Allelopathic Inhibition on Hibiscus esculentus and Chemical Composition of Aqueous Extract from Cymbopogon citratus Leaves
摘要: 为研究柠檬香茅Cymbopogon citratus叶片对黄秋葵Hibiscus esculentus的化感作用,采用室内生物测定的方法,研究柠檬香茅叶水提液对黄秋葵种子萌发、幼苗生长的影响,并采用气质联用技术(GC-MS)分析柠檬香茅叶水提液的化学成分。结果表明:质量浓度为5 g·L-1的柠檬香茅叶水提液可促进黄秋葵种子发芽,质量浓度为30 g·L-1和40 g·L-1柠檬香茅叶水提液显著抑制黄秋葵种子萌发、根长生长、单株苗重,黄秋葵幼苗生长阶段对柠檬香茅叶水提液更敏感。通过鉴定得到柠檬香茅叶水提液中16种化合物,总含量占82.76%,相对含量较高的有香叶醛、橙花醛、香叶酸等,鉴定出的化合物中分别有酚酸类物质(8.27%)、脂肪酸类物质(2.12%)和萜类物质(52.19%)等已知的化感物质,相对含量总和达到62.58%。Abstract: Allelopathic effect of the aqueous extract from Cymbopogon citratus 1eaves on the germination and seedling growth of Hibiscus esculentus wasstudied in petri dish with laboratory bioassay. The chemical composition of the extract wasdetermined using GC-MS.Depending upon the concentration, the extractexhibited varied effects on the germination of H. esculentus seeds. At the concentration of 5 g·L-1, the extract stimulated the seed germination. In contrast, at 30 g·L-1 to 40 g·L-1 it displayed significant inhibitory effects on the germination, root growth as well asweight of individual seedlings.The seedlings were most sensitive to the extract during growth stage. There were 16 compounds identified by the analysis that represented 82.76% of the total content. Among them, geranial, nerol and geranic acid were the major constituents, which included phenolic acids (8.27%), fatty acids (2.12%) and terpenoids (52.19%)constituting 62.58% of the entirechemical composition in the extract.
表 1 柠檬香茅叶水提液对供试黄秋葵种子萌发的影响
Table 1. Effect of aqueous C. citratus leaf extract on seed germination of H. esculentus
质量浓度/(g·L-1) 发芽率/% 抑制率/% 发芽指数 抑制率/% CK 96.67±0.07 a - 25.26±0.08 a - 5 98.33±0.07 a 1.72 27.67±0.18 b 9.54 10 92.50±1.67 b -4.31 24.29±0.09 c -3.84 20 88.33±1.05 c -8.63 21.84±0.08 d -13.54 30 83.63±1.97 d -13.49 20.95±0.03 e -17.06 40 82.50±1.32 d -14.66 16.64±0.03 f -34.13 注:同列数据后不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05), 下表同。 表 2 柠檬香茅叶水提液对供试黄秋葵幼苗生长的影响
Table 2. Effect of aqueous C. citratus leaf extract on seedling growth of H. esculentus
质量浓度/(g·L-1) 根长/cm 抑制率/% 单株苗重/g 抑制率/% CK 3.61±0.02 a - 0.22±0.05 a - 5 3.64±0.0.3 a 0.83 0.27±0.02 ab 22.73 10 3.30±0.07 b -8.59 0.20±0.03 abc -9.09 20 3.05±0.03 c -15.51 0.19±0.03 abc -13.64 30 2.82±0.07 d -21.88 0.18±0.03 bc -18.18 40 2.26±0.07 e -37.40 0.12±0.03 c 0.191±0.059 c 表 3 不同受体指标对柠檬香茅叶水提液化感作用的敏感性比较
Table 3. Sensitivities to allelopathyon tested indicesby aqueous C. citratus leaf extract
敏感指数(MSI) 一级(M1) 二级(M2) 三级(M3) 发芽率 发芽指数 根长 单株苗重 种子萌发阶段 幼苗生长阶段 受体 抑制率IR/% -7.87 -11.81 -16.51 -12.73 -9.84 -14.62 -12.23 表 4 柠檬香茅叶水提液的化学成分
Table 4. Chemical composition of aqueous C. citratus leaf extract
化合物种类 编号 化合物名称 分子式 匹配度 保留时间/min 相对含量/% 脂肪族化合物 1 反式-3-己烯酸 C6H10O2 90 3.554 2.12 萜类 开链单萜 2 2,6-二甲基-2,4,6-辛三烯 C10H16 96 19.772 3.32 单萜氧化物 3 3-methyl-3-(4-methylpent-3-en-1-yl)oxirane-2-carbaldehyde C10H16O2 99 10.286 1.14 4 香叶醛 C10H16O 95 10.576 14.57 5 橙花醛 C10H16O 95 11.813 18.52 6 香叶酸 C10H16O2 96 15.801 11.12 7 Bicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-en-2-one, 3, 7, 7-trimethyl-, (1R)- C10H14O 95 18.938 1.17 8 二氢猕猴桃内酯 C11H1602 91 23.686 2.35 总计 52.19 烷烃类 9 十一烷 C11H24 92 5.892 0.91 10 十四烷 C14H30 93 18.173 2.55 11 十六烷 C16H34 95 27.041 3.80 12 十八烷 C18H38 95 34.612 4.48 13 二十烷 C20H42 99 41.314 3.83 14 三十烷 C30H62 93 47.490 4.61 总计 20.18 芳香族化合物 15 香兰素 C8H8O3 98 17.771 4.83 16 对羟基肉桂酸 C9H8O3 92 33.958 3.44 总计 8.27 -
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