Cultivation Adaptability in Northern Fujian and Potential Utilization of Entire Plant as Livestock Forage of Four Barley Cultivars
摘要: 为丰富福建冷季青饲料品种,在建阳引种‘花22’、‘SP-1’、‘SP-2’和‘HH-1’ 4份大麦材料,分析4份大麦的引种适应性与全株饲用价值。结果表明:引种的4份大麦材料均能完成其物候期,表现出较好的适应性;4份大麦全株饲用价值均高于全株玉米,以‘花22’、‘HH-1’的全株干草产量较高,达8 226.51和7 888.82 kg·hm-1,且抗赤霉病能力强,可作为闽北畜牧利用的草种,最佳刈割时间为灌浆后期。Abstract: To broaden the varieties of winter crops available for cultivation in Fujian, a search was targeted on four barley cultivars. The selected materials included Hua 22(Barley Hordeum vulgare L. cultivar 'Hua 22'), SP-1 (Barley Hordeum vulgare L.Line 'SP-1'), SP-2 (Barley Hordeum vulgare L.Line 'SP-2') and HH-1 (Barley Hordeum vulgare L.Line 'HH-1'). The adaptability or suitability for local cultivation in winter season, as well as the potential of utilizing the entire plant for animal feeding, was evaluated. The results showed that the tested barley varieties could indeed complete an annual phenological period in northern Fujian with acceptable adaptability. Insofar as the use as forage is concerned, the entire plant had a higher nutritional value than maize. Among the cultivars, Hua 22 and HH-1 had the greatest hay yield of 8 226.51 kg·hm-1 and 7 888.82 kg·hm-1, respectively, with a recommended harvest in late filling stage. These barley cultivars also showed a strong resistance to scab, and therefore, were considered a choice access for the development of local livestock industry.
Key words:
- Hordeum vulgare L. /
- adaptability /
- forage value
表 1 4份引种大麦材料物候期观测
Table 1. Phenology of 4 barley cultivars
材料 播种期
/d赤霉病病穗率/% 花22 03-12 12-12 02-01 08-02 17-02 03-03 16-03 11-04 30-04 05-05 153 11.23 SP-1 03-12 13-12 03-01 07-02 16-02 05-03 18-03 10-04 29-04 03-05 151 41.09 SP-2 03-12 12-12 10-01 06-02 15-02 05-03 18-03 09-04 30-04 05-05 153 22.15 HH-1 03-12 14-12 10-01 09-02 17-02 08-03 20-03 11-04 01-05 08-05 156 9.89 表 2 4份引种大麦材料灌浆后期全株农艺性状
Table 2. Agronomic properties of 4 barley cultivars after grain filling
材料 株高
/(kg·hm-1)花22 99.46±4.49a 7.63±1.77a 4.50±0.93a 36017.32±1517.62a 8226.36±346.62a SP-1 89.06±2.07b 5.25±1.67b 4.50±1.20a 24779.35±2212.21c 5560.49±496.42c SP-2 90.35±2.41b 3.00±0.76c 3.00±0.76b 30859.57±3403.32b 6668.75±735.46b HH-1 98.71±7.52a 4.38±1.60bc 3.13±0.83b 34369.33±2618.55 7887.76±600.96a 注:同列数据值后不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。表 3~5同。 表 3 4份引种大麦材料灌浆后期全株饲用品质比较
