Effect of Acoustic Exposure on Yield and Quality of Tea Plants
摘要: 利用声频调控技术处理茶树,研究声波种类、音量强弱及处理时间等因素对茶叶品质和产量的影响,确定声频调控技术在茶叶生产上的工艺参数。结果表明,植物声频调控技术对茶树产量和茶叶品质具有积极作用,声频类型因素的影响最为重要,以蟋蟀叫声为主辅配交响乐处理最优。综合经济成本、市场需求等因素,较优生产方案为蟋蟀叫声为主辅配交响乐播放时间6 h,声源距离5~10 m对茶树助长效果较佳,产量达24.78 g·m-2,感官指标达94.6,比对照组增产达12.23%,感官指标提高11.82%。Abstract: Tea bushes were exposed to acoustic frequency to investigate its effect on yield and quality of tea. Frequency, volume strength and duration time of the acoustic treatment were varied to find the optimal treatment played a positive role on the tea quality and yield. Among the variables, frequency appeared to be the most critical, and the cricket chirping accompanied with symphonic music was the optimal type. Taking the economic cost and market demand into consideration, a 6-hour daily of exposure to cricket chirping at a distance within 5 to 10 m from the tea bushes could increase 12.23% on yield of tea to 24.78 g·m-2 and 11.82% on sensory score of brewed tea to 94.6 compared to control, respectively.
Key words:
- acoustic frequency application /
- tea /
- yield /
- quality
表 1 单因素试验设计
Table 1. Single-factor experiment
试验组 声频种类 声频距离/m 播放时间 1 鸟鸣声 5~10 11:00~13:00 10:00~14:00 09:00~15:00 08:00~16:00 2 鸟鸣声 0~5 09:00~15:00 5~10 10~15 15~20 3 鸟鸣声 5~10 09:00~15:00 纯交响乐 蟋蟀叫声为主辅配交响乐 交响乐为主辅配蟋蟀叫声 表 2 正交试验因素水平
Table 2. Factors and levels of orthogonal experimental design
水平 声频种类 声频距离/m 播放时间 1 鸟鸣声 0~5 10:00~14:00 2 蟋蟀声为主 5~10 09:00~15:00 3 交响乐为主 10~15 08:00~16:00 表 3 正交试验各组茶叶产量和感官评价
Table 3. Yields and sensory scores of teas in orthogonal experiment
编号 声频种类 声频距离/m 播放时间/h 产量/g 感官评分 1 1 1 1 22.33 86.3 2 1 2 2 23.94 91.5 3 1 3 3 23.63 88.6 4 2 1 3 24.28 96.3 5 2 2 1 24.68 94.0 6 2 3 2 24.74 91.5 7 3 1 2 23.68 90.6 8 3 2 3 22.75 93.0 9 3 3 1 23.71 91.3 CT 22.08 84.6 表 4 正交试验结果
Table 4. Results of orthogonal experiment
K值* 产量/g 感官评价 A B C A B C K1 69.90 70.29 69.81 267.4 272.2 270.8 K2 73.70 71.38 71.93 279.8 277.5 276.1 K3 70.13 72.07 71.99 272.9 270.4 273.2 R**> 3.80 1.78 2.18 12.4 7.1 5.3 Order A>C>B A>B>C Optimal level A2 B3 C3 A2 B2 C2 注:* K为因素试验结果之和;** R为极值。 -
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