菌丝有分支且分生孢子串生;该菌株寄主具广谱性,对雪梨、苹果、油桃、樱桃、小番茄、葡萄、芒果、宝石李和香蕉接种后均可致病;施保功和苯甲·嘧菌酯均可有效抑制该菌丝生长和孢子萌发,但施保功的抑制效果更好,更适宜于嵊州桃形李采后霉菌防治。Abstract: The renowned Shengzhou plums (Prunus salicina Lindl. var. taoxingli) ripen in the summer, and are high on nutritional value and appealing on eating quality. However, they turn soft rapidly and are prone to deterioration after harvesting in the summer heat. This study attempted to identify the source of microbial infection and determine an effective antibacterial measure to extend the shelf life for the prized fruits. Using the rDNA-ITS molecular identification and morphology methods, a pathogen was isolated from the samples of diseased fruits. In the lab, the isolate was treated with Sporgon and difenoconazole+azoxystrobin to confirm it to be Penicillium citrinum (TXL-03). The fungus had numerous branches and conidiophores. It could infect a wide variety of fruits, such as pear, apple, nectarine, cherry, tomato, grape, mango, plum, and banana. Either Sporgon or difenoconazole+azoxystrobin could retard the fungal growth. However, Sporgon appeared more effective, and thus, was recommended for treatment of the disease.
Key words:
- plum /
- Penicillium citrinum /
- isolation and identification /
- antibacterial test
图 5 不同药剂处理对菌落生长的影响
注:不同小写字母表示同一药剂不同处理浓度之间差异显著(P < 0.05)。图 6同。
Figure 5. Effect of Sporgon and difenoconazole+azoxystrobin in varied concentrations on fungal growth
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