Table 3. Forage quality of entire plant of 4 barley cultivars after grain filling
(单位/%) 材料 粗蛋白 粗脂肪 粗灰分 粗纤维 中性洗涤纤维 酸性洗涤纤维 酸性洗涤木质素 无氮浸出物 钙 磷 玉米(CK)* 9.0 2.4 7.0 25.0 48.0 29.0 - 56.6 0.50 0.25 花22 11.95±0.03b 2.91±0.02b 5.67±0.32c 32.93±3.33 58.30±0.46a 32.12±0.36ab 2.45±0.03c 46.54±3.61 0.34±0.03ab 0.57±0.02b SP-1 14.38±0.32a 3.15±0.02a 6.24±0.07bc 34.17±1.50 58.63±0.08a 32.03±0.38ab 2.46±0.02c 42.07±1.74 0.20±0.15bc 0.57±0.03b SP-2 13.91±0.06a 3.09±0.04ab 6.67±0.43ab 33.80±0.26 56.72±0.49b 31.33±0.54b 2.59±0.07b 42.53±0.63 0.17±0.02c 0.62±0.03ab HH-1 11.10±0.69c 2.65±0.22c 7.22±0.74a 34.30±0.79 57.12±0.12b 32.24±0.45a 2.70±0.03a 44.74±0.68 0.36±0.04a 0.63±0.04a 注:玉米数据来源中国饲料成分及营养价值表(第27版)。 表 4 4份引种大麦材料灌浆后期全株脂肪酸组成比较
Table 4. Fatty acids in entire plant of 4 barley cultivars after grain filling
(单位/%) 材料名称 棕榈酸C16: 0 油酸C18: 1n9 亚油酸C18: 2n6 α-亚麻酸C18: 3n3 玉米(成熟期)CK 14.50 4.90 13.50 34.00 花22 15.43±1.32 4.33±1.07a 15.20±2.07 52.93±5.65 SP-1 14.63±0.57 3.63±0.32ab 14.73±0.65 49.77±0.83 SP-2 15.30±1.13 2.33±0.55c 13.93±1.17 54.97±1.53 HH-1 15.03±1.17 2.73±0.40bc 13.03±0.91 56.50±4.23 表 5 4份引种大麦品系材料灌浆后期全株氨基酸组成比较
Table 5. Amino acids in entire plant of 4 barley cultivars after grain filling
(单位/%) 材料 天冬氨酸 苏氨酸 丝氨酸 谷氨酸 甘氨酸 丙氨酸 胱氨酸 缬草氨酸 甲硫氨酸 异亮氨酸 亮氨酸 酪氨酸 苯丙氨酸 赖氨酸 组氨酸 精氨酸 脯氨酸 必需氨基酸 呈味氨基酸 氨基酸总量 花22 1.48±0.06c 0.48±0.01b 0.44±0.01b 1.47±0.07b 0.52±0.01b 0.77±0.01b 0.04±0.02 0.59±0.01c 0.09±0.01a 0.42±0.01b 0.80±0.01b 0.28±0.01ab 0.52±0.01c 0.69±0.02b 0.21±0.01b 0.56±0.01b 0.50±0.04ab 3.59±0.03b 5.03±0.03c 9.85±0.12c SP-1 2.04±0.12a 0.56±0.01a 0.51±0.01a 1.65±0.02a 0.55±0.01a 0.84±0.01a 0.04±0.01 0.65±0.01a 0.08±0.01a 0.46±0.01a 0.84±0.01a 0.31±0.01a 0.59±0.01a 0.77±0.01a 0.24±0.01a 0.61±0.01a 0.56±0.01a 3.95±0.03a 5.96±0.15a 11.29±0.21a SP-2 1.80±0.09b 0.55±0.01a 0.50±0.01a 1.59±0.05a 0.55±0.01a 0.85±0.01a 0.02±0.02 0.63±0.01b 0.08±0.01ab 0.45±0.01a 0.85±0.01a 0.27±0.02b 0.57±0.01b 0.75±0.01a 0.23±0.01a 0.60±0.01a 0.57±0.01a 3.87±0.02a 5.62±0.13b 10.86±0.14b HH-1 1.25±0.16d 0.42±0.01c 0.38±0.01c 1.13±0.03c 0.44±0.02c 0.66±0.02c 0.06±0.04 0.52±0.02d 0.06±0.01b 0.35±0.01c 0.67±0.03c 0.23±0.03c 0.46±0.02d 0.60±0.02c 0.19±0.01c 0.46±0.01c 0.43±0.01b 3.09±0.09c 4.17±0.14d 8.32±0.15d -
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