Effect of Disinfectants on Hatching of Fertilized Siniperca scherzeri Eggs
摘要: 采用药物浸泡的方法,在水温(23±1)℃、pH(6.8±0.5)、溶解氧(6.81±0.35)mg·L-1的条件下,研究不同质量浓度聚维酮碘、高锰酸钾和盐对斑鳜Siniperca scherzeri受精卵孵化效果的影响。结果表明:经过10 min浸泡处理,随着聚维酮碘质量浓度增加,试验组孵化时间、孵化周期逐渐变短,显著大于对照组,30~50 mg·L-1聚维酮碘溶液处理组孵化率和畸形率与对照组没有显著差异,存活率显著高于对照组;高锰酸钾组随处理质量浓度升高,孵化时间、孵化周期逐渐缩短,但均高于对照组,孵化率呈现先升高后下降趋势,且各组均低于对照组,畸形率与对照组差异不显著,存活率显著高于对照组;盐水组中10、20 mg·L-1组孵化率显著高于40 mg·L-1组和对照组,孵化时间、孵化周期、畸形率和存活率各组和对照组之间差异不显著。因此,在斑鳜育苗过程中,建议使用质量浓度30~50 mg·L-1的10%聚维酮碘溶液或10~20 mg·L-1的盐水消毒受精卵10 min以提高受精卵的孵化率;高锰酸钾具有较强的氧化性,建议生产上慎用。Abstract: Effect of povidone-iodine, potassium permanganate or saline in varied concentrations on hatching of fertilized eggs of Siniperca scherzeri was studied. The eggs were submerged in a water bath containing one of the 3 substances in different concentrations at(23±1)℃ and pH(6.8±0.5)with a dissolved oxygen of (6.81±0.35)mg·L-1. After soaking for 10 min, the egg-hatching rate and time were recorded for each treatment. The time and cycle in the povidone-iodine treatment group decreased gradually as the disinfectant concentration increased, and were significantly higher than those of control. Within the concentration of 30-50 mg·L-1, the survival rate of hatched eggs was significantly higher than, but not significantly different on the deformity rate and hatching rate from, those of control. In the treatments using potassium permanganate with an increasing concentration, the hatching time was gradually shortened but longer than control, while the lower-than-control hatching rate increased initially but followed by a downward trend. There was no significant difference in deformity rate, but a significantly higher survival rate, as compared to control. For the saline treatments, 10 mg·L-1 and 20 mg·L-1 showed a significant higher hatching rate than either 40 mg·L-1 treatment or control. No significant differences were observed on the hatching time, survival rate and deformity rate between the treatments and control. Thus, in Scherzeri breeding it was recommended the application of either 10% povidone-iodine solution in the concentration of 30-50 mg·L-1 or saline in 10-20 mg·L-1 to sanitize the eggs for 10 min be implemented to improve the hatchability. Since potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant, caution must be exercised in its application.
Key words:
- Siniperca scherzeri /
- fertilized egg /
- disinfectant /
- hatching
表 1 聚维酮碘消毒效果
Table 1. Disinfection effect of povidone-iodine on Scherzeri eggs
/%48 h存活率
/%0(对照) 126.3±2.5b 6.2±1.0d 83.3±3.4b 3.3±1.2a 90.0±0.0b 30 141.8±2.8a 11.2±1.0a 89.5±2.5a 4.3±1.1a 100.0±0.0a 50 137.0±1.5a 9.2±0.3b 85.5±2.5ab 4.0±3.5a 98.3±0.0a 100 136.8±1.8a 7.7±0.3c 76.1±3.5c 6.7±5.9a 86.6±0.0b 注:同列数据后不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05),下表同。 表 2 高锰酸钾消毒效果
Table 2. Disinfection effect of potassium permanganate on Scherzeri eggs
/%48 h存活率
/%0 126.3±2.5d 6.2±1.0d 83.3±3.4a 3.3±1.2a 90.0±0.0a 5 152.0±1.3a 12.7±3.4a 66.7±1.7b 3.3±3.8a 98.3±0.0b 10 141.5±2.5b 9.5±1.3b 80.5±2.5a 4.1±3.6a 100.0±0.0b 20 132.0±2.0c 8.3±0.6c 62.8±3.5b 6.2±1.2a 96.6±0.0b 表 3 盐水消毒效果
Table 3. Disinfection effect of saline on Scherzeri eggs
/%48 h存活率
/%0 126.3±2.5a 6.2±1.0a 83.3±3.4a 3.3±1.2a 90.0±0.0a 10 124.5±0.9a 6.7±0.8a 93.3±1.7b 1.8±1.8a 96.7±5.8a 20 124.2±1.0a 6.5±0.5a 93.9±2.6b 1.2±1.0a 100.0±0.0a 40 125.0±1.0a 7.5±0.5a 27.2±3.5c 4.2±3.7a 98.3±0.0a -
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