Occurrence and Pathogen Identification of Wizened Buds on Peach Trees in Fujian
摘要: 采取实地定点观察调查及采样送检鉴定等方法,对福建桃僵芽现象发生概况、时间、规律及诱因进行研究。结果表明:福建桃僵芽现象为近年来新出现的一种会严重影响桃产量、品质与树势的芽体死亡或衰败现象;大量发生时间为芽体萌动期;发生程度品种间差异较大,以海拔较低、中下坡段、露地栽培、距梨近的桃园为重;最主要最直接诱因可能为遭受拟茎点霉菌侵害所致;花芽萌动期喷施对应杀菌剂可明显降低桃僵芽发生程度。Abstract: The conditions, symptoms, regularity and inducement of wizened bud incidents on the peach trees in southern China were investigated. The disease was tracked by field survey, and the infected tissues dissected for microscopic observations. The disease was characterized by the appearance of withered, shriveled and dead buds. It seriously impaired the yield, quality and vigor of the peach plants. As a result, the fruit production declined in recent years in the region. The disease occurred primarily at the sprouting phase of floral buds. But severity of the outbreak varied considerably by peach variety. Plants at the orchards at low altitude, in middle and lower sections of a sloping land, under open-field cultivation, or near a pear plantation were significantly more vulnerable than other localities. The major infecting pathogen was identified to be Phomopsis fukushii. By spraying bactericides during the time when the floral buds sprout, the incidence of wizened buds could be significantly reduced.
Key words:
- peach /
- wizened bud /
- pathogenic bacteria
表 1 供调查县(市)桃僵芽发生面积及产量损失情况
Table 1. Acreage of infected areas and fruit yield losses due to peach wizened bud incidents in 5 counties
县(市) 桃种植面积/hm2 僵芽发生面积/hm2 僵芽造成产量损失/t 2016年 2017年 2016年 2017年 建宁 1366.7 977.2 872.0 7823 6360 宁化 1697.7 1154.4 984.7 4842 4326 明溪 706.7 431, 1 381.6 3867 2981 建瓯 687.5 356.2 289.6 2987 2348 古田 1754.7 930.0 719.4 3128 2468 合计 6213.3 3845.9 3247.3 22647 18383 表 2 不同海拔高度与坡段‘锦绣’桃园僵芽发生率差异分析
Table 2. Incidence of wizened buds at peach orchards located at varied altitudes or sections of sloping land
表 3 避雨与露地和距梨远近不同‘锦绣’桃园僵芽发生率差异分析
Table 3. Incidence of wizened buds at peach orchards of different cultivation methods and closeness to pear orchard
栽培模式 僵芽发生率/% 树体部位 僵芽发生率/% 距梨园远近 僵芽发生率/% 避雨栽培 19.50Bb 避雨树体部位 22.87Bb 距梨近桃园 66.10Aa 露地栽培 72.00Aa 露地树体部位 68.60Aa 距梨远桃园 57.99Ab 表 4 样品植物组织分离法得到分离物组分与比例
Table 4. Components and proportions of tissue isolates from sampled plants
样品部位 样品数/个 样品名称 分离物总数/个 拟茎点霉菌 链格孢菌 炭疽菌 其他 数量/个 比例/% 数量/个 比例/% 数量/个 比例/% 数量/个 比例/% 枝芽落痕处 1 TZFH-1 6 4 66.67 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 33.33 枯死芽 7 TZFH-1、TBF-3、TBF-4、TZY-5、TZY-6、TZX-6、TZY-7 37 30 81.08 2 5.41 1 2.70 4 10.81 表 5 ‘锦绣’黄桃园僵芽药剂防治效果
Table 5. Effect of bactericides in controlling Jinxiu peach wizened buds at orchards
处理 僵芽发生率/% 坐果率/% 药剂喷雾 48.44Bb 24.68Aa 清水喷雾(对照) 68.72Aa 11.90Bb -