Isolation and Identification of Pathogen of Gerbera Root Rot Disease in Fujian
摘要: 福建清流是我国重要的非洲菊产区,近年来该地区根腐病为害严重。本研究以表现出根腐病症状的非洲菊病根为材料进行了病原菌分离。经形态学和分子生物学鉴定,分离获得尖孢镰刀菌、隐地疫霉菌、炭疽菌、腐皮镰刀菌等多种致病菌,其中尖孢镰刀菌和隐地疫霉数量最多。经柯赫氏定理验证确定隐地疫霉为导致福建清流地区根腐病发生的主要病原菌。本研究可为福建清流地区非洲菊根腐病防治策略的选择提供依据,同时可为今后非洲菊-根腐病互作机理、拮抗菌的筛选研究奠定基础。Abstract: Qingliu County in Fujian is one of the most important gerbera producing areas in China. Recently, the root rot disease is becoming epidemic and serious in the county. The present study sampled and isolated pathogenic fungi from the plant roots that were infected by the disease. The morphology and molecular identification analyses on the samples indicated that the pathogens, Phytophthora cryptogea, Fusarium oxysporum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and F. solani were likely the culprits, with P. cryptogea and F. oxysporum being most numerous. After a Koch's theorem verification, P. cryptogea was further identified as the fungus that caused the root rot disease on gerbera in Qingliu County. The information is to be used for selecting control method and in further studies on the pathogen as well as its antagonistic microorganisms for bio-control on the disease.
表 1 4种分离获得的真菌blastn比对结果
Table 1. Blastn results of the four isolated fungal species
菌种 基因ID 相似度/% 目标片段长度/bp 尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum) LT746254.1 99 545 隐地疫霉(Phytophthora cryptogea) GU111631.1 99 883 腐皮镰刀菌(Fusarium solani) MG561938.1 98 551 炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) KU097215.1 99 510 -
